SirJeff's Ponygirls Website History:
Welcome to my ponygirl website.
Mar. 30, 2001:
Well, I am back. Almost...
This week's headline picture was sent to me by once featured Real Life Ponygirl Mrs. KC of England, to cheer me up from my mourning and sadness.
In the beginning, another original story by Mistress Pam.
Chateau Damon I - Eli’s Ordeal, the third part of four excerpts from a book by Mr. Bushida.
The last of eight vidcaps by max, max-sj-bdclub5_pony7b.rm.
Mar. 8, 2001:
A few weeks ago, I had to move over the free egroup from sjpg to sjpg2001 on short notice. If you are already a member of sjpg or are interested in joining, go subscribe to sjpg2001. More than 60% of the sjpg members already have.
Many of the sections of the vids servers have had maximum daily downloaded MB limits applied to them. Kindly download them once only and then play from your disk. You may have to try a few times to succeed, especially with the older vids. Unfortunately, some now only seem to work for members of groups like sjpg2001.
Also I am now experimenting with as a free archive, like my friend Bunyip is using. There is over 1 GB of space for me now, with all website vids on it. Seems to download well, even if there are too many ads on the pages. I cannot add much more of pictures to the website without archiving. For more info see the archive page. I am featuring a 5mb vid, pony1.rm, only there and not on the website.
This week's wonderful headline art is another by Featured Artist chas.
The Circle J - Part 4, part three of a new evolving, original story by Mistress Pam.
Chateau Damon I - Eli’s Ordeal, the second part of four excerpts from a book by Mr. Bushida.
The seventh of eight vidcaps by max, max-sj-bdclub5_pony7a.rm.
Mar. 1, 2001:
A few weeks ago, I had to move over the free egroup from sjpg to sjpg2001 on short notice. If you are already a member of sjpg or are interested in joining, go subscribe to sjpg2001. More than 50% of the sjpg members already have.
Many of the sections of the vids servers have had maximum daily downloaded MB limits applied to them. Kindly download them once only and then play from your disk. You may have to try a few times to succeed, especially with the older vids. Unfortunately, some now only seem to work for members of groups like sjpg2001.
Also I am now experimenting with as a free archive, like my friend Bunyip is using. There is 800MB of space for me now, with all website vids on it. Seems to download well, even if there are too many ads on the pages. I cannot add much more of pictures to the website without archiving. For more info see the archive page. I am featuring a 5mb vid, pony1.rm, only there and not on the website.
This week's headline art is by Snoopy.
The Circle J - Part 3, part three of a new evolving, original story by Mistress Pam.
Chateau Damon I - Eli’s Ordeal, the first part of four excerpts from a book by Mr. Bushida.
The last of seven vidcaps by tph, tph-sj-reiten07.rm.
Go to older history:
Feb. 2001
Jan. 2001
Dec. 2000
Nov. 2000
Oct. 2000
Sep. 2000
Aug. 2000
July 2000
June 2000
May 2000
April 2000
March 2000
Feb. 2000
Jan. 2000