The month has flown by and it's another glorious day at the ponygirl show. The Central FL Ponygirl Club has a good turnout for this one. My two fillies are still working out and feeling very good about themselves. Betty has lost another seven pounds and is really starting to exhibit some womanly curves. She looks great now! Her cut healed completely with no scar at all thanks to Doc Richard.
Brianna still has a ways to go but she's getting stronger every single week. As long as both of them keep working, they'll be fine.
Right now, we're all piling into Dan's bus for a short ride to the "back forty" at the ranch. The morning's games were fun. My stable competed well but didn't come in first in anything. Now it's time to go play the last game of the day and it's something I dreamed up; so needless to say, I'm very excited!
I thought about this event a couple of weeks ago when I played some paintball. I had a great time and wanted to figure out how to translate something like this into ponyplay. So, this is the scenario: The bank in town has been robbed at gunpoint. It looks like the dastardly Ponygirl Gang has struck again! Rumor has it that they're hiding out in some woods and it's our job as the Posse to go in there and bring those varmits to justice, dead or alive.
The game is going to work like this: we've divided everyone up into six teams of 8-10 players. We'll have three games that will last twenty minutes apiece. One team will be the Outlaws and go into the woods to hide five minutes before the posse team goes to look for them. Each team wears a different colored T-shirt to identify themselves. The objective is to capture or kill as many members of the other team as possible without getting killed yourself. We then switch positions and use fresh ponies in the next game. There will be refs that will patrol using ATV's to keep everything orderly.
Of course, there's no way to use paintball guns for the weapons. It would defeat part of what ponygirl play is all about, the nudity of the ponygirls! So I came up with a solution that should work out OK and not hurt anyone. The weapons I chose are slingshots. Yes, slingshots, not the wrist rocket type but the cheap wire frame ones you used as a kid. They're cheap and perfect for the type of ammo we'll be using. The ammunition we'll have will be large red grapes! They fly pretty well, won't hurt, and splatter red when they hit something. I tried it out earlier and they're accurate up to about 50 feet. Each player will carry a handkerchief tied around his neck with his supply of ammo. We'll ride the girls with them standing on two legs. The trick is to hold the reins in your left hand between the ring finger and the pinky. You then hold your slingshot with the other, stronger fingers, drop the reins to shoot, and re-load with the right hand. Our whips have loops to hold them onto the wrist, so just let the handle of the crop go when shooting or re-loading. It should be simple and lots of fun!
Another fun part will be that the ponygirls are in play, as well. We've determined after a lengthy discussion, that if a ponygirl gets hit in her torso, she's dead and out of the game. If a rider gets hit in his torso, he's out of the game. This means that if a ponygirl loses her rider, other players can catch her and ride her! If your ponygirl gets shot, you must dismount and find another ponygirl to ride immediately. Either kill an opponent or catch one that has had her rider killed. We felt this would be fun for everyone involved and would prevent a player from using his ponygirl as a shield. Riders must shoot at riders only, but if you hit a ponygirl, that's the way it is, she's out. You must always be mounted unless your pony is killed or your ponygirl is too winded to continue. The refs' decisions on these matters are final, of course. Obviously, you must take care of another master's pony and not abuse her or take advantage of the situation. If you or your pony are out of the game, you have to go to the "morgue" area to wait until the game ends and you can play again the next game!
Safety is always an issue, so both riders and ponygirls must wear eye protection. It can be a pair of goggles or the large, wrap-around sunglasses that our resident Cent FL child-killer, Casey Anthony, made famous on her attempts to hide her lying eyes from the media.
All the riders have a rope attached to our back belts. This is to help catch ponygirls. You can catch a girl using the rope and then tie it to her reins and lead her around to use as a spare while riding your pony.
The reason we're going to the "back forty" is because it's perfect for this. There's a large stand of big live oaks back here. The canopy they have is so dense that sunlight doesn't penetrate much below. This means very little scrub growth to bother us and big tree trunks to hide behind. There are also no acorns on the ground because of the large squirrel population, so footing isn't that much of a problem. The oaks have deep roots which mean very few exposed roots on the ground. In short, it's a perfect battleground for us!
The bus is stopping and it's time to start playing. I'm riding Betty first as a member of the Posse team. I'll have Shelley in game number two as an Outlaw and one of the members is letting me use a spare ponygirl in the third game. Her name is Amber. She's tall, young, cute, nice body, strong legs, and I'm looking forward to mounting her. We all felt that Brianna wouldn't be able to keep up with the pace of the game, so she'll sit this one out. I still love her anyhow, she'll get there soon!
The Outlaws and our Posse all talk together on strategy for a couple of minutes and then the Outlaws enter the woods. Five minutes later, the starter pistol sounds out and we're in after them.
Our team has nine members so we split into three groups of three. The groups are about 100 feet apart as we slowly move along looking for any signs of the outlaws. We don't see anything yet when suddenly, five outlaws all come from behind trees and start firing at us. Ambush! The grapes are whizzing all around, my wing-man on the left is hit and he's out. I return fire but there's too many of them. Only one thing to do: run!
"Hee, yah, ponygirl, get up now," I shout! CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, goes my whip on Betty's ass as she yelps in pain while taking off. I rein her in a zigzag pattern while running to make a difficult target to hit. Zing, goes a grape flying by my ear that just missed. "Get up now, pony. Haw, girl!" I then crack her again with my whip to move her along.
She's running at absolute full-speed with me urging her on as I try to get to the next Posse group for protection. They're only about fifty feet away now and they can help give me cover fire.
I've got two riders on my tail when all of a sudden a familiar face and pony step out from behind a tree. It's Aaron, riding Trista, and he has me dead-on in his sights. Shit, I'm using my whip so much to get some speed from Betty; I don't even have a grape loaded to fire. Aaron laughs as he shoots a fat grape directly into Betty's chest. Big mistake, he shoulda gotten me instead. I jump off of Betty while she's still moving, roll on the ground, load and fire, hitting Aaron right on the side of the face. "You're dead, rich-boy! Outta the game," I cry out while turning and spinning around to face the two riders coming up behind me. I start shooting for all I'm worth at the first one. I surprised him so much that he's not loaded up and ready. Two quick shots and splat goes a grape on his shoulder. One more dead and another to go.
I then dart behind the tree that Aaron used to ambush me while my teammates come to my rescue. Three of them start riding up to help while the other guy immediately turns his pony around to get the hell outta there.
I then turn around to claim my ultimate prize, Trista. I don't even care about the other pony from the second Outlaw I killed. Aaron is still mounted with a big gob of red juice running down his face. Strangely enough though, his face is redder than the grape juice that's on it. He's pulling back on his slingshot to nail me when one of the refs blows his whistle and shouts out, "you're dead, buddy. Relinquish your steed and go to the morgue. Don't even think about shooting that grape now."
A pissed-off Aaron reluctantly dismounts his beautiful filly, pulls his shirt over his neck to signify his death and starts to walk away. "You do anything to fuck her up and you'll pay dearly, dick-face," are his parting words to me.
I happily mount the beautiful Trista and it's heaven like I've never experienced before. Even though she's thinner than my mounts, she still has firmness and strength to her. The lovely, long dark hair is put up and pinned close to her head which shows off her womanly back. I'm in Nirvana here and I'm going to enjoy it like never before.
"I'm going to help get that guy that was chasing me," I lie to my buddy. Baloney, I've got other agendas to tend to. "Thanks for the help!"
WHAP!, goes my crop on Trista's fine little ass as she takes off into a run for me. "Giddy up, ponygirl, you've got a new master now!" CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, sounds my whip as she yelps from the sting I've just given her.
Since she's so tiny, the girl has a bouncy little canter that is just incredibly sexy. I'm not wasting any time taking advantage of this fine filly. "Get up now, I say" Hee yah, ponygirl! CRACK, goes my crop again on her butt. Trista gives me a loud whinny on that one to let me know she's going to give me everything she has and she does. She's moving along at her absolute top speed through the woods as she starts to huff from her work.
I'm not concerned with that now because I have a plan for this girl. I have had the luxury of checking out this piece of woods beforehand. I know exactly where I'm taking this treasure if I can just get there without getting into SHIT! trouble.
An Outlaw has discovered us and is moving at us from the right. Another one is behind him being chased by a Posse member. Dammit, I didn't need this right now.
"Haw girl, move on I say!" CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, goes my crop as my girl squeals from the pain. I'm trying to outrun this guy. "Hurry up, pony. Cover some ground, Trista. Hee yah, my lovely!" SMACK goes my whip again on her sweet butt cheek.
He fires off a shot that barely misses both of us as Trista runs for all she's worth. I've got a plan figured out if we can just make it. There's a big oak only twenty feet in front of us. He's thirty feet behind us. "Go girl, go!" I rein Trista slightly to the right just in time as a grape goes screaming by my left shoulder. We've made it! I hard-rein my steed to loop around the tree trunk while loading up my sling shot. We make it just around the tree trunk with me in shooting position; I pull back and splat goes my grape against the guy's ribs. "You're dead, buddy!" Good thing I bought a slingshot and practiced for a couple of weeks before playing. I've got some good accuracy because of it. Hey, it's not cheating, it's just smart gaming!
He curses as he halts his girl. Another one bites the dust.
The other Outlaw is being chased by a Posse member just in front of us. I fire at him and miss. We're now on each side of him, ready to plaster him when he holds up his hands. "I surrender."
"Will you take him back to the holding area? I've got another one I want to catch," I lie. "OK, see ya around," he answers.
After reining my hot steed around, CRACK goes my whip again on her sweet little pooter. She scoots off with me urging her on. Nothing is going to stop me now!
We arrive at my destination as I've planned. It's a thicket at the edge of the woods. There's a ditch with a creek flowing through it behind us that offers protection from anyone coming up from behind. It's concealed; with a hole in the foliage about the size of a basketball to look out of and shoot if need be. Basically, it's a pocket of protection for both of us from harm.
My poor little pony is totally gassed from our ordeal. I quickly dismount, take off her bit and sunglasses, and then give her a drink of water. "Take a big, deep breath, and then slowly let it out, dear. That'll help you cool off." She does as she's told and starts to catch her wind some. Her perfect little C breasts look so pretty as they heave with every hot breath she takes. Eventually, she gets rested up.
"Listen sweetheart, I've been worried about you. We both know inheritance-boy treats you like crap. I'll bet he doesn't even spend much of his money on you anyhow. He probably throws it into your face all the time that you just want his cash, doesn't he?" The big green eyes that start looking at the ground let me know that I'm right here. "I'm also concerned about these." I then point to her arm that has bruises in a pattern that resemble a heavy hand print. Like she'd been grabbed and pulled very hard.
"Honey, you don't have to put up with that shit. No one deserves that crap. If you're afraid, you can stay with Shelley and me. Believe me when I tell you he won't dare hurt you as long as I'm around."
"It's not quite that easy. I know he cares about me. He just doesn't show it and has a bad temper. We'll work it out, I'm sure," is my answer.
"If you need anything, don't hesitate to let me know. You can e-mail me. It's That's easy to remember, right?"
She laughs, "Yes, I can remember that," as she looks up into my eyes.
I then lean down to kiss her, softly and slowly at first, but then we start going at it like a couple of kids after the prom. I reach down and start fondling her pretty little breast before sucking on her pert little nipples. My lovely starts to breathe harder as she starts getting turned on by this. Pulling out the pins that hold her magnificent hair up against her head, it falls down against her silky back. Running my fingers through this thick mane is such a turn-on for me and her alike!
I then hear the tell-tale sound of a nervous grey squirrel. This means someone is approaching. Looking out through the hole in the brush, I can see a lone Outlaw checking things out.
"Shh, my lovely," I whisper. Then I slowly put on her bridle, glasses, and bit, and then quietly mount her.
They're coming closer and closer as the squirrel continues to hiss at them. I've got my slingshot loaded and ready. Closer, closer and then splat, goes my grape against the guy's neck.
"Shit, you were well-hidden back there, he exclaims. Oh well, game's almost over anyhow."
Just then I hear the starter pistol go off that tells us all it's time to come in.
I happily click my hot little steed to move along when I realize my opportunity is being wasted if I don't take advantage of it now.
"Hee yah, ponygirl! Move on, now!" CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, sounds my cutting whip as it echoes through the forest. Trista yelps out in pain as she takes off as ordered from her temporary master. "Get up, steed. Hah now. Move along, I say! Giddyup, ponygirl!" I start lightly whipping her continuously as I demand everything I can get from my rented filly. My pony canters along well for me as she starts turning to go out of the woods. "I don't think so, my lovely. We're taking the long way out." I then rein her firmly to the left back into the woods as she grimaces from her bit.
I canter my prize along loving every last second I'm getting from my mount. The little girl doesn't disappoint me as she whinnies her respect for her rider. I reluctantly slow her to a walk just as she's about to exit the woods. Of course, I stay mounted on the hottie until we ride up to Aaron.
"Thanks, man. She's a lovely pony. You should be very proud of owning her. She performed great for me."
Aaron glares out at me, "fuck you, asshole. You were supposed to take care of her. Look at how winded she is. I can't ride her like this."
"You're not supposed to ride her like this or anymore today. This is the last event for her. She'll be fine." I answer.
"Shut up; just get the hell away from us. I'll get you in the next game, jack-ass!"
"If you can catch us," I reply. I know I've got the speed of the event; I'm on my baby, Shelley.
We're now in the woods about to hide because we're on the Outlaw team now. I've got Shelley hidden near the entrance to the woods behind a large oak. There're two other players near us behind trees as well. Our job is to hit them hard immediately in an attempt to take out two or three of them. We'll then cut out, ride like hell and try to get them to follow us. We'll be leading them into a trap with all of the other Outlaws laying in wait for the ambush. If all goes well, they're done quickly.
The pistol sounds out and it doesn't take long before we start to hear them coming for us. Dammit, they haven't split up at all. The ten of them are coming right for us, we're outnumbered big-time. The only thing to do is stay with our plan and hope to out-run them.
We wait until they're closer and then I yell out, "NOW!"
All three of us pop out from behind the trees. I fire off a grape that hits the lead guy in the neck. Doesn't matter, because both my baby and I get pounded by a barrage of grapes! We're both done as the juice oozes down our bodies.
Oh well, it happens. No reason to waste a fresh ponygirl, though. After putting my shirt behind my head to signify our death, it's CRACK, "move on ponygirl! To the morgue, we go."
Shelley takes off into a run as I again cherish my beautiful baby obeying her master as she should. A big, fast lap around the field and I bring her into the morgue area a happy, content, winded ponygirl.
It's time for the third game and I'm pretty excited. I get to ride a new ponygirl. After mounting up Amber, I decide to warm her up a little while the Outlaws go hide. "Get up, girl. Obey your new master." I give her a little swat to move her along. After a minute she then gets a decent whip crack to start her canter. The tall legs make for a beautiful ride. She's not as bouncy and seems to just flow along. It's like being on a cloud. I think I'm gonna enjoy this lovely.
"Whoa girl," I say and then dismount. No need to make her work more than needed early. She'll get plenty of that in a minute.
The ref yells out, "riders up," then fires off his starter pistol.
We move into the woods in two teams of five about fifty feet from each other. We're walking slowly, trying to get a feel for where the ambush will take place at.
Doesn't take long when a half-dozen of them come running at us from behind a thicket. We hold our ground and start firing at will. The grapes are flying from everywhere! Riders and ponies are getting hit right and left. Gotta find cover quick! "Hee yah, ponygirl, move along now!" CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, goes my whip on her sweet cheeks as she takes off into a dead run. I'm heading for a tree for cover when WHAP goes a fat grape on my pony's ribs. Shit, she's dead now. There goes the fun on that sweet filly.
I dismount as she's still moving. "Thanks, sweetheart! Another time, I hope," while zeroing in on the killer that took out my steed. A quick duck as he sends another grape my way, I load and fire! Direct hit, right on the neck. "You're dead, buddy, dismount now!"
He stops his pony and reluctantly gets off as I grab the reins. His girl is a big girl, some would say ample; I could use another term to describe her.
After quickly hopping aboard my new steed, it's time to get back into the fight. "Haw girl, move on now!" SMACK goes my whip against her fat ass as she slowly moves forward.
Just then, I notice something. This well-worked pony is flat out ripe! Peeeyou, she stinks up something fierce. Thank God there's some riderless horse flesh up ahead for me to conquer.
I crack her three time hard with my crop as she lumbers along at a snail's pace. "C'mon pony, get up now! Giddy up ponygirl, I demand you to MOVE!" SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, goes my whip on her butt.
The fracas has ended with two ponies unmounted and kind of standing around not knowing exactly what to do. I undo my rope and head for the closest one. One good throw of my lasso and I have her!
I quickly jump off of my winded, woeful plug of a horse and leap onto my new steed. She's tall, has a nice body, great legs and fiery red hair put back into a short ponytail. In short, perfect for her new rider. I notice the other ponygirl is starting to trot away out of the woods. I can't allow this to happen.
WHAP goes my whip on my new steed's ass as she goes off into a run. "Giddy up ponygirl, hurry on now!" I rein her in the direction of the other mount.
The unmounted pony figures out what's about to happen and starts to run so I know I only have one opportunity. She'll be able to outrun us without a rider. I then toss my lasso and it catches her arm. "Whoa, girl," I say while reining my new steed to a stop. This causes the lasso to close down on the other girl's arm to stop her. I've got her!
Slowly I pull the unmounted girl towards us so as not to hurt her. "Sweet pony, such a good girl, you're OK." After getting her beside me, I attach the rope to her reins in front of her and then fasten the other end of the rope to my belt. "Be sure to keep up, my love." She's a bigger girl as well so this should work to my advantage.
"Get up, Red! Move along now." My new pony gets a little swat to move her forward as the other girl tags along behind. I've now got a spare.
After about fifty yards I catch up with a couple of my buddies. They've engaged two Outlaws and the grapes are flying. It's time to get back into the action!
One of the Outlaws gets splattered and he's down, outta the game. The other one decides to make a run for it and heads out of the woods into the open field. We're both hot on his tail.
"Haw girl, giddy up, I say!" CRACK, CRACK, CRACK sounds my whip on Red's butt as she moves into the chase.
We're in the open field now chasing down the Outlaw but there's a problem: remember the young kid that rode the tall ponygirl into second place during the Steeplechase Race? It's him, and her!
My pony can't keep up even though she's running as fast as she can, neither can my other teammate. That's Ok, because I planned for this. I pull my riderless horse up next to us while still cantering. She hasn't had any weight on her so she's fresher. With one quick motion, I then dismount Red and climb aboard my new mount. "Thanks, sweetheart, you were great," I yell out as she stops dead in her tracks.
"Move on now, ponygirl! You can do it. Catch these two." My new steed then receives repeated, light cracks from my crop as she moves on for all she's worth. CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, sounds my whip on her cheeks as she moves after our prey.
Her nice, smallish titties bounce beautifully as her blond ponytail sways back in forth in synchronized unison. Almost there, we're gaining on them. His steed is starting to get winded.
Closer, closer, and then I aim and SPLAT goes my grape on his back. I've got him!
We both stop our panting ponies as he congratulates me on my kill. "Hey buddy, this is getting to be a little too regular now. At least I waxed you in the morning competition," he says to me.
"Hey, it's all in fun," I answer back.
Both of us take good looks at our mounts and realize that we got carried away in our game. The ponies are huffing and puffing for all they're worth. We dismount, pull out their bridles and start walking back with the girls.
Even though I'm still alive, I have no steed to compete with. I guess I'll have to go into the woods on foot to see what's available.
Just then, I see a sight to behold. It's a riderless Brittney, trotting up to you know who. She whinnies good and loud as she comes up to nuzzle against me. This day just keeps getting better and better!
After quickly mounting my newfound prize, it's time to go in and kick some ass!
"Hee yah, ponygirl! Move on now." SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, sounds the echo through the forest as my picturesque steed takes off for her new rider. My ass cheeks feel so good bouncing off of her flawless bubble butt as she canters along for me. What a woman I'm sitting on top of here! Brittney's gait is silky smooth as she covers so much ground with each stride of her long, luscious legs. She's so tall, the long, thick blond hair is right in front of my nose. The aroma of it is literally intoxicating. Her big 38D's are bouncing in perfect unison underneath my vision.
I give her more swats with my whip to keep her moving. I'm not as concerned with burning her out as I'm concerned with me getting everything I want from my pony. "Hurry up, ponygirl, all the way, now! Get a move on, filly," I order. My lovely whinnies out loud for everyone to hear as she shows off while we're entering the woods.
I maintain her canter but slow her slightly as we move under the canopy. Then I rein her to the right because I want her to do something for me. There it is, coming right up now. It's an old fire trail ditch from a burn a few years back. This should be perfect for her. It's about three feet wide and one foot deep. The mounds of dirt on each side have been long since washed away from the rain, so the ground is even on both sides.
"Go girl, you can take it," I yell out while cracking her with my crop. "C'mon ponygirl, let's fly."
Brittney whinnies out and starts to set herself up for the jump. She plants her right foot at the edge while still running and grunts out loud as she leaps mightily over the small ditch. "Atta girl, I knew you could do it!" Still maintaining her canter she moves along steadily. Nope, I'm not finished yet. My pony gets a good rein pull to turn her around as I head for it again. CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, sounds out my whip on her sweet ass as I urge my mount on. Up and OVER she goes again while I delight in my pony's performance. I'm a kid at the fair on my favorite ride or at least that's how I feel!
Sadly, the crack of the starter pistol lets me know my time on this angel is limited. I go ahead and canter on to the edge of the woods and then give out the worst two words in the English language, "whoa ponygirl."
My sweet pony slows down to a walk as I maneuver over to hand her over to penis-head. Oh well, at least I had this moment.
All of us are piled into the car heading out the gate. Brianna, Betty, and my love, Shelley are tired and happy. It's a long ride home as we start out onto the country road; it's especially long for us because we have to help clean up. Most everyone else has been gone for awhile.
I've cruised for about fifteen minutes when I notice two figures walking on the side of the road. As I approach I see that it's Trista and Brittney!
Pulling up we ask what happened? I look and both girls have black eyes!
"Aaron hit both of us and threw us out of the car! He was furious about you getting rides. I've never seen him so mad! He said he's gonna take care of you once and for all," Trista wails out between her sobs.
All of us get out to help console the girls. Shelley immediately pulls out her cell phone to call up "the other uncle, you know; the Sheriff of this county."
Even though we're out in the BFE and no one else has reception, she has the Network, so "she's good."
"Bob will be here shortly. Trista, Brittney, don't you worry about Aaron. Believe me; my uncle will take care of his sorry ass."
We spot some headlights heading from the other lane heading in our direction. Sure enough, it's Aaron in the Bentley. He screeches to a stop beside us.
"Get in bitches! Lucky for you two, I've decided to take you back. You'll pay for this shit, I assure you! But first, I've got something to take care of myself. You're dead-meat, shit for brains."
He starts coming out of the car holding a baseball bat heading straight for me. I know I have to act quickly so I immediately move towards him before he gets the chance to cock back to hit me. This is a smart move on my part. "WHAM," goes my fist into the side of his face! Inheritance-boy drops like a sack of wet cement. He's done before it even started as he moans on the hard, dirty pavement.
Dan and his brother Bob come pulling up right then. Bob doesn't participate in the ponyplay but does come out on show days sometimes to help out.
Shelley and the girls quickly explain what went down as Aaron starts to come back to consciousness. That's good enough for Bob as he starts to pull out the handcuffs.
"Hey listen Bob; I don't really want to press charges against this guy. Just laying him out was good enough for me. If the girls want to proceed, I'll back them and testify, but it's their call." I then look at Trista and Brittney. "Both of them shake their heads no and ask if they can just have some time to get their belongings out of Aaron's home.
Bob says sure, he'll take Aaron down to the station for a few hours before releasing him. That'll be fine with him. Maybe he can introduce Aaron to a new "friend."
Trista looks over at Brittney and asks, "but where will we go? We don't have anyone to turn to."
I just let out a big smile.
The End
Do you like my stories? If you have any feedback, let me know. Please e-mail me at If you're a Central FL ponygirl in need of a GREAT rider, then I certainly would LOVE to hear from you!
Until next month, happy New Year!