It was hard to believe that the honeymoon at the Abercrombie ranch was going to end tomorrow morning. It had been a hard week learning new skills and being exercised to the point of exhaustion every day. The neat result was a sleek and incredibly fit body with strong muscular legs and a flat belly. Of course the arms were painfully weak from lack of a proper work out but it well fitted their destined roles in life. They were all going to miss the stern but charming Adderplum instructions and orders.
Everyone has a role in life. The ranch hands were fully employed where they might not have been, for example, and they had plenty of time to enjoy voluptuous females who usually plainly welcomed their attentions. Older fillies handled administrative tasks at the ranch. Far better that being unemployed or forced to suffer in an austere nunnery or monastery.
America had survived the horrors of economic and energy disintegration and still explored the outer regions of the solar system. It still expanded though as an empire more than a democracy or republic. Society, as always, would change and adapt. There would be the nobility and the lower classes. At least there was some hope for the lower classes still in America.
Kathy and Ashlee would be attentive and submissive wives once they graduated who would participate fully in a life style of joyous orgasms and high society. Wives could also be scholars in their spare time, mothers or whatever they wished to be as allowed and defined in their contract. Their families prospered too with the dowry they would receive. After all being a wife was a job and like any job one had to be trained and evaluated before being allowed to get paid well. Love was there too but it was coupled with a harsh respect and rigid discipline.
Saturday at the ranch was a half day from 5 AM to 5 PM. Then it was quiet time at a party for the younger children and some mother chaperones. Dates would have pleasant slow strolls around the ranch or hills with a groom or centaur.
Laura had a blossoming relationship with Mr. Jablonski who had really taken to her curvaceous body. In turn Laura had softened and appreciated the little treats she daily received and her ass showed the lack of abuse too. Nothing like regular reward and punishment techniques to tame a filly. Regular sex helped too. Too bad it would have to end shortly because her heart and body belonged to Mr. Jamesway.
Meanwhile Mary Lou continued to sulk since she identified herself as an adult but the ranch hands treated her like a kid. Sure she was regularly walked and pulled a carriage as well as being touched up and fondled. But it all led to intense sexual frustration. Unable to even masturbate she lurked as close as she could to mares and geldings futilely trying to do something to relieve herself.
Centaurs still frightened her with their aggressive behavior and she avoided them. Before too long she would have to be married off. Her frustrated lusts might get her into trouble. Kathy would be a good sister and make sure she was kept good care of.
Kathy would have to talk to Mr. Morgan and see if something could be arranged. He seemed amendable and had arranged Mary Lou’s visit to the ranch. Then again Mr. Morgan may have his own plans for her pert tits and ass. Perhaps as her maid? Perhaps a carriage mate from time to time? Perhaps a decent education could be wrangled and both sisters could teach.
Men liked women which allowed women to win in subtle ways. Her contract had its own clauses that would not permit him taking a mistress. Nothing in there about not coveting Mary Lou’s pretty little body however. He just could not complete the act. Contracts worked both ways.
Ever since Lisa had been stalked and trapped by a centaur, she had been brooding more quietly. Reluctantly she had learned how to adapt and her ass was only pink instead of beet red every day. She shied away from any centaur contact but her ass kept pleasantly twitching when she thought no one was looking her way.
Saturday morning was a grand trek into the surrounding hills with her friends all following their herd centaur leader. In this case the girls were not leashed but were bound elbow and wrists locked together with a ring gag and a set of tit reins. The centaur leader was named Sir Locklear; an older male past the wild frenzies of youth but more than able to discipline a tied human female and make sure she kept up the pace and did not get lost or wander.
The hills were a low lying subset of the Rockies filled with recovered pine forest and juniper bushes. The sun was barely above the craggy mountain edge when the fillies paraded out in the hilly wilderness. Sir Locklear paused in a high pasture where the girls strayed in a close knit huddle to his right. Sir Locklear enjoyed the green grass but the girls preferred their own company and an occasional flirtatious look at their herd leader.
Christine kept pestering the leader until he rushed her and bumped her away in her soft belly. He did not want to be bothered. Several hours and several pastures passed pleasantly in this manner. When fording a gentle brook on the way home (though the girls had no idea of where they were), Sir Locklear nuzzled a surprised Laura. Pretty soon he had nudged her away from her friends and commenced munching on her breasts. Laura did not overly mind by now. Too many grooms and centaurs had been there before Sir Locklear in the last few days.
With a final flip of a red tail she slid under the centaur bending over to approach his dick. It was a chore that she had to do so she might as well do it quickly. The centaur liked her down there but after a minute was jumping her ass instead. It was a pity that she wore a chastity belt. As best she could she braced her feet against the back legs of her mate and kept her ass up to receive.
Seeing a chance Christine started over and wagged her tail enthusiastically and continued to do so once she got in front in front of the engaged centaur. The other girls clustered together bumping hips and watched.
Being belted was bound to be pointless and useless in terms of impregnation. Nevertheless Sir Locklear had some girl thigh to rub against and that was enough to satisfy the old boy. He finished shortly enough more than happy with a little physical contact.
Popping back up Laura dashed over to her friends for consolation. The sun made her belly and even her tits glisten with the fresh cum. Their centaur after drinking a little from the babbling brook continued towards a nearby farm area where hay and fresh vegetables were grown by farmer mares for use at the ranch.
The fillies scampered into a containment area separate from their centaur leader. There they waited until a bored groom arrived to bring them one at a time to be hitched to a cart. An Adderplum IV was in charge of them there.
The cart apparatus was similar to the sulky and race carriages in that there were two poles strapped around their hips and one through their thighs. The belly belt rose higher in front covering their navels and crotches. A broader and flatter panel rode their bellies. Everybody got hooded and control reins only existed on their nipples. Each filly had their own heavily loaded cart to tug along following unseen commands and directional signals. Kathy, Christine and Lisa received the usual dildo bonus.
Luckily most of the return trip to the main ranch was down hill along a well graded path. They made good time and welcomed a few friendly pats and lunch after they arrived.
An hour of casual talk was next on the agenda as well as some time off from tit clamps. The bunch of them jogged in with tails wagging and immediately began to gossip.
Laura had become friendlier than in the first days and less shy. “Mr. Jablonski gave me a real chocolate last night!”
“Oh you lucky filly!” Congratulated Kathy.
Mary Lou brushed her active nipples across her sister’s shoulders: “Gee I wish I was following Mr. Jablonski!”
“You are too precocious, sis! Wait until I talk to Mr. Morgan and see what can be arranged as a future beau.”
“I want to marry for love, not be arranged!” pouted Mary Lou.
“You will learn that it is all the same,” chuckled Christine. “I deeply adore my husband but barely knew him at the beginning. Mr. Morgan is a fine lawyer and his contract will be honored by your future husband.”
“It is all a game and I am sick of being mistreated, “complained Lisa. She made a striking appearance, full and prominent breasts even in these decadent days. With her bound arms behind, her chest was pushed even more up and out. Though she would have spit at anybody who said it, her posture had radically improved in the past week.
“Oh, Lisa, relax and have a little fun. Mr. Morgan obviously bought up your debt and has every right in the world to do what he wants for you.” Kathy sighed and interjected.
“Who asked him?” Lisa snarled.
“It is the law you know, “Christine reminded. “Pursuit of happiness is guaranteed. Choice though is a matter of money and control. Freedom of choice requires responsibility and money.”
“It was better in the last century.”
“That crashed to flame and ruin,” turning Christine pointed with her nose at an attractive Filipino filly with two belted youngsters next to her. “Let me change the subject, girls. See her?”
Her friends nodded.
“I was told by somebody that she is a former refugee from the Philippine Famine. She is also a wife of the infamous Mr. Jablonski.”
Laura’s eyes widened and she took a step backwards. After all she had been fooling around with Mr. Jablonski since the very first day. Admittedly she had no choice but she now had feelings.
“How awful! A married man fooling around with fillies when he is married and has daughters barely younger than us!” Prattled Lisa immediately.
Mindful of Laura who was already blushing in shame, Kathy sidled over and bumped hips. “I suggest that we go over and introduce ourselves. Honesty is always the best policy. We, and Laura, are only bound fillies and can only follow orders.”
“But-t…I am not dressed!” cried Laura.
Christine giggled. “Hell, Laura at least you have a belt on. Besides look at Mrs. Jablonski. She has fewer clothes than even you do with her naked pussy showing.”
Laughing Kathy bumped her friend’s ass and poked her along towards the older filly. Laura moped like a little girl caught with her finger in the cookie jar sadly shaking her tail and clenching her little fists behind her.
The teenagers hastily got behind their mother as they approached. One appeared 14 while the other was maybe 16. Physical education and universal health care made their light tan bodies sleek and firm. Chastity belts showed like black bikini panties when they peeked from behind their mothers muscular thighs.
The mother arched her eyebrows in question at the strange fillies. “Hello, my name is Elisha.” She said politely.
“I am Kathy. Kathy Morgan. I believe you are married to a Mr. Jablonski?”
Twirling she raised a single finger behind her where a gold band shone while twitching her magnificent tail before answering face to face. It could not be failed to be noticed that her behind was well paddled. “I am quite respectable. I am honored to be his wife.” The girls had to admire the way she half danced on one foot to show off her ring. Kathy and Laura vowed to practice the technique with their own rings.
Nudging Laura forward with a little bump, Kathy continued to talk: “This is Laura. She is one of my bridesmaids and we are here on my honeymoon.”
“Congratulations, Mrs. Morgan.”
“Kathy please.”
“Elisha. My daughters, Eva and Elise.” She motioned them to shyly emerge from her shadow with a twitch of her shoulders which made her breasts jiggle and the bells that were attached to her nipples jingled. The girls blinked and lowered their heads in feminine submission and hello. The one on the left, who was the younger, blushed a faint shade of pink. Both daughters were belled like their mother and made a tinkling noise when their breasts wobbled which they often did.
Kathy introduced the rest of her group quickly and then continued: “We have all met Mr. Jablonski. He is our lead trainer every afternoon and evening. He puts us to bed and…and such.”
A wise smile graced Elisha’s lips. “Ah I see.”
“He is very gentle.” Kathy commented.
“His hands are very firm with me.” Mary Lou could not quite say how her breasts were groped and played with every night by Mr. Jablonski. Automatically she blushed and her breasts responded too with a faint rose color as her memories betrayed her.
Laura just gazed to the side avoiding eye contact, crossing her legs and flipping her tail occasionally.
Lisa was the only filly who still possessed an angry and defiant look. She had been handled repeatedly by Mr. Jablonski but did not want to admit it.
“Please, girls. We are all fillies here. On the ranch we are beasts to be played with, to be amused and to give pleasure as well as to be trained and exercised. It is natural to be handled by men and to have the physical feelings that come with regular contact.”
“But anybody can fuck you!” blurted out Lisa.
“Look at my tag,” she lifted her head. The tag read: Elisha Jablonski, Married, No penetration allowed, 2077-6-379. “No one will fuck me except my husband and the occasional centaur. It is the law and the law is always obeyed.”
Lisa fell silent, shocked at Elisha’s comfortable retort.
“I am here for my annual sabbatical with which my daughters join me as part of their summer camp. It is good to get away from the Meagher mine and be allowed to play instead of to work and take care of the kids.”
“What do you do at Meagher?” asked Kathy.
“I am a clerk though in the mornings I get some exercise hauling ore. A filly has to keep fit. Next year my oldest,” she bumped hips with her, “will intern with me for the summer.” Elise slightly smiled at her mention.
“But you are being taken advantage of!” asserted Lisa vehemently.
“Because I am fed and taken care of? I came from Manila and know of what I speak.”
“Laura has a problem, if I may interrupt.”
“Certainly Kathy.”
“She has been seeing Mr. Jablonski on, well a sort of date every night of our visit.”
Momentarily Elisha glanced down at Laura’s crotch and correctly noted the locked chastity belt that hid her sex and prevented that sort of accident. She also tittered for a second as she observed the dried remains of cum splattered over her belly. “Did you enjoy yourself, dear?”
“Well, not if I wasn’t supposed to…” Her face filled with color as did her bosom, showing her embarrassment and sweet memories both playing and exposing her feelings on her body.
Elisha laughed. “You are young and should enjoy life. As a filly you can enjoy your lust and not be afraid of any consequences. My husband was only doing his job, nothing personal of course. And men are just cocks on two legs. Molesting pretty fillies all day can drive a mad with lust and that must be relieved. Those are his particular job benefits. Mine are being a mother with a roof over my head and food in my belly.”
Laura blinked hard and wiggled her tail in thought. “What about love?”
“That will come in time with a husband or owner. Love is different from sex.”
“Then you do not mind me, ur, doing stuff with Mr. Jablonski?” Laura recalled her fiancée and knew that he loved her and that she too had feelings for him. She had never been able to show her feelings for him before but she suspected that she had calmed down and grew up a lot in the last few days. She wondered if Mr. Jamesway would mind her sexual activities. Then again she had a partial contract with him being engaged and he had to give his permission for her trip.
“Well to a small degree I might be jealous but he will always share my bed in the end. Honor, duty and contract insist the he does such. Besides he is always randy from his job and he insists on making me squeal with lust.”
Casual conversation further explored Elisha’s past and the girls’ hopes. Only Lisa pouted and kept a few steps back from the rest. She seemed to be plotting mischief but she was expertly bound and would be slapped silly if she ran away, kicked, cursed, or resisted. Still she was a strong willed girl and undoubtedly had wicked plans.
After intermission time the Morgan party was trudged back to the walker for a few hours of stern exercise in hoods and being led by their tits once more. By the end of that stroll the girls were quite sensitive and squealed with every touch from a groom that they could not see. Even Lisa reacted in a positive manner when touched.
After being fed and watered, the fillies separated into individual dates and play sessions. Mary Lou would be at the party and group dance with the other virgins such as Eve and Elise. Everybody would be allowed to gambol and boogie as they wished in their pretty high heels and belts. It would be quiet too as all would be ball gagged. That was for the best since the music was loud and rocking and the fillies would only be kissing each other if allowed free use of their mouths.
Christine was assigned to a centaur who gripped her tit leash and immediately pulled her away and into a wooded path to stroll into the twilight. She ran off quickly side by side with her white ass jumping up and down as she was forced to gallop to keep up. Luckily she was allowed use of eyesight and her mouth was wide open and available for use.
Mr. Jablonski hitched the blushing Laura to a sulky; added blinders and struck her ass with a whip. Without hesitation she commenced to trot taking her groom for a long relaxing ride. Naturally it was up in the hills.
Lisa and Kathy were assigned to a single centaur. Lisa had her tits tied to Kathy’s wrist and Kathy was tied to the centaur neck on a long lead rope which allowed plenty of room for them to parade behind him. Both were ball gagged and hooded for the night date games. Their centaur led them towards the lower pastures though the girls would never know.
After 40 rigorous minutes of climbing and pulling Mr. Jablonski, Laura thankfully paused in an upland glen. Mr. Jablonski clambered down, patted her red rump and tied her to a nearby tree to keep her in place as he took a piss nearby. Then he returned to caress her sore breasts. She moaned in pain, wonder and sharp sensation as she always did nowadays.
He kept it up massaging her rump and breasts until she was panting. She kept focused though looking straight ahead at the tree to which she was attached. She barely noticed being unhitched from the sulky and pulled on a short bit rein just behind Mr. Jablonski towards a bluff edge.
Carefully watching her step on the rocky terrain, she kept a close eye on the ground. When she was paused, she cautiously waited the outcome of her date and glanced around the vast panorama of open plains and the twinkling lights of the main ranch. Distant and faint music could be heard from the kid’s party. Elisha would be there as a chaperone for the kids and as a mentor for the younger tots.
Cupping her breasts Mr. Jablonski poked her from behind which was pleasant and expected especially for a young attractive filly. They both peered out into the darkening world. It was fairly quiet even with the various fillies out on dates somewhere nearby. Laura felt extremely comfortable being held and fondled lightly. Gradually he removed her blinders and she was able to see the wide expanse more clearly.
Off to the left was a hooded filly just poking her head above the high dry grass. A centaur stood guard nearby and she waited patiently for him to command. Over to the right was a fast moving filly running behind another centaur. She certainly did not want to lose him or be dragged by her tits or bit; it was too far to see which way she was tethered.
Laura’s head pony tail was seized and her head turned to face Mr. Jablonski. He lightly kissed her forehead and then removed her bit. Growing excited she knew what was expected of her. She wanted to please and she wanted to not be sexually used. Confused and still a trifle guilty, she recognized that she had no choice. Mrs. Jablonski was quite wise for an older woman. She had to go with the flow or be forever depressed.
He dragged her down with him and she became completely delighted because she was being allowed to lie down. For a filly this was almost obscene and yet it felt wonderful. A variety of exotic sensations washed her body from the ache in her nipples from the clamps to the weary tiredness of her legs finally relaxing.
Her head was guided to his hard penis and she began to bob most pleasantly controlled by his hand twisted in her head pony tail. Her ass tail began to rotate in rhythm with her head and Mr. Jablonski’s other hand rubbing her striped derriere. Afterwards as she uncomplainingly cleaned up, she was slipped a small chocolate as a reward. She graciously smiled at Mr. Jablonski and spoke: “Oh, Mr. Jablonski…”
He slapped her face several times for that silly faux pas. Breathlessly she sat there, still aroused and still willing to be very pleasing if asked or ordered. She bent over his penis and gave it a bit wet kiss. Mr. Jablonski hauled her up level with his face and forced his tongue deep inside her warm mouth. Once more her ass wiggled frantically.
Then it was time to go, be re-hitched and gagged and carry her groom in the sulky back to the barn for a good night’s sleep. By then the kids were being gathered up in small groups and all of the other fillies sauntered home in utter quiet and peace. More than one showed the attention of a centaur on a belly, face, or thighs. Saturday night was a pleasant interlude, different from the sternness of a typical ranch day. Still and always it was good to return to normalcy and a place in a life where you belonged.
Chapter List of the Morgan