Tale of Island Nation Rebellion

by Teegin
- as edited by SirJeff

- This work is copyrighted February 2009
- Do not use without the author's permission.

“Warning” This Fictional Story has Adult Content. This story contains adult themes, including non-consensual bondage and or slavery; war acts, bad language and forced sexual acts. This is a work of fiction and fantasy. If you are under the LEGAL age of your country or region for the use of such materials (usually about the age of 18 years old) or if you would find such material offensive, then please go elsewhere now. This story may not be posted on any Internet site with out the express consent of the writer and that of the copyright owner.

1) The Intro

The year was 2052 and Allan Dannel was a major in the new military government that controlled, the large resource rich island nation of the Arteria and he had just become a lieutenant colonel. Second in charge but now he was totally in charge as his commanding officer had been killed while they had pushed forward in the fighting against the Torgans.

It had been a long civil war lasting nearly twelve years, with hundreds of thousands dead on both sides. Although the actual war had been relativity short, twelve years in all, his people had been oppressed for almost forty-five.

The country had massive reserves of natural resources and minerals. There were large food growing plains, with rich fertile soil valleys. Above all the most precious items of interest were the newly discovered metals called Dartearium, and Paladium D, which had been found in large quantities.

Allan was a tank battalion commander and his group had just captured the last major remaining stronghold of the Torgans. Most of Torgans had died at this base during the battle, which had raged on for sixteen weeks. This was their last great stand. There were some 2500 that were captured alive, but ninety percent of these had died as well from their war injuries in the first couple of days after the captured city fell.

This left about 250 military personnel, both male and female. With their arms tied behind their backs and legs hobbled, they were placed in the back of air trucks and transported. Taken to the large stadium, known as the Track, where horses raced just ten years ago.

Do the same for all the rest of the Torgan civilian population and any collaborators, but keep the three groups separated, Allan said.

~ ~ ~

The Torgans had taken the country from the Arterians almost thiry-five years ago and had ruled it with a strong iron hand ever since. They allowed for no decent of any kind. People disappeared if they said anything bad or challenged the Torgan government in any way. This was also true of their own type as well. But this was not the way it was in the beginning, as they were welcomed from their country when it basically exploded into the ocean after large volcanic eruptions near the equator.

Allan was a patient man and had waited many years for this. In the early years of the war Allan’s family had disappeared - they had been taken by the Torgans. His mother and father were dead and so was one of his brothers. Both his twin sisters, who were the youngest, and his other brother, were still missing.

He had escaped while being transported to one of the many Torgan work camps. Later he had joined the resistance, which eventually became a well-disciplined army and finally they became the new government of what was this once great country.

2) The Liberation

The liberation of the base, known as the fort, from the bloody Torgans was totally different upon entry to the city from what they had expected. The fort was actually a large military base, prison and mine in the city, which was set on approximately 174 square miles. It had large buildings, parks, vast open spaces and houses. This was because previously they could not see beyond the shielding force field that protected the city.

In the centre of the base was the energy source, which had provided the power for the city and was located deep underground.

Allan and his fellow soldiers released most of the Arterians being held there, finding them all in poor health. They had been underfed, beaten, tortured, whipped and generally mistreated. Others who had tried to help when the Arterians entered the city were cut down where they stood by the retreating Torgan soldiers. They would never forget or forgive what they had seen and what had happened.

Each Arterian prisoner wore their uniform, which consisted of top and brief shorts. Most were bare footed. They were fitted with leather ankle and wrist bracelets, a very thick strong heavy full leather body harness and a metal waistband. Most were fitted with a head harness and a metal collar, which was attached to a small box of electronics at the back of the neck.

Both males and females were fitted with active electronic sex bands. This was the way of being controlled. These were the lucky ones, who had been house slaves and had their quarters within the homes of the Torgans.

The city was heated throughout, to about 25 degress Celsius, as the Torgans required this temperature for their bodies to function better.

Under the Torgans the country had been divided up into ten regions and the same could be said for the new government. With the exception that now they would become states and have a parliament. Because of the liberation of the last base belonging to the Torgans by Allan's battalion, he was promoted to Brigadier General and in so doing he had become the state's first governor for at least the next three to five years. This was at least until law and order had been restored. But above all else now he was in charge and he would never forget. The fort was in the south west of the country and the last to fall because of the mines here. There were still pockets of resistance in the countryside, but these were being cleared out daily and did not cause a major problem to his troops.

3) The Findings

It was the second week after the liberation of the fort that they found the mines and the prison on the far side of the city. There were many Arterians prisoners there. They had not liberated that part of the city yet but it would only be several days before they got to that part of the city. The fighting had been hard going. Building to building they forged their way through each city block. There was now only about six acres of unliberated territory left. This was the area of the prison and the mines. Though these were heavily defended, they would eventually taken - it was only a matter of time.

The mines ran underground and out under the ocean bed. There were two main types of prisoners here, mine slaves and ponies. The mine slaves’ uniforms were the same as the ones described earlier for the house slaves but pony boots and bits were issued to the ponies.

Going through the prison records, it became clear that most of the prisoners had been executed just before the storming of the prison. Allan’s troops were lucky in that they had captured the administration section intact.

As the cells were being cleaned out by the details assigned to do this, they came across two women. Each was unconscious but still barely alive, just. The soldiers found them and the medics stabilised their wounds. They were the taken to one of the field hospitals.

At the time the solders did not know it, but these two women of about twenty-five were the twin sisters of their commander, taken so many years ago. When the Torgans were systematically killing the prisoners, they had survived because they were in the middle of the cell row. The Torgans did not have enough time to make sure they were dead, as they had to leave in a hurry when their positions were overrun.

Just thirty-five of the prison garrison had survived the battle and were captured alive. They were promptly searched, cuffed and gaged. They were taken to the now fully cleaned out cell block where the smell of disinfectant was so strong it seemed intoxicating. They were fitted with metal collars and chained to rings on the wall of the cells for the present.

The Captain Teegin asked what should he do with the others Torgans in the Track.

The new Governor Allan Dannels informed Captain Teegin: "Place them all in individual cells and I will be here tomorrow morning to inspect them. By the way Captain, find out what role or duty each of those prisoners had or did, and also what happened to our people when this prison was taken by our troops. Treat the others the same from the Track. Make sure they are cleaned up, kept that way and fed well regularly. And if necessary use force until I return."

4) The Change

Governor Allan Dannels was delayed by affairs of state. There were many problems running a captured city and state. This included removal of the dead and burial, food, water, repair of the utilities, and shelter for the homeless Arterians and Torgans that had survived this human disaster.

Governor Dannels did not return to the prison for ten days, as he had to do the other jobs that were required of a new Government first. This extra time gave Captain Teegin and his staff a chance to clean up the prison, remove the dead, investigate the new prisoners' pasts and have basic autopsies done on the dead. But most soldiers could already work it for themselves what had happened here to the Arterian prisoners.

In the meantime the two former injured women prisoners had been returned to the prison and given fresh clean clothing, and placed in a cell with all amenities and the doors left open, but with armed guards to ensure they remained within their cell. After nine days in hospital the two Arterians women looked much better and were starting to look a bit sexy. They were still wearing their cuffs, collar and their sex rings were still inserted.

Military Governor Dannels arrived at the prison eleven days late for the inspection of the Torgan military prisoners of war. On his way there he found a large place on the hilltop, which was still somehow mostly intact. This became the Governor’s new residence.

The Arterians had looked after and treated the Torgan prisoners much better than the Torgans had Arterians. Most likely this was about to change Captain Teegin thought to himself, after the governor had read the reports. The Governor sat down at the desk in the big office in the main administration block and took the reports in his hands. "Well, where is the summary? Captain, where is the summary?" "At the bottom of the pile Sir" came the reply. He put the other reports down and opened the summary. He sat there for some time. The expression on his face said it all. He dropped the summary report and put his hands to his face. "Get all those damn Torgan Military prisoners who ran this bloody place in here, assembled in a line along the far side wall over there, while I am out of the room. I will be back soon."

Allan went to see the two women in their cells. He looked at them only to find that they seemed older than what he expected. The barcode tagging on the lower back of their necks revealed that they were his twin sisters, who had been taken by the Torgans so many years before. The women could not work out why they were getting all this nice treatment and attention after being treated so badly for so long in the past. He tried to talk to them but the many years of not being allowed to talk had taken its toll on their voices, making it very hard for them to speak.

Their bodies had become much older from all the hard work as mine ponies. "Pulling the ore carts to the surface was extremely hard work." they said, when he gestured, after many attempts, permission to speak. "Master please put our uniforms back on, for we are mine ponies and it is our job." Upon hearing that he ordered that they be fitted with new black leather and goldplated uniforms, for after all he was now the Governor. As he did a tear ran down his cheek for these were his sisters, but by now they did not remember or know him.

He returned to the office where the prisoners were lined up against the wall at gunpoint. The Captain read the report summary to the prisoners. "Is there anything you want to say?" Not a sound was uttered from the Torgan prisoners.

"As I am the new Military Governor," Allan said. "I am supposed to try you under the prisoner of war convention. But you have broken all conventions after treating our citizens and soldiers so poorly! You made the weak work regardless of their condition as mining slaves and the stronger ones were made to work as mine ponies. Therefore I pass the following sentence and this shall be a precedent for all to see in this state. You shall be taken from this room and given a full medical check Should you be pronounced fit, and I am sure you will be, you shall suffer the same fate as our people did, but with several differences. You shall be provided for and fitted out as a sex slave, mining slave or a mine pony or all three. This shall be for the same term as that of my twin sisters, eight years! A firing squad execution is just too good for you lot. What you have done here is beyond belief. After serving out this sentence, a further four years as a slave pony or house slave in a private individual residence. Should there be no problems from you, then you can be released back into the community or remain as a slave. Should you choose to return to the community you will be fitted with a monitoring, tracking, and control device for the term of your life. Take the prisoners from the room and start their sentences from tomorrow. Nothing is to be done with them and they are to remain in the military uniforms for the present until I return."

With that the Governor left the room. He walked into the office next door and called in Captain Teegin. "This office and facility is yours now Major Teegin to run as you like but within our law and with respect for the treaty conventions on prisoners of war. I congratulate you on your promotion."

The Captain suggested: "As we are both single, we can both go out tonight and celebrate"

But Allan said, "No, not tonight, I have too much work to do. I will be back next week, to see the start of the transformation of these military prisoners. In the meantime you have been promoted to Major and it is up you to pick three hundred soldiers to run this prison and the mines. Keep in mind, we need the mines in working order but not in the way it was done by the Torgans. Send a copy of the reports on the twins over to my new residence by tomorrow morning. Read Torgans manuals on sex slave, mine slave and pony slave training. Don’t forget look at the computer video files to see how it is done properly and get that sadistic Doctor whats his name, oh yeah, Morgan Jones, to sort it out and get it all ready to perform. Make sure you send over a copy of those training files ASAP to the residence. Put the two women Arterians ponies twins in the back of my hovercar so I can take them home. I’m sure you have already worked out why by now Major. Get some clean uniforms for them to take with us and for when we come back, new black red and gold ones will do nicely."

He was driven to his new home, along with his new long-lost prized pony possessions, the palace on the hill. He was going to do a lot research into pony training and raising. Who knows, these twins may turn out not to be his sisters - they could be spies or traitors.

To be continued...