“Well, well.” Giovanni looked around the large show grounds. “This show has grown.”
“Mistress Raven.” The man smiled. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“I told you that I was coming.” She Laughed. “I brought Arabian pleasure and a Mare..that..” Raven gasped. “You’ve brought..Caballo?”
“Yes.” Turning. “James..hurry up and unload her..I want to ger her comfortable in her stall.”
“Sorry..master. The Back locks were difficult.” James grumbled and looked at Caballo. “I’m..sorry.” Whispering to her.
He closed the Van doors and then Pulled the Lead rope gently. Caballo looked around nervously and had lurched forward when the Lead rope tugged her halter. Giovanni growled and walked over to him.
“Damn boy..unload the equipment..maybe you won’t try and Maim that.” Taking the lead rope. “Come Caballo..Calm down.”
Leading her, giving her a piece of Mint treat that he hadn’t eaten him self. She was definitely catching eyes. The White Silk Blanket on her flowing. Her tail end dragging the ground gracefully.
She didn’t mind the blanket so much for at least it covered her. Caballo walked behind him slowly on her all fours. Her White Knee pads now matching the rest of her ‘Show off’ traveling gear.
“I might as not enter my mare now.” Raven smiled. “Caballo will win this easily.”
“Nonsense...Competition Is good.” Chuckling, nodding to a few admirers. “I believe..We are in the Private stable, James.”
“Yes Sir.”James felt like screaming. He fought back tears every time he saw Caballo. “I think the stall assignment said Stall eight.”
“That’s next to my Arabian pleasure.” Mistress Raven giggled. “I’ll show you where it is. You haven’t been here in some time. Things have changed.”
“Yes, they have. Anyways..what Mare did you bring?” He asked.
“A new one..Black Ebony..I was doing a trial show with her before I decided on purchase.”
“Don’t let Caballo’s winning here detour you. You have always had good taste in ponies.” Giovanni clicked softly to Caballo. “Don’t lag, Caballo.”
“That’s cocky of you.” A rather brisk voice heard. “Assuming you’ll win already?”
“Jason.” Nodding to the man as he led Caballo past. “It’s not being cocky. I’m confident in my Mare. That’s all.”
“Honestly.” Mistress Raven sighed. “He’s just upset because he was bumped out of private stables for your arrival. Go and tend to your ponies, Jason.”
“Where did you steal her? You certainly couldn’t have found anyone that beautiful to be that willing.” Jason said as he looked at Caballo. “Too beautiful..”
“Steal her? Hardly.” Giovanni laughed. “Goodbye, Jason.”
Raven and Giovanni walking off together. Caballo was following without hesitation. James quickly followed behind them and ignored the angry jeers from Jason.
“Damn man..Think’s he’s too good..”
“Oh calm down, Jason.”
“Who?” He smiled. “Mistress Diana! You’ve actually come?”
“So...Giovanni is here..with such a..prize Mare. Hm..” Diana nodded. “And yes..I came. I wanted to see how the show’s grown.”
“Did you bring an entry?”
“Yes I did.” Grinning. “A very beautiful stallion. But I’m not bringing him out yet. I wanted to..look around first.”
“Than I’m sure that you’ll win. You have never brought a looser.” Jason kissed the top of her hand. “You’ve always won and yet..you never let it go to your head..like him.”
“Because people like Giovanni don’t care who they step on or take time to appreciate the fact that..all the small timers..and all the fetish places are really responsible for the world growing as it does.” Diana sighed. “But..I must go check on my Stallion. I left him to relax just a little as this is his first show.”
“You must let me have a sneak peek. Please?”
“Very well.” Chuckling. “Come..He’s in the single stalls.” The woman turning, walking away.
“No one uses those..well hardly anyone..Why?” He asked in a very confused mannerism.
“Because of THAT fact. It’s aperfectly good stable and I don’t like the crowded ones. I have this whole four stall stable to my self. It’s better than the private stable. Plus..there is a built room there. I can stay with my Stallion. I certainly wouldn’t leave him to go to a hotel.”
“You are indeed a crafty one. I didn’t think about that.”
“Yes. They remodeled the stable to be completely up to code. People just think they are too good to use it because they don’t know. Reputations...whatever. They all have one thing on their minds. Gaining power in this world by winning and having the best because of that.”
“You are certainly living proof that one need not be snoody or power hungry to win.” Jason moved ahead and opened the Stable door as they approached. “My lady.”
“Why thank you.” Diana entered and smiled at Drake, who was sitting in a stall. “There he is.”
Drake Got to his Hands and knees quickly. They had their talk about the what nots and What dos that were required of him to play the part. One was him being in a stall.
“He..is...” The Master Jason’s Jaw nearly fell open. “M..Mistress Diana...”
“I know.” She clapped her hands together and grinned. “He is a beautiful and perfect stallion.” Aheming. “But..you are Sworn to secrecy. If you tell..I will let him trounce you.”
“Not a word from me. It’s going to be great seeing Arabian Pleasure taken down.”
“He’s here? Oh..well.” Diana entered Drake’s Stall and moved to his front where she started petting him. She loved to run her hands through his mane. “At least he will break into the world big if he does beat Arabian Pleasure.”
“If? He will.” Jason leaned up against the stall fencing. “Nice Harness set too. Not like some of the cheap one’s I’ve seen pass through here.”
“Only the best for my Silver Mane.” Looking into Drake’s eyes. She smiled and stroked his cheeks. “He is going to cause a stir..I believe.”
“You’re going to get offers for him..I’ll bet bottom dollar that you will. That or Breeding proposals. Maybe both.”
“You know my stand on the breeding. I’ll Show him, I’ll keep him as my pony but when it comes down to it..Human babies are not ponies. They have no choice in the matter from birth and that is not proper at all. I’ll not see a woman torn from her child due to one of my actions. Plus..it is NOT legal. We all know this.” Diana looked at Jason very seriously. “So don’t even say to other people that I might consider it if they ask you.”
“I never said you’d accept..I just said you’d get them.” The man nodded. “Well..I have to go check registration. I want to find out the name of that mare that Giovanni’s brought.”
“Yes..tell me when you get the name. She was quite lovely.”
“Gotta give him one thing. He might be a power hungry, rich ass but..he always has very fine stock.” Jason nodded to them both. “Mistress..Silver Mane.”
Jason was like her. He respected the ponies for their free decisions to participate. And even if he was a master, he would show that respect. The door closing. Diana waited until she was sure that He was gone before she knelt down in the stall beside Drake.
He hugged her as he sat back up and kissed her cheek. “A friend or..just someone you know?”
“He’s a friend..he is like me and..I trust him.” Resting her cheek against his chest. “I’ve seen her..Drake. The girl. Giovanni has gotten bold..”
“What?” Tensing.
“No..” Grabbing his arms. “Drake..remember what we discussed. “If you tried to accuse him..he’d just fine a thousand willing and eager people that would say the girl was willing and saw her agree to everything. You can’t attack him directly.”
“Is she alright?”
“Health wise..beautiful. But..I’m afraid that..it might be too late for her to escape. I saw body modification..at least on the back. He’s had a Tail Piercing ring put on her. I’m not sure about the rest. She was covered in a show blanket. And..Drake..she wasn’t fighting him when he was leafing her on her all fours.”
“No...” Drake growled low. “That poor girl..A..tail ring?”
“Yes.” Diana touched that spot just above his bottom where a tail would be. “A ring..surgically attached like a piercing or..how..might I describe it..when One has Spikes put on the spine? Yes..it’s not temporary. As far as other things..He brands all of his ponies..A tattoo..with his crest and..possibly..Nipple piercing for training and for show cart use. I can’t be sure on that however. I’ll have to see with my own eyes before I know a hundred percent what he’s done to her.”
“That bastard..”
“Yes he is. Giovanni is not..a kind man. He also means trouble..for those people that I talked about because..Giovanni’s pockets run deep. He has people in his pockets. I know that Mistress Raven practically worships him.”
“So can we do anything at all?”
“Yes..just trust me and..win. Keep winning and the inner Sanctum of Masters and Mistresses will have to notice you and..invite me in just to get to you.” Her hands massaging his sides. “You must believe..that even though you may hear me say things to certain people..My loyalty and heart are yours.” Holding him as close as she could.
“I know.” Wrapping his arms around her. “I trust you..and I love you.”
“And I you..My Drake.”
He chuckled and kissed her quickly. “How about Silver mane. He might get jealous ofmens attentions to his mistress..”
“I can’t punish a strong stallion for acting like a horse.” Smirking. “Now can I?”
“Especially of they try and grope you and or attack you in any wrong way. They will find that I won’t be a nice stallion.”
“Stallions are generally protective of their Mistresses.” Diana nipped his bottom lip. “But don’t you go falling for mares that brush up against you.”
“Why want a mare when I can have a mistress?”
“Well..that aside..you must..show some..pretend interest. You are a stallion and..you are well packaged. It will keep up with how..a stallion is supposed to act.”
“I only do this for you and..to help that girl as best We still can.”
“And after it’s over?”
“I’ll always be your Silver Mane.”
Kissing her fully now. She gasped and whimpered happily as he pushed her back to the stall floor and let his hands roam over her side. No one would bother them here so she wasn’t worried. They all thought the old single stall stable was..junk.
To be continued....