Circus Circus
by Peter Loaf
with an illustration by Azpiri
- do not use without the author's and the artist's permissions.
Moonlight and shadows, fifty on board
The Roman slavers, row up the fiord
A sleeping village
Coming to pillage
The raiders ruthless, silently moored
Attack at sunrise, quickly it’s done
The slavers brutal, the skirmish won
The slaves inspected
Some are infected
The Nordic Maiden, protected one
Chained in the galley, fixed to an oar
The captured village, peaceful before
Now it’s in ashes
The rhythmic splashes
Taken as booty, life as a whore
Maidens protected, gathering gold
Slavers carousing, the women old
Watching and rowing
To Rome they’re going
Slaver ship galley, gonna be sold
Stormy the weather, galleys are lost
The profits gaining, justify cost
Patricians playing
The captives paying
Wintry the weather, the nightly frost
Gibraltar passing, thinking of fiord
Mind numbing labor, her hatred stored
The Roman City
City Sans Pity
The final docking, coming aboard
The Nordic maiden, sold on the dock
Trained to the harness, as racing stock
Ponygirl plaything
Naked displaying
The crowd applauding, she tries to block
The Circus Circus, the harness tight
Naked and shackled, ponygirl plight
The Golden Maiden
Her chances fadin’
The loser loses, Maiden Race night
Chariot driver, doing his job
The crack of the whip, a muffled sob
Heat of the summer
Nordic newcomer
The betting raucous, unruly mob
The other pony, Grecian Delight
Last year’s champion, her muscles tight
Her eyes expressive
In waves successive
Passion behind it, her eyes are bright
A blast of music, the race is on
The cracker snapping, the pain beyond
Lunging in harness
Fearing the farness
Ponygirl pulling, her Spanish Don
Delight pulls steady, skillful and sure
The Maiden stumbles, virgin and pure
The Grecian gaining
The whip explaining
The Circus Circus, the second tour
Gaining so slowly, kicking up dust
The cracker slashing, just isn’t just
Whip cracker cracking
Golden Maid catching
The Greek is winded, her cracking crust
Finish line passing, Nordic Maid wins
The bets are settled, bidding begins
The Maiden offered
Bulging his coffer
The Grecian screaming, her rapist twins
A sandwich threesome, joined by the Don
Maiden Race loser, always been fond
Her hymen ripping
Her boobies gripping
Pussy mouth anus, taken beyond
New Master leading, His pony prize
The Golden Maiden, quivering thighs
Castle on Tiber
His moral fiber
His day soon coming, the law applies
Law of survival, can’t trust a slave
The morning after, tells her to shave
Carotid cutting
Payment for rutting
The Nordic Woman, deadly and brave
Revolt beginning, flames spreading wide
The Roman legions, can’t come inside
Patrician panic
It grows titanic
The gates are opened, the scourge applied
The End