The Pony Princess 2
by Nob
- do not use without the author's permission.
And punished we were - in the most bizarre, complex ways that Abdul and the Queen's other diabolical torture-masters could devise. Remember that Amber, my former handmaiden, and I had been secured astride the drawbars of two racing sulkies that were to carry our captor, Queen Kargh, and her daughter Kargit. The race to the monument celebrating the downfall of my country had been both exhausting and stimulating, for neither of us ponygirls could avoid the erotic pressures of the bars between our legs. The unavoidable orgasms that seized us at the conclusion of the ordeal only exposed us to the spiteful laughter of the onlookers.
The Queen's decision was that the tie between Amber and me meant that each of us had lost, so that both of us would have to undergo whatever torments had been designed for the loser. There was no way we could protest this unfair judgment, gagged as we were, much less escape the consequences, and so we resigned ourselves to our fate.
After being freed from the sulkies we had been pulling, we were taken to a small shed and allowed to relieve ourselves. A healthy dose of a foul-tasting but very nourishing gruel was given to us by way of funnels forced into our mouths to keep our energy up, and then our public punishment was to commence.
To begin with, we were led by our breast-leashes up to the main platform where the Queen and her daughter were enthroned. The short hobbles linking our ankles made this a slow and difficult process. There, a guard made Amber lean over so that her U-plug could be removed, making her grunt with misery as its departure was signaled by an obscene plop-plop, and we were taken to the center of the stage. Abdul guided us to stand facing each other about four feet apart, but only then did we discover what he had in mind. One of his assistants produced an object that was certain to be employed in our punishment.
It turned out to be a thick wooden pole, a little more than four feet in length, and we rolled our eyes in dismay as we noticed the long, thick hard-rubber dildos standing up at each end of it. And, sure enough, we were to be impaled on those monstrosities. My puss had not been invaded before, although my recent orgasm had left it quite moist, and I moaned to feel the outsized rod stretch my flesh. Amber was well acquainted with the experience, so she made little complaint. Instead, it was I who writhed as the ugly phallus was forced deep up into my body. Straps from the ends of the rods were buckled to our corsets behind us and pulled taut. We both moaned again.
But then things got worse. First, one end of a two-headed dildo-gag was jammed between my jaws, stretching them uncomfortably wide, and a strap through a hole in its center was buckled tightly behind my head. Then guards forced us to lean forward until the other end of the gag could be fitted into Amber's mouth and secured in the same way. We were close enough so that our noses actually pressed against each other, and a short chain between our collars ensured our maintaining this awkward pose.
My short-gloved arms were freed of their constrictive sheaths and broad leather cuffs were locked about each wrist. Amber underwent the same operation. Two straps were then produced, one fixed to each of my cuffs, and my left arm was twisted up behind my back while the same was done with Amber's left arm. And of course the strap was fastened up over my right shoulder to her left cuff, forcing us even closer together. As soon as our other arms were secured in the same fashion, we were almost motionless above the pole with our forearms forming fearfully stressed X's behind our backs. This arrangement wrenched our shoulders back harshly and prevented any movement of our torsos at all.
The next horror was having slender chains fixed between our breast-rings, one connecting our right breasts and the other between our left breasts. They thus formed an X between us, and to add further to our torment a heavy brass bell was hung from where the two chains crossed. However we moved, the bell would jangle and pull painfully at our rings.
I should note that since both of us had been permanently ringed immediately after our capture, with heavy silver D-rings run through holes pierced well behind and a little below our aureoles. The distance between the ends of these tunnels was such that a straight rod rather than simply a ring was in order, with the ring hanging below it. We were used to the extra weight by now, and somehow the necessary scarring firmed the flesh of our breasts so that they stood out proudly rather than being pulled downward by the rings' weight. Surprisingly, the operations also made our bosoms much more sensitive to erotic stimulation. (At times, I must admit, I welcomed this development!)
Attention turned next to our legs. Our hobbles were taken off, only to be replaced by ankle-cuffs set on swivel clamps at the ends of two four-foot bars. One connected my right ankle to her left ankle and the other vice-versa, so that the bars were parallel and we had to move our feet in unison if at all. Our pony-boots remained in place, of course.
Finally, as an extra measure of torment, a strong leather strap was fastened at the front of my corset, run through a ring-bolt standing up in the middle of the pole separating us, and then fastened to the front of Amber's corset. The guard pulled it as taut at he could, ensuring that we could not arch our backs at all - or if we did, the pole and its tantalizing dildos was pulled up even more forcefully between our legs.
There followed a lengthy period during which we were directed to move in different ways. At first I was ordered to move three steps forward, making Amber back up three steps of the same length. We found that we had to keep our feet well apart in order to keep our balance, so the exercise was both clumsy and humiliating. Then it was I who had to move backwards, and the guards' whisk-whips provided ample encouragement.
The whips were made of eight or ten thin leather thongs, untipped and varying in length by perhaps six inches so that none of the tips struck our bodies in the same place. The effect was like that of being bitten by greenflies, a sharp sting at each spot that lasted for only a few moments but left no visible mark. Our natural reaction to this pain was to arch our backs with each blow, making our groins jerk in response to the upward pressure inflicted by the pole between us.
After a few backward and forward movements, I was ordered to squat while Amber remained standing. This of course led to another variation in the stimulation imposed by our dildos! We had to alternate this trick several times, leaving us snorting with pained excitement, after which we were forced to squat at the same time -- and then to leap upwards. The effort was terribly strenuous and did nothing to ease our discomfort. After a few attempts at this maneuver, accompanied by the constant stinging of whisk-whips, we were husking and groaning with exhaustion.
Marching in place came next, with each of us trying to stay in synch with the other so as not to lose our balance. A guard counted the pace, starting slowly but then urging us to take quicker and quicker steps. The bell hanging from our breast-chains clanged and bonged constantly, adding to our agonies.
The very thought of orgasm, despite the tantalizing dildos, was hard to imagine because of the hard work and stress imposed by our complex bondage. I could feel the thing teasing my happy-spot, but could not respond. Amber, I suppose, felt the same way.
But after perhaps half an hour of these clumsy, exhausting exercises, the crowd which had been enjoying our miseries seemed to grow weary of this particularly humiliating exhibition, and it was decided that we should be prepared to pull our captors back to the palace. Back to ponydom!
We were slowly freed from our restraints, with the guards taking pleasure in having full access to our bodies. Loosing the chains that connected our breast-rings gave them ample freedom to fondle our throbbing breasts, which cruelly wakened our awareness of their potential for erotic arousal. The double-dildo was taken from our mouths after our collar-chain had been unlocked, and only then were our wrists unfastened from the straps that bound them up behind our shoulders. Removing the strap linking our corsets provided a grand opportunity for the guards to give a final upward jerk on the pole that held our hips so far apart and forced gasps of carnal pain from each of us.
And once the hamperbars connecting our ankle cuffs were removed, we were entirely free of restraint - but of course only for a moment.
Leashes were reattached to our breast-rings and our wrists were cuffed behind us again. After being hobbled with ten-inch chains, we were led down the platform steps and taken to where the racing sulkies stood. This time, however, we were hitched to them in different positions that imposed much more strain on each of us. I had to stand at rigid attention while I watched how Amber was treated.
She was taken to stand astride the pole that served as the sulky's tongue, but this time a bamboo rod was held across the back of her waist while her elbows were bent to hold it there. After her wrist cuffs were separated, a strap from each one was fastened to a ring a foot or so behind the front end of the pole and her forward motion would force the pole deeper up between her legs. The pressures would be much like those she experienced during our first race, although this time she was without a dildo to provide even the least bit of pleasure.
I was surprised to see the guards remove her bridle and bit, and then horrified to see them run a three-foot bar horizontally through both her breast-rings. Reins were then fastened at the two ends of this bar, providing her driver a new and frightfully effective means to guide her. And instead of a regular bit, the guards brought out a pair of jaw-jackers. These were telescoping steel rods with a deep "Y" at either end. They made her open her mouth, inserted the jacks between her upper and lower molars on both sides of her mouth, and extended them until she could not open her jaws any wider to get rid of them. Thus her aahs of anguish would be loud and frequent, although unintelligible, giving the crowds along the avenue additional reason to appreciate her miseries. I was glad they didn't attach anything directly to her tongue.
The last touch was to fix a bicycle-type driving rod, almost two feet in length, between her ankles, with ankle cuffs on swivel-joints taking the place of a pedal on opposite sides of the rod. This left her standing with one foot well ahead of the other and perhaps eight inches to the side. Thus, the only way she could move would be to lift up her back foot up in an arc until it reached the ground ahead of the other foot. Then she would have to repeat this process with her back foot, moving her forward less than two feet. The fact that this would also force her to raise each knee briefly to proper pony-fashion height was just an added advantage as far as the guards were concerned.
The tears of despair running down Amber's cheeks were proof enough that she was well aware of the brutally difficult and painful labors she would have to put forth.
But then it was my turn. I too had to straddle the tongue of the Queen's sulky, but I was placed much closer to its rear end and so closer to the sulky itself. A bodystrap was fixed at the front of my corset and pulled back between my legs to be anchored at the end of the pole closest to the vehicle I was to pull. Once this was secure, the guards used a strap to pull my right wrist up behind me toward my left shoulder. Its end was then pulled over that shoulder and then down to go under that arm, across my back, and under my right arm to go up over that shoulder. My left wrist was pulled up to where it could be fixed to the loose end of the strap, and I was helpless in a bitter forearm-X, with both wrists inside the strap where it crossed my back.
There was more to come. A two-foot hamperbar was connected between my ankle cuffs on swivel-joints so that my feet would be free to turn independently of each other, even if held always the same distance apart. I had been hobbled like this many times before, so I knew just what to expect. To move forward, I would have to swing one foot out in a semi-circle until it was properly ahead of the other foot, and then repeat the process with the other foot. No way could I ever move as fast as my driver would like!
Then things got really worse. I was forced to lean forward from my hips until my chin was barely above the front end of the drawbar, and a short chain was locked between my collar and the ring at the front end of the bar. How could I move while bent in this position? A bridle buckled snugly about my head included a strap from the top that was pulled back to the rear of my corset, making me tilt my head as far back as possible so that I had to look ahead of me rather than at the ground.
A bit came next, a nasty gadget that pinned my tongue to the floor of my mouth and drew my cheeks back cruelly. A bridle secured it firmly in place. I would be guided by reins from the bit, as one would expect, and so my bare back would be entirely open to the whisk-whip.
The final part of this devilish restraint was a chain fastened from each breast-ring to the corresponding ankle cuff while I was standing with both feet even. There was just enough slack, I discovered, so that when I moved one foot forward, the other was held far enough back to tighten the chain and I would suffer a small amount of pain in that breast. With each stride, then, I would be punishing one or the other of my bosoms. There would be no way to avoid the constant tugging at my breasts, none at all.
Our royal drivers came to check our restraints, and of course both the Queen and the Princess wanted our bonds tightened a bit more. Amber, ungagged, aaahed loudly at the increased pressure, while I could only bite down on my bit in a vain attempt to ignore the additional strain on my arms.
Guards led us to stand side by side at the front of the monument, and then the stinging bite of our drivers' whisk-whips urged us into motion. Given the new bondage hampering our ankles, forward movement for each of us was both slow and difficult. Repeated use of the whips added only to our agony, not to our speed. I could hear Amber's hoarse grunts and open-mouthed cries as she struggled to obey Princess Kargit, while I could do no more than moan my own distress because of my gag. The constant tugging at one or the other of my breast-rings as I took each step was mildly painful, and also reminded me that my breasts are always vulnerable to sexual arousal, even though the whip's blows made that but a distant possibility.
Our drivers then guided us in different directions, and it became apparent that we would be traveling along different streets so that more of the city's population could enjoy our agonized debasement. I felt even more alone without my fellow prisoner's presence, and now had only my own sensations to deal with. They were not pleasant.
The city's side streets were not as well paved as was the central avenue and I found it harder and harder to move my pony-booted feet as quickly as the Queen wished. They were lined with citizens who hooted at my clumsy attempts to obey my driver, although I was in such misery that this added emphasis on my enslavement could not make me feel worse. A few hoodlums threw rotten fruits at me, occasionally smearing some part of my body with pulp and juice. I had to assume that the Queen did not object at all to such actions.
And the jeers were spiteful. "Royal bitch!", "Clumsy slut!", "Sloppy cunt!", and "Rotten whore!" ,"shit-eating devil!" were but a few of the insults shouted at me. I did my best to ignore them.
At one point, a man dashed into the street ahead of me and then tried to set a little boy astride my hips. I stumbled, almost falling to my knees, before a guard seized the pair and relieved me of this cruel burden. And the Queen's whisk-whip continued to sting my back and asscheeks as she yelled at me to move faster.
The turns were particularly difficult as I was guided to go right or left into another street. It required me to take a longer step with one foot than with the other, and once in a while I would fail to maneuver myself properly. This would mean bringing me to a halt while I tried to complete the turn. My ankles were really beginning to ache now, making me even more miserable. Not knowing how much longer this ordeal would last, I began to wonder if I could make it back to the palace at all.
But then we came to a more well paved street and I sensed that we were not far from the palace. My labors continued, however, bringing snorts of exhaustion from my nostrils, and I could only continue my clumsy pace under the rain of whip-bites on my back. It was only when I could actually see the courtyard that I knew the torment would soon cease. Hope for relief then obscured some of my anguish, and I moved as rapidly as I could toward the stables.
At long last, my reins brought me to a halt at the steps leading up to the ornate front entrance of the palace. The Queen descended from her sulky, came around to sneer at me and slap me across both cheeks, muttering "Clumsy bitch!", and then left orders that I was to be returned to the stables. A guard took my reins and forced me to continue my staggering journey.
Since the stables were some distance from where the Queen had left me, I had another fifteen minutes of aching labor before we reached our destination. With my head still drawn back by the bridle strap to my waist, I could see that it was Dyna who would take charge of me. I breathed a sigh of relief, for I knew she would not extend my torment any more than was necessary.
Dyna took charge immediately. "Free her head-strap," she told the guards, "and then the collar chain." I was able to let my head droop down for the first time in what must have been hours, and my neck muscles began to relax a bit. But in trying to stand erect again, I found that the chains from my breast-rings to my ankles would not permit this. Dyna noticed the problem, of course, and ordered the guards from free the chains from my ankles. At last, then, I could stand upright and relieve the strain on my back. I could not express my thanks to my everyday guardian because of my gag, but I think she knew how I felt. She smiled at me with pride.
"I knew you'd get through this," she told me. "After we get you away from this sulky, we'll go back to the cells and see whether we can help you regain some energy."
And so my bodystrap was freed from the drawbar and I had to shuffle forward, still limited by the hamperbar between my ankles, until I was off the bar altogether. Dyna took the chains, still hanging from my breast-rings, and led me into the stable. With my arms still twisted up behind me, the sense of relief was scarcely exhilarating. But I was truly glad to be free of the damnable sulky.
Just as we reached the stable door, Princess Kargit drove up with Amber still hitched to her sulky. I could see that my former handmaiden was not only exhausted, but in serious pain because of the way the drawbar between her thighs had rubbed her raw there. And the curious form of foot-bondage, forcing her to high-step continually, must have been an additional source of strain if not of pain. Her repeated moans of misery were audible across the yard since she was without the usual gag.
Once the jaw-jackers had been removed, she gasped, "Oh, God, I can't do this any longer, I'm so tired!"
Amber's own personal guard, Britt, soon arrived and began to release her from her two-wheeled burden. "Leave the pedal cuffs on her," the Princess directed. "She looks so fancy with them on. I think I'll use them a lot more often in the future."
And so the two of us were led into the stable, still panting with exhaustion. At Dyna's direction, two guards removed our remaining restraints, only to hang each of us in a loose spreadeagle in front of our respective stalls.
"Some energizing lotion will be good for each of you," she told us. Guards soon brought pots of the yellowish goo and both Dyna and Britt took handfuls of the stuff to rub up and down our legs first. The stuff stung for a moment, but then seemed to ease the aches. As it was spread and rubbed between our parted legs, we could each sigh at the anesthetic effect, and then (with more enthusiasm) at the warmth it generated there. Our breasts came next, with similarly beneficial effects, and finally our throats and arms were treated.
After twenty minutes of such treatment, I was feeling almost normal again. Amber, too, seemed relaxed. We were allowed to hang there for a while longer while the lotion took its effect, but were then taken down and put into new restraints. Our arms were laced into single-gloves behind us and twelve-inch hobbles connected our ankles. Otherwise, though, we remained nude until corselets and bodystraps were buckled closely about our waists and between our legs. Physical freedom simply isn't in the cards for royal prisoners!
We were then taken into our stalls, fed some nutritious but bland pony-food, and then left by ourselves. As Dyna locked the door to my stall, she whispered, "I'll be back later this evening to see whether we can given you a taste of pleasure after all your work." I whispered back, "I can't wait, Mistress!"