Meanwhile Back at the Ranch - Scene II

by Nob
- Do not use without the author's permission.

Exercise and Training

Here are some scenes from a ponygirl ranch that are rarely written about. When we ponygirls aren't being used for racing, parade, or decorative purposes, our trainers have lots of time to keep us busy - usually in the most degrading, erotic, and exhausting ways they can devise. But training for the races is always the first order of business.

We have an oval track for real races, but spend as much time if not more on stamina training and learning to obey the reins in different outfits. For instance, there is a set of drawbars fastened not to real sulkies but to small two-wheeled carts, each of which is in turn connected to a heavy rope that leads back to a ground-level pulley and then up to a twenty-foot high pulley and then down again to the ground. At the end of the rope is a fifty-pound weight. With a 25-foot path ahead of each cart, we girls are hitched up astride the drawbars and prepared to go, leaning forward enough so that the weight is just off the ground. At the trainer's signal, each of us must shove off and run as fast as we can to the end of the path, cruelly hampered as we are by the weights we are pulling. Reaching the end of the path of course means getting the weight to the upper pulley, and then the girl is suddenly halted because she can go no further. Wow, that hurts!

This puts a real strain on us, and after ten repetitions of this exercise we are generally gasping for air and grunting at the pain between our legs. The fastest girl, of course, is identified as an excellent candidate for the next real races, even though the others have probably improved their leg strength as well. These exercises also allow the trainers to determine what sort of arm bondage will allow each girl to run her fastest, and to figure out how many strokes of a whip will be most effective in forcing more speed. And when Captain Javalyn ("the Jav") is present, she also takes the opportunity to test the effectiveness of different types of pony boots and bridles. One trainer is always assigned to keep records of what she has found.

Running around the track while pulling a weighted sulky is another exercise intended to develop our leg strength, although this requires more time and attention from the trainers. The result, of course, is that most of us are usually in top condition and ready to take on the most talented ponygirls from other ranches. Plenty of water and nourishing gruel are always at hand to support us in these exhausting efforts. Reluctantly, we must admit that this form of training is good for us, and we do our best to get better at this demanding duty. The trainers of course encourage competition among us so that one's relative prestige in the stable is recognized and the best of us can enjoy our superiority.

And there are other kinds of exercises as well. One particularly degrading one the trainers call "the bunny-hop." A girl is fitted with padded sheaths to hold each leg doubled and a two-foot hamperbar is fastened between them. Then her hands are laced into padded, fingerless mitts, and another hamperbar of the same length is locked between her wrists. Then she must simply hop forward as rapidly as she can, pulling her knees up close to her mitts and then leaping forward to land on the mitts well ahead of her. Repetitions of this sequence will move her ahead quite rapidly, even though it is tiring. And if straps from her bridle are pulled back to the rear of her bodystrap, she must keep her head looking straight ahead despite the strain on her neck. Races between girls in the bunny-hop are among the more popular entertainments the trainers have devised for us - at least for them! And they make an interesting addition to our repertoire when we must entertain.

Those of us who will not be racing or serving at one of Madam Bork's receptions must be able to amuse the guests by performing various difficult or humiliating stunts. Putting three of us together side by side, with the middle girl's legs strapped to each partners' inner leg, is a fairly common thing these days, even though it requires a good deal of practice to move effectively. The girl on the left side of the trio is called "Number 1," the one on the right side is "Number 3," and of course the unlucky one in the middle is "Number 2." So as Number 1 moves her left leg forward, Number 3 must do the same, leaving Number 2 to move her right leg ahead along with Number 3's. If we are all wearing stiletto heels or pony hooves, our balance may be at risk as well.

Although our twinned legs are always strapped the same - at ankles, knees, and upper thighs - this leaves a lot of room for different kinds of arm bondage. Often the middle girl's arms are joined with her neighbors' arms in a doubling sheath that holds them motionless, while the outer girls' other arms are drawn up behind them to be fixed at the back of the middle girl's collar. Or the girls' outer arms can be pulled down in front of them and then a strap from each wrist is pulled back between her thighs and up to the rear of the center girl's corset. The "eagle-spread" is another option, with the outer girls' outer arms stretched along a pole fastened across all of the girls' shoulders.

"Twinning" in this fashion is even more complicated when additional girls are added to the coffle. If there are five girls involved, three of them will be linked to their neighbors, and the manner in which they must move becomes quite complex. Yet the trainers have figured out how to manage this, providing proper directions for the group as a whole, and before long they have the girls acting like a Las Vegas chorus line. With fancy costumes and bizarre restraints, they eventually learn to provide some first-class entertainment when there are guests to be amused. Doing a classic can-can, dipping and swaying in unison, and dancing forward and backward as well as from side to side, their labors are always appreciated.

And another imaginative idea, this one from the Jav herself, involves breast bells with different tones. For this trick, only the girls with the more "outstanding" breasts are used, and undercups keep their bosoms well forward. A complete "chorus," requires thirteen girls twinned in a single line, providing the 25 bells that are tuned to make up two full octaves. Each girl's gag includes a rod pointing down from beneath her chin, and at the lower end is a crossbar that is used to ring a single bell. Twisting her head to the right will make the crossbar strike the bell on her right nipple, and she can ring the other by turning her head to the left. Learning how to do this is a complex challenge, but the frequent use of a lash soon has her able to do her part. The girl at the right end of the line has a special bell on her right breast that clacks rather than rings, and it is she who must signal the beginning and end of each "concert" with this bell.

Getting the girls lined up and then teaching them when each must ring one or the other of her breast bells, they are trained to provide music for Madam Bork's guests. Each bell is given a single letter (for there are 26 letters in the alphabet), and the trainer in charge simply calls out which letter is to be "played" and when. Simple melodies are fairly easy, once a girl knows which bell to ring and when, but chords of three or four notes require lots of training and frequent use of the trainers' quirts. Popular songs are learned, along with a few more traditional tunes, and after a good deal of practice the girls are able to put on a satisfyingly melodic performance. The Jav is especially proud of this innovation and spends much time in working out the proper bondage for her bell-ringers.

Then there are the stunts. One involves strapping two ponygirls back-to-back so that they can do a series of cartwheels that will carry them across the stage. Their waists and shoulders are strapped together, pressing each one against the other's back, and then their upper arms are strapped firmly together above the elbows and their wrists are pulled forward about their waists to be drawn down between their legs and connected tightly to straps from the other girl's wrists. Once secured this way, one of them leans forward while the other shoves upward with her legs, flopping over the top of the first girl and landing on her feet in front of the first girl, and then the sequence is repeated. Training for this exercise involves many painful tumbles before the girls are ready for perform for an audience, but the Jav insists on continued training until the cartwheelers are fully trained.

Those girls who are least skilled at these exercises must serve as waitresses, sternly hobbled and equipped with high corsets that hold their torsos rigid while they carry heavy trays to the guests. The forward edge of each tray is linked by a thin chain to a girl's breast rings so that it cannot tip forward, and then she must kneel before the guest to present the food and drink she carries. It is of the utmost importance that she not lose her balance and spill the offerings. But this always happens once or twice during each service, and the clumsy one can expect severe discipline over the next several days.

And then there are the "decorations" - girls restrained around the hall in the most lascivious and stressful positions simply for the guests' viewing pleasure. One girl may be posed alone, or several can be fixed together in voluptuous closeness. Sometimes guests are invited to devise their own forms of restraint, and the Jav's assistants are at hand to provide whatever articles are needed and to force the girls into the positions designed by the guests. I recall once being strapped back-to-back with another ponygirl at our legs, and then we were forced to lean forward at a right angle from our hips by an iron rod that connected the backs of our collars and was held in place by more straps at our waists and shoulders. Hamperbars spread our ankles a good yard apart and chains from our wrists were pulled down to go beneath this bar and then up to the other girl's breast-rings. The chains were so taut that neither of us could relieve the painful pull at the others' nipples. The worst part was having a heavy rubber rope fixed from the center of our back-bar to the ceiling. Its elasticity allowed the guest to shove one of us forward until her face almost touched the floor, and then the elastic pulled us back and forced the other girl to lean down almost as far. This dipping back and forth amplified our miseries greatly, to the raucous laughter and hoots from the guests. Their frequent use of a sting-lash did not make the experience any less awful.

At the end of the day's activities, all the ponygirls involved in any of them must be freed and then put back into "normal" bondage. If we are at another owner's ranch, some of us must pull wagons so that our trainers need not walk, and this requires four girls per wagon, two on each side of the drawbar and fastened to it at their waists. The others are formed into two or three coffles and forced to march all the way back to Madam Bork's ranch. If we are at home, of course, it is simply a matter of taking us back to our stalls.

Those who have made errors are of course put into punitive bondage such as being spreadeagled instead of merely chained to a post in the stall. A few whippings are carried out, some of those needing punishment are chained astride poles rather than being free to lie down for the night, and others are more tightly bound and put into tight-laced discipline helmets with tongue-clamp gags. Yet all of us are glad that the day is over and we can look forward to regular training and service for the next week.

I will offer an additional scene from the ranch at a future date, just to keep the readers more fully informed about the life of real ponygirls.

The end