The Racing of Jayne - IX

by Martin McRae
- do not use without the author's permission.


The great gala race was now just two months away. Flame was told by Gregor she had a special treat, seldom permitted other pony-girls. Wondering what was in store for her, she pranced excitedly as Gregor led her to a private stall and, without speaking, completely unharnessed her. Even her arms were freed and then, still without Gregor having spoken a word to her, she was left alone. Without any of the trappings of her harness she felt truly naked, despite the fact that for some three months now she had worn no clothes in the conventional sense at all. Despite her curiosity, her fully absorbed pony-girl training compelled her to do nothing until bidden, and so she stood docilely waiting for whatever next might happen.

After a few more moments wait, the stall door opened and one of the Don's female house-keeping staff, a tall woman whom Jayne had last seen on the morning she left the big house after her night in Don Estanio's bed, came in.

She held in her arms a bundle of well pressed casual clothes.

'You are to get dressed' the woman said simply, and without giving the naked Jayne more than the most casual glance. She put the clothes on a small stool in a corner of the stall and immediately left. Still wondering what was to happen to her, Jayne went to the bundle and sorted through it, dressing herself as best she could. She found she had been given jeans, but neither pants nor bra, and a checked shirt. She pulled on the jeans, but when she went to put on the heavy shirt she found its thick material was, clearly intentionally, big and baggy across her breasts. It completely disguised the outline of her by now greatly protuberant nipples and the large, heavy-gauge rings which - now that she was on her third or even fourth size increase - already distorted what would otherwise have been their normal shape.

Her rings, of course, had not been removed. There was a pair of soft moccasin sneakers to slip on her bare feet.

Dressed thus simply, she again waited.

Gregor returned, and told her she had a visitor. For two hours she could become Jayne again, free to speak and freed of the disciplines of the pony-girl. Together they walked over to the big house, where at the door of Don Estanio's study Gregor knocked, then left her.

'Enter' called a voice.

In Don Estanio's large and airy study Jayne was surprised and delighted to meet her aunt, but after effusive greetings and a first, few, words and exchanges of news she found herself becoming restless and even apparently alarmed, frightened. After several more minutes in which Jayne became obviously and increasingly uneasy, she asked Don Estanio if Gregor could be permitted to be with her also. When the diminutive groom had been summoned and - clearly somewhat uncomfortably - had joined the company to sit near her, Jayne quickly settled and turned and began animatedly and with complete unconcern to tell her aunt all that had happened to her.

To Lady J. Jayne/Flame bubbled with enthusiasm about her life, and what a good pony-girl she had become.

She described how quickly she had mastered her dressage movements, how pleased Gregor had been with her. She talked at length of her training, how fast and fit she had become. Life in the stables could be irksome, she admitted - but she didn't mind too much, and indeed it pleased her how, thanks to Lady J's initial training and the self-discipline and forbearance she had been taught, she could switch herself off from the physical restrictions and discomforts of, for example, not being allowed to use her hands. Her favourite times, she said, were either in the gym, out on the track or in the dressage ring, going through her routines. Clearly, she relished the athleticism with which her training had endowed her, and the uninhibited if surrealistic physicality of the world she now inhabited.

Lady J had, of course, been kept appraised in general terms by Don Estanio of Jayne/ Flame's progress, and had been informed both when Jayne had been pronounced ready for The Blacksmith and, a few days later, that she had returned, and that the Blacksmith's full procedures had been carried out. The Don, however, had not gone into any detail about what Jayne had had to endure during her formal and final test of admission to the stables. Tentatively Lady J now broached the subject, but if the aunt had feared to raise it, Jayne seemed not at all to mind.

'It wasn't too bad' she said, simply 'not nearly as bad as I'd feared. My biggest worry was that I wouldn't be able to hack it without disgracing myself. But I was OK. I was pretty sure that Don Estanio would be tough on me, if only to make sure he was going to get his money's worth. So I was ready for most of it. You would have been proud of me, Aunt. Don Estanio will tell you - won't you, Sir' (and she turned momentarily to the Don for confirmation, then rapidly carried on without waiting for his reply) 'I made barely a sound - even when having my harness rings put in.

‘Not even when I was branded.' Jayne paused, looked at her aunt directly. Rhetorically she asked: 'You know I've been infibulated as well - don't you? They did that first. It's a double infibulation, to close my sex completely. I've got two long gold pins right through my labia - one set high up, near the top, the other right low down, over the entrance to my vagina. They're kept in place by special rivet heads that can't come off. It means I can't be screwed by anyone until after the race. Don Estanio says I'll be opened again then. Having my labia pierced wasn't too bad, actually - I was quite surprised - and of course they're done individually, so it's four separate piercings, not two. But at least I wasn't heat-welded. That was a relief, learning they weren't going to do that to me.' She giggled. 'It must be like being spit-roasted.

'Fitting the harness rings - they're the rings that go through your nipples - is what they try to make as tough on you as possible - but you know that. So did I of course. Once they had me secured into the ringing frame I couldn't see what they were doing to me - but I knew from having watched Constance having it done, so I sort of knew what would be coming next. I think that was an advantage. Although all the girls are told exactly what's going to happen, having had the chance to see it done to someone else I'm sure made a difference - made it easier for me. I could feel them getting me ready, of course. Having my breasts pulled through the ringing holes was a bit uncomfortable. Don Estanio didn't mess around - he was pretty rough on me: quite deliberately of course, as I knew he would be, so I have nothing to complain about. I knew what to expect. He used the tong-clamps on my nipples right from the start to pull my breasts through and into position, so it was pretty sore, but I think I was able to take it pretty well - put up a pretty good show.

'And once your breasts have been pulled right through, the rubber really does make them go fairly numb.

‘But once they start to stretch them again, ready for the ringing - you really start to feel them again then: I thought they were trying to pull them right off. And the clamps are really tight as they pull, so your nipples are really bruised and sore. That's deliberate too, of course - as you know. They want to hurt you, to see if you'll complain: if you can't take having your nipples stretched and then pierced, you're not going to be able to take the rest of training - that's the theory anyway.

'The piercing itself is sore - no point pretending otherwise. It's intended to be. The spike is so big it really hurts. What's worse, although the point might seem quite sharp, it's really not that sharp at all. In fact they quite deliberately keep it slightly blunt, to make sure it hurts properly. Even though I thought I was ready, it hurt so much it took me by surprise the first time and I'm afraid I yelled a little bit. But the second time I knew what was coming, and was ready for it. I didn't yell for the second one.’

Lady J listened with quite pride to her niece's account of her comportment and dignity through the truly testing ordeal, and indeed the little minor victory over the intentionally painful intentions of her examiners. She did not speak, and Jayne/ Flame carried on with enthusiasm.

'And then it takes so long to fit the ring - that's the sorest part, in a way, because it takes such a long time. It's not sharp like the spike - just very hot and burning. I just gritted my teeth and made myself keep quiet while they did it. But it feels as if they're setting fire to your nipple - or cutting it off with a blunt hacksaw. And of course not being able to see what's happening makes it worse.

'But it's soon over - and your nipples stay sore for only a few days.’

Jayne/ Flame paused, and raised her eyebrows as again she looked straight at her aunt with her next, unequivocal, question.

'You knew I was going to be branded, too - didn't you? I mean, once we'd decided to go the whole hog there was going to be no getting out of it. I was more worried about that than being pierced - either through my nipples or my pussy lips. I really didn't want that - for a start it's going to be permanent. Don Estanio told me, before I went in, that they wanted to do a permanent one, a deep one, rather than just the light brand I saw on Marietta. I was given the option of declining, and taking just a light brand instead - but I was worried that if I said I didn't want the full treatment he might fail me completely. Having a permanent brand done is much harder to take than just getting a light brand.

‘Don Estanio told me that if I said I would accept a permanent brand, it would mean they would hold the iron on me for a count of twenty. I knew how hard it had been to hold still for five, when you had me marked in the stable - but at least this time I was going to be tied, so I knew I couldn't wimp-out. Even so I was pretty scared when the time came.

‘But at least it was going to be only a single brand, not a double like Constance had.

'In the end even that wasn't so bad. I felt a bit faint when they did it - but I didn't yell out or wriggle. It healed very quickly - there's just a nice bright white scar now, in the shape of a Flame. Actually it's rather pretty.’

Jayne smiled broadly at her aunt, and swivelled in her chair to pat the upper part of her left buttock through her jeans, to where she bore her brand.

'It's on my left side, on my bottom - except when I'm in pony-harness it's called my crupper. I'd love you to see it. In fact, I'd love you to be able to see me do my routine...' she turned quickly to Don Estanio. Her pleas was not less earnest for being spontaneous. She had, truly, just had the idea.

'Could I, Sir, please? I mean, could Aunt J be allowed to see me properly harnessed up?' Don Estanio would not normally have permitted one of his patrons to see their pony-girl while the filly herself was still in early training, principally because of the risk of rebellion - but Jayne/ Flame was so clearly an enthusiast for her new life that he quickly decided in the affirmative. His lusts were in fact more for the older woman than the niece, and he would be interested to watch her reactions when she saw the niece of whom she was clearly so fond appear naked, her body jewellery glinting, in full harness and attached to a dressage chariot, required to respond with instant obedience to every demanding command. Especially when as Flame, as the young woman would again wholly become, was put through her rigorous dressage display by the uncompromising Gregor.

Once again Jayne pleaded with Don Estanio to permit her aunt to see her in her harness, and with some misgiving Lady J heard Don Estanio agree.

'It will take about an hour to get her ready. Gregor - put Flame in full dressage display. Have her in the indoor school in an hour.’

With some trepidation, Lady J. prepared to see her niece put through her paces as a pony-girl.

To be continued...