Katryn’s Tale 13

by Lady “B”
- do not use without the author's permission.

Chapter Thirteen

Katryn had watched the actions of her friends as, each in her turn, had submitted to being saddled by the elf that was training her. At first, she almost decided to allow the “boss elf”, as she now thought of him, to go ahead and saddle her as well. Deep in her mind, Katryn knew that she really had little choice about what was being done to her. Like Lyra, Katryn had known from childhood about elves and girls. According to the Elder’s laws Katryn, like all children had been taken from her mother at age five to be raised by the village “nannies”. In order to enforce the strict standards of behavior required by the Elders, the Nannies often made threats to their charges such as; “If you don’t do so and so, I’m going to sell you to the elves and they will saddle you up and ride you ‘til you drop.”

Not long after being placed under the control of the Nannies, rumors started about Katryn’s mother. For several years thereafter, Katryn had been teased unmercifully by both the Nannies and the other children as a result of the rumors that her mother had been taken by the elves and would spend the rest of her life being ridden by them. Katryn’s response to the teasing had been to become very strong mentally as well as very tough physically, especially for her size. From the time that she was eight or so onward the other children learned that teasing Katryn about her mother could be hazardous to their health. From about the time she was sixteen, the Nannies learned the same about her.

The Elders, however, were another matter entirely. Although those in the upper levels of Elder hierarchy were, for the most part, disgustingly corpulent, they were still physically stronger than the girls who were made to serve them. The contraceptive drugs that were administered in their food to all the girls in the Elder’s compound, also effectively turned off their reproductive systems eliminating, for the most part, their interest in sex. This, of course, seemingly made no difference to the Elders as they used the girls frequently to serve their own pleasures in a variety of ways.

It was not in Katryn’s nature to give in as most of the girls did to the treatment accorded them by the Elders, and she resisted them on occasion. Her resistance dissuaded some of the meeker of the Elders, but also earned her whippings and particular hard use from the old dominant leaders. Katryn quickly learned which Elders not to resist, and simply gave in to them hoping that they would finish quickly. However, when selected for use by an Elder with whom she had no experience; Katryn’s nature usually caused her to test her latest intended rapist to see which of them would win out. Katryn, as such, did not get used as often as most of the other girls in the Elder’s compound. This was quite all right with her and, as far as she was concerned, justified the whippings she received when she guessed wrong about a particular Elder.

All of the girls in service to the Elders had contraceptive drugs added to their food which turned off their reproductive systems including their capacity for pleasure.

As a result, their bodies only rarely produced much of the natural lubricant necessary for sex to even be comfortable for them. Usually, for their own comfort, Elders would lubricate a girl with oil before using her, but the older more dominant ones seemed to enjoy causing pain. In time, Cynda, Lyra and Madi learned from Katryn which Elders they could get away with resisting and which they couldn’t. Actually, although they were unaware of the fact, the four were considered as troublemakers by a number of the Elders. This well might have explained why they had been allowed by the Elders to go berry picking without escorts some few weeks earlier.

However she came to be where she was, Katryn was again facing someone, who wanted her do something that she really did not want to do. This “boss elf”, however, certainly lacked any of the outright cruelty of the older Elders who for the most part had enjoyed crushing her resistance, causing her pain and punishing her. This elf actually seemed to enjoy getting her to accept his control without resorting to outright force. That the elves had used their whips when they considered it to be necessary there was no doubt. This was true even for the trained girls that they regularly rode, as Katryn had witnessed when the beautiful slender blonde had balked at entering the water as her young rider had wanted her to do. Katryn had felt the whip herself, on a number of occasions since being captured, but always to the purpose of enforcing a particular action on her part.

Katryn was well aware that the purpose of this elf was to turn her into an obedient animal for him or others like him to ride. She also knew that, although he would probably succeed, she was not going to make it easy for him. He was not going to ride her today; not if she could help it. She, like her friends, had assumed that being saddled, today, meant that they were going to be ridden, today. Katryn decided to make her stand and not allow this elf to get that saddle on her back as had been done with the others.

“Let those three spend the day carrying elves around on their backs,” she thought to herself. “I’m not ready to let it happen to me.”

Randor had set the saddle that he was carrying for Katryn down just inside her stall and approached the girl who had been standing in order to see through the bars of her stall to watch what had been done with her friends. As was the case with all of Randor’s stables, the walls between stalls, like the doors, were solid for about half way up and barred in the top half. Many years earlier, he had learned that allowing girls to see each other when in their stalls tended to relax them and make their training progress more easily and faster. Glynda had tried the same idea in her stables, and found that her stallions also responded well.

When Randor had finished bridling Katryn and massaging and sizing her back earlier, he had retied her lead rope to the ring on the wall of her stall. This time, the girl had not bothered untying it as she had before just to show the elf that she could. Taking the rope in his hand, he attempted to lead Katryn away from the wall where she had been standing to watch the other girls. Instead of moving toward the center of the stall where Randor wanted the girl standing in order to saddle her, Katryn suddenly pulled back on the rope attached to her collar and backed herself into the corner of her stall.

“If I can keep my back in this corner, there’s no way that he can get behind me to put that saddle on my back,” she thought.

“Easy girl, easy girl,” said Randor in his most soothing voice as he tried pulling more forcefully on the rope.

Katryn dug in her heels and refused to budge from the corner where she stood. The pull on the rope only applied pressure to the back of her collar which the girl was well able to resist. When Randor attempted to approach more closely, Katryn kicked out at him. Her kick was clearly a warning rather than an attempt to hurt the elf as she could easily have waited until he was in kicking range had she chosen to do so. Randor stopped his approach knowing that he had been warned to stay back.

Staying back from her, Randor locked eyes with Katryn and again tried to get her to respond to his attempt to coax her from the corner of the stall. He continued to talk to her but now in a voice with something of an edge to it.

“Come on Little Red, stop this nonsense. No one is going to hurt you as long as you behave,” Randor said. “All I want to do is saddle you and take you out for a nice run. You won’t even be carrying any weight, just your saddle, and no one is going to ride you yet.”

Randor’s easy manner seemed to frustrate the girl, as Katryn had been steeling herself for a fight and wasn’t getting one. She stamped her feet in an attempt to tell the elf to keep his distance. Finally, showing only mild resignation, the elf stepped over and tied Katryn’s lead rope to the ring on the side wall of the stall. Then, turning his back on her, Randor walked out of the stall and back to the tack room returning with a whip, another lead rope and set of chain hobbles like the ones that had been put on her at Bothar’s.

By the time Randor returned from the tack room the other three elves had all successfully saddled their charges and were waiting outside Katryn’s stall to provide whatever assistance he might request in handling the unruly filly.

“Need any help, boss?” Asked Latkin. “It looks like your “Little Red” is going to test you every step of the way.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Randor replied to the older elf. “Why don’t you get Vixin and bring her over here? I’m going to let her pull this little firebrand up against the front wall of the stall and hold her there while we get some hobbles on her.”

Latkin was one of a very select number of elves that Vixin would actually allow to ride her, and offered no resistance as he led her over near Little Red’s stall. Latkin knew that Berin could certainly haul the filly across her stall but also knew that the strength of the big roan would make the job much easier.

“Prindor, I’d like for you and Rolf to be ready with the hobbles. As soon as Vixin pulls her against the front wall, you two get in there with me and let’s see if we can get the hobbles on her without being kicked,” Randor instructed the young elves.

Randor entered the stall and untying Katryn’s lead rope from the ring on the side of the stall tied it instead to the end of another lead rope with a snap clip on the other end. Next he fed the rope out through the bars in the upper portion of the front wall of the stall to Latkin who had Vixin standing beside him facing away from the stall. Taking the clip from Randor, Latkin snapped it to the ring at the back of Vixin’s saddle, and signaling her to kneel, mounted the big roan. After signaling Vixin to her feet with a couple of tugs on her reins, Latkin guided her away from the stall taking up the slack in the rope.

Katryn saw what the elves were doing and, as the rope drew tight decided to resist them with all of her strength. She dug in her heels and tried to pull back as hard as she could but her strength could not match that of Vixin. Step by step Katryn was hauled across the floor of the stall until she was pulled up against the front wall where Vixin held her tight. Vixin had not needed Latkin on her back to know what was expected of her, although the additional weight of a rider actually helped provide extra traction on the dirt floor of the stable. The magnificent dark roan had done this sort of thing many times during the capturing of wild girls or helping to control rebellious ones. She knew to simply set her feet and keep tension on the rope attached to her saddle until signaled to back up and release it.

As soon as he saw that Little Red was being pulled across her stall by Vixin, Randor stepped outside the front wall to the spot where the rope was being drawn through the bars. When the filly was held firmly against the wall he reached between the bars of the upper portion of the wall and snapped the leading rein to her bridle’s lower rings. He then took the opposite end of the leading rein and, pulling it tight, tied it to a ring on the closest hitching post. Randor now had his Little Red pulled tight and secured against the front wall of her stall by the leading rein, so he waved to Latkin to back Vixin up releasing the tension from the lead rope on her collar.

As soon as Vixin backed up and released the tension on Katryn’s collar Randor reached through the bars and unsnapped the lead rope. Being tied by her bridle held the girl more securely against the wall than had the rope from her collar due to the pressure that the bit would exert on her mouth if she attempted to pull away.

Held as she was, Katryn knew that she would find it difficult to kick effectively at the elves as they proceeded with whatever they intended to do with her, however, she did not feel like giving up just yet. When the three of them entered her stall with the “boss elf” carrying a saddle she lashed out with her right foot in Randor’s general direction forcing him to jump back almost dropping the saddle in the process.

“Well,” said Randor. “It looks like we are going to need to put hobbles on her after all. None of us needs to get kicked this morning.”

“I’ll certainly agree with that,” Latkin said rubbing his chest in mock pain reminding the others of the kick that Katryn had given him several days earlier at Bothar’s.

“How do we go about getting them on her without getting kicked in the process, boss,” asked Rolf.

“It’s really pretty easy,” said Latkin. “A girl can’t kick if she has one foot held off the ground. Just watch how Randor and I go about it. Prindor, you and Rolf get ready with the hobbles.”

Latkin and Randor both stepped directly behind Katryn and began moving in slowly. The girl, held as she was against the wall of the stall by her bridle, had little room in which to draw back and deliver a hard kick straight back as she would have liked. Also, she could not turn her head to see what the elves were doing behind her. Sensing that they were behind her, Katryn kicked back suddenly with her right foot hoping to catch either of them. This kick was exactly what the two very experienced trainers had been waiting for. Like a flash the two elves jumped and caught the filly’s foot and held on while she tried to pull it away. While the girl and the two elves were struggling, Prindor quickly snapped one ring of the chain hobbles around her right ankle. Just as quickly while Katryn still struggled to pull her foot free, Randor and Latkin lowered it enough for Prindor to snap the other ring closed on her left ankle.

“You see, Rolf. As long as you keep a good hold on one foot and keep it off the ground, she can’t raise her other leg to kick,” Latkin instructed the young elf. “Now if she had put her weight down on the leg we were holding Randor and I might not have been able to hold on to her. But Little Red did what most girls do and tried to pull her foot away from us which made it pretty easy for Prindor to get the hobbles on her.”

“I’m going to untie her bridle lead now and walk her around a bit so that she learns just how helpless she is in hobbles. She can’t kick or run away and we can do pretty much what we want to with her, and I want her to know that,” said Randor with a degree of satisfaction.

Although the challenge that Little Red was giving him was rather enjoyable for the elf, he did realize that it was taking time away from her real training as well as that of the other girls. He really wanted to get on with the day’s work so said to the other three, “I’ll be able to handle her by myself from here on, so why don’t you go ahead and get started running the others?”

“That sounds good to me. If I don’t get this old girl out for her morning run soon, she’s going to get right upset with me. I guess I’ll see if this young filly can keep up with her,” he said jokingly as he untied Lyra’s leading rein from the hitching post and tied it to the ring at the back of the Berin saddle. Prindor and Rolf proceeded to do likewise with Madi and Cynda and their own mounts so that very shortly all three were mounted and ready to go.

“We’ll see you on the track, boss,” said Prindor as he gently spurred Lacie’s bare flanks and led off as the other three followed.

While Latkin, Prindor and Rolf had been attaching the other girls’ leading reins to the backs of their saddles and mounting, Randor had been leading Katryn around the main open area of the stable. The girl was quite frustrated and clearly humiliated by the chain hobbles which only allowed her to take short mincing steps. Unlike the soft hobbles that elves often used on their mounts just to keep them from wandering far, chain hobbles like Katryn was wearing, were intended to control an unruly girl and provide a degree of punishment for bad behavior. The metal cuffs, although not tight were hard and uncomfortable if pulled against, and the chain between them well under two feet long.

The cuffs on Katryn’s ankles closed with a simple snap mechanism and could be quickly and easily opened by finger pressure on the release. However, with her wrists secured to her collar as they were it was impossible for the girl to reach them which only added to her frustration. Again, Katryn was being taught that she was, indeed, only an animal and one being trained to serve the elves’ purposes.

Katryn was relieved when the other three elves rode off leading her friends. It had been humiliating for her to have Cynda, Lyra and Madi see her mincing along being led as she was by the “boss elf”. She also knew that he would be able to put that saddle on her whenever he chose and there was little that she would be able to do to stop him. Subconsciously, Katryn was just beginning to question the wisdom of her resistance. Randor, on the other hand was genuinely irritated at the filly as she had made him use force on her today rather than getting her to allow him to do as he wanted.

As the other three were leaving the stable, Randor tied Katryn’s leading rein to a ring on one of the now empty hitching posts. The height of the ring on the post was such that the filly was forced to bend at the waist to reach it while standing. This held her in a position that made saddling her very simple for Randor, which he did with little delay. After throwing the saddle on to her back, he pulled it into place firmly by cinching the belly band tightly around her lower abdomen. By reaching up, the elf was able to slip the shoulder straps under the chain connecting the girl’s upper arm cuffs and drop them over her shoulders. Next he pulled the straps back under her arms and buckled them to the saddle then stepped in front of her to buckle the strap running across her bare chest just above her breasts. Little Red was saddled for the first time.

Katryn had glared at Randor all the time he was saddling her, first looking back over her shoulder when he was behind or beside her then straight at him after he had stepped in front. It was clear to the elf that Little Red had been beaten today but was far from defeated, and that her resistance was far from over. Randor decided that it was time to begin showing the filly that her rebelliousness was going to have consequences that she would not like.

Randor went back to the tack room and returned with several saddle weights which were leather bags filled with sand and fitted with so that they could be securely attached to a girl’s saddle. One by one he hefted them on to Little Red’s and buckled them in place. The filly was now being made to support about half the weight of a typical elf. Next the elf untied the leading rein from the hitching post and tossing the end over one of the stable’s rafters pulled her into a standing position beneath the rafter. He then tied the end of the rein to one of the other hitching posts well out of the girl’s reach.

Fastened as she was, Katryn could only move a step or two in any direction and could not reach the post where her rein was tied in order to attempt to untie it. Also, she was secured tightly enough from overhead that she could neither kneel nor sit, but would be forced to stand.

Randor then turned and walked over to where Vixin was ground hitched, mounted her and rode out of the stable without even glancing back at the filly. Katryn glared after the elf for several minutes before turning her attention to the way in which she had been fastened and left. At first, she thought that she might be able to reach the clips where the two ends of the leading rein were attached to her bit. She quickly learned that the “boss elf” knew his business when it came to securing girls. Even if she succeeded in pulling down hard enough on the leading rein to reach one of the clips, she would not be able to activate the release mechanism of the clip as that required the small strong fingers of an elf. Katryn realized that she was going to remain exactly where Randor had left her until he decided otherwise.

Katryn had felt a sense of pride earlier when she had successfully resisted Randor’s attempts to saddle her, but now realized that her rebelliousness had not brought the results that she thought that she wanted. She was not completely sure just what she had been hoping for when she chose to fight being saddled this morning but, whatever it was, it was certainly not what she got. She was hobbled and tied in place wearing a weighted saddle on her back, and had now simply been left alone by the “boss elf”. Still, he had not used his whip to force her to do what he wanted, but had simply controlled her like the animal he obviously considered her to be. Once again, Katryn knew that Randor had won yet another round of their ongoing contest of wills.

Shortly after noon Latkin, Prindor and Rolf rode back into the stable leading Cynda, Lyra and Madi to find Katryn standing where Randor had left her. During the several hours that she had been left tied as she was Katryn had packed a smooth area in the dirt floor of the stable by pacing and shifting her weight from one foot to the other and back to relieve the tension in her back and legs. The three elves all quickly dismounted and led the fillies into their stalls where they tied them by their collars before unbridling them and giving them plenty of cool water along with their mid day feeding. They also unsaddled the girls and gave each a good rubdown with soft cloths. The three elves and their mounts were also ready for their noon meal and a bit of rest so they quickly remounted and rode out of the stable. The three girls had been wet with sweat from their several hours of exercise when they had been led back into the stable, but were now all comfortably dry thanks to their rubdowns, and were enjoying their feed for which they had developed a genuine liking.

Their exercise this morning had seemed to the girls at first to be fairly strenuous but all had handled it without incident. As they were all sore from their exercise of the previous day they had been started slowly beginning with several laps around the track encircling Randor’s facility at little more than a walk then stopping for water. After their first stop, the pace had been increased gradually from a slow jog to a gentle run and held there for most of the morning with periodic breaks for water and bladder relief. Finally, as feeding time approached, the girls were given two laps at what was for them almost a dead run. They were then walked for several laps to cool down before being brought back to the stable.

During their cool off laps endorphin flow had begun which, along with the mild sexual stimulus from the pressure of the straps between their legs, had the three feeling quite good. Katryn, on the other hand, had spent a very frustrating morning and was not sharing any of the hormonally induced feelings of wellbeing as were her friends.

As they finished eating Cynda, Lyra and Madi all turned their attention to Katryn who remained tied outside of her stall.

“What happen to you after we left?” Lyra asked. “What did you do to get tied up like that and just left here? I see that he did get a saddle on you after all. Did he whip you or what?

“No, he never hurt me in any way,” Katryn replied. “He just tied me right against one of these posts, and, since I couldn’t kick him with this chain thing on my legs, there was nothing that I could do to keep him from saddling me.”

“Why didn’t he bring you out to run with the rest of us,” Cynda asked.

“I don’t really know except that I think he wanted to teach me a lesson for resisting him like I did,” Katryn replied. “I think it may have worked, at least for now. Being made to stand here for hours like this was definitely humbling. It really shows you who is in control.”

“What did the other elves do with the three of you all morning?” Katryn asked of the three in general. “All three of you looked a little winded but pretty good when got back. You said something about running. Did they make you run all morning?”

“Well, it didn’t turn out to be so bad,” said Madi. “When we started, I thought I was going to die, I was so stiff and sore from yesterday.”

“So was I,” said her sister. “But, after walking for a bit I started loosening up and really started to enjoy the running until those last two times around the place. They were a little rough. It was hard trying to keep up with those girls the elves were riding. I don’t know how they can run like they do and carrying riders besides. ”

“I don’t understand it, replied Madi. “All my life up until lately, I always hated running. However, today once I got going it didn’t feel as bad as it used to, and right now I feel great. I can’t remember when I felt so good.”

“Believe me these elves definitely know what they are doing,” Cynda injected. “It’s clear that their business is training girls like us, but I still don’t understand why I have been feeling so strong and good for the past few days.”

“You don’t suppose that there’s something in this food that they give us; do you? I noticed when they were bringing us here that they feed the same thing to all of those girls that they ride, and those two big ones that carried those huge packs,” Lyra said. “I don’t know what is causing it, but I don’t want it to stop. I certainly don’t like the idea of some little creature riding me, but I’ve never felt this good either.”

“Being ridden is really not so bad,” Cynda said somewhat self consciously, “at least not by an elf. They’re so small and light. At least it’s not like it was in the Elder’s compound. Remember how they would make us get down on all fours and ride us, even the fat ones? Remember how sore our knees got especially when they made us race each other?”

“What do you mean, “Not by an elf”? All three girls asked almost as one.

“You know how good to me the one young elf has been?” Cynda asked. “Well remember the second night we were here when they first put bridles on us?

Remember that he took me outside while the other elves kept you three in here”?

“What happened to you out there?” Katryn asked. “You were gone for some time then came back with him leading you just like you had left.”

“Well, I let him get on my back and ride me around the yard out there. It was humiliating but it also gave me a strangely exciting feeling, if you know what I mean.”

“What do you mean “feeling”? Asked Madi.

“You know what I mean; the feelings that have been coming back to us all the past couple of weeks. Those feelings that all went away shortly after we were moved into the Elder’s compound,” said Cynda with a note of defiance. “I’m also talking about the feeling I know that I got from that strap between my legs this morning.”

“I thought it was just me,” Madi mused. “You mean that all of you have been having these feelings too?”

The three others all nodded and murmured their assent. Their sexual desires were not only re-awakening they were becoming stronger than any could remember from when they were young women prior to being taken to the Elder’s compound.

“Well, I don’t know what we’re going to be able to do about it, harnessed up like we are. We can’t exactly reach ourselves where it counts,” said Lyra who was the oldest of the four and the most outspoken. “And I don’t think I’ve seen six human males since we got here. What are we going to do?”

“Whatever it is, it will be what these elves want it to be,” said Katryn with obvious resignation. “Just look at me. I spent the morning tied up like this. And, that boss elf may decide to leave me like this for the rest of the day just to teach me a lesson and there’s nothing that I can do about it.”

After about an hour’s rest the four elves returned on their mounts. While Cynda, Madi and Lyra were all being bridled and saddled, Randor simply stood and looked at Katryn. She locked eyes with him for what seemed like several minutes, then when she found that she could no longer hold his gaze, lowered her eyes and head submissively.

“All right, Little Red, lets start over and see if you will behave yourself this time,” Randor said in a friendly tone.

Randor first brought over a bucket of cool water and set it next to where Katryn was standing. Then he untied the leading rein from the hitching post and pulled the rein back from over the rafter which allowed the girl to kneel and drink which she did with gusto. While she was kneeling to drink, he removed the weights from her saddle and the chain hobbles from her ankles.

Randor’s next move surprised even Latkin who had been watching while he had been bridling and saddling Lyra. Along with the bucket of water, Randor had also brought a small wooden bowl of feed which he had set back behind him on the stable floor. As she drank he turned and picked up the bowl and set it next to the water bucket then, pulling her head out of the water bucket, proceeded to unbuckle the filly’s bridle and give her head a friendly tousling. Once her bridle was removed she turned and again stared into the elf’s eyes. She quickly lowered her head and, within the limit of movement her hands were allowed by her harness, began to eat.

As soon as the filly finished her meal and took another long drink of water, she remained kneeling and again looked Randor in the eyes.

Randor simply said softly, “That’s a good girl.” and presented Katryn with her bit.

This time before lowering her eyes in submission and opening her mouth, Katryn shook her head as if to say, “OK we’ll do it your way; this time.”

To be continued.