"My name is Dusty Cook. I want to welcome you to Orientation Facility Casa de Sol. For those of you who have not been informed, this facility is located roughly thirty miles south of Guadalajara, Mexico. We are one hundred miles due west of Mexico City. We're within a two hour drive of Acapulco.
"I'm going to cover a few things then I'm going to turn the floor over to Debbie. She'll explain the more sundry details of what's expected. Since she's been through this from the start she's well aware of your anxiety, your moral conflicts, and your physical discomfort. She knows every aspect of what you're going through.
"Orientation Facility Casa de Sol, or Boot-camp Casa de Sol as we call it, is the third of three such facilities in the North American chain of training facilities. The others happen to be in San Francisco and Richmond, Virginia. All three funnel their trained ponies to a large central facility located on Juan Fernández Island off the west coast of Chile. That facility is where you all will head to next in your pre-delivery training.
Ponies wear epaulettes on their shoulders also to designate their progress. I'll use Debbie as an example. Her shoulders show two gold stars and one Silver Star on each shoulder. They represent five thousand blow jobs; that's one thousand for each gold star and five hundred for each silver one. Stripes represent miles traveled in similar fashion. The gold stripes on her epaulette represent a thousand miles; the silver represents five hundred miles, she has six, gold and one silver. She was a pony for ten years. She still gets into harness every now and then.
"So to recap; the gloves are colored based on miles trotted. The shoulder boards are used to display a running total of your progress. Finally your suits represent the milestones you've passed.
"You will all be sorted according to how we, the heads of this facility, feel you would best serve the community of owners. Some of you will be best used in a team. Others will be better suited for single performances. Some of you will become familiar with the sulky; others will pull a larger wagon or coach.
"I'd like to say something about anxiety and fear. This is important so pay close attention. We have no desire to harm you but we expect you to be afraid. We expect anxiety. Listen very closely to what I'm about to tell you regarding the subject of fear though. Fear is good. I'll repeat that. Fear is good. Why? Fear satisfies the customer. As long as you're not crippled by your fear, a little anxiety or uneasiness makes for a good performance. Too much fear, the fear of permanent injury for instance, can cause the event to grind to a halt. That doesn't satisfy anyone. So to paraphrase a famous saying, 'Be afraid. Be just a little afraid.'"
As Dusty was giving his presentation he was watching the girls as Debbie was too. They all looked fantastic in their kinky outfits. They were all shuffling in their seats as they tried to get comfortable inside the latex. Dusty knew they were itching and sweating. It was something that would pass with time.
"Okay, let's talk about the reason you're all here, money! You all want to get rich as quickly as possible. You considered the sacrifice to be worth the reward. That's understandable. But I want you to do something for me. Forget about the money. The money is taken care of. It's guaranteed. You will have enough things to concern yourself with. You will have duty.
"I talk in terms of duty because it's a higher calling than the term job. None of you are getting paid to do a job. You are not prostitutes! You're pony girls. You'll garner respect. You are not sluts, whores, or gutter trash. Hell, you may even strike up a chord with the person who owns you. That could lead to a very expensive wedding if you catch my drift.
"Well, I've said enough for now. I'm going to pass the floor to Debbie. She'll go over some of the more tedious details. Debbie?"
"Thank you Dusty. I'd also like to welcome you to our little facility. I'm not going to take very long but I wanted to go over some important items that you'll need to keep in the back of your head.
"First, you will all be closely monitored while in training. This floor's complex has two doors. The one down the hall to the right as you exit this room leads outdoors. The one to the left as you exit leads to such facilities such as our pool, the examining room, and other such places. The facility you'll be heading too shortly after this meeting is called the arena. Here you will all learn to march properly.
"Now we'll talk about some rules. First, you may not leave your room without putting on the outfit you wear now. You must wear the body suit, gloves and boots. Get used to heels as they are a standard item in the Pony-Girl wardrobe. When you march you'll wear even higher heels that have the soles acoustically enhanced to sound like a horse hoof. Your trainers may already have shown them to you.
"We do not allow our Pony Girls to march outside during the heat of the day. The noon temperature here often rises to the century mark. Instead we use our arena. It's air conditioned so you shouldn't have any problems.
"In the evening we march outdoors. The heavy outfits you wear work well in the cold air of the desert. It's a really fun experience. We put streetlights all over the place. The carriages have cute little lamps on the sides too. You'll all love it.
"Finally I'll mention the sexual aspect of your training. You will all be expected to open wide and take any man who asks. We are going to desensitize you by making you do these acts as often as possible. We try and get five sessions each day. That's difficult because we don't want it to fall too close to meal times.
"For those that are squeamish about this, we do understand. We have a lot of experience with girls who have never had the opportunity to partake in a man's offering. You must become comfortable with the act though. It's your duty. In that regard if you know you're going to have a problem, don't refuse. Tell your trainer and she will arrange to have you bound for the act. Yes, I know it's a forced sex act but it has to be done. If you do refuse, you'll have to endure physical punishment in addition to the rape. Trust me; I don't enjoy authorizing those sessions.
"Next topic, addressing your superiors: We don't use idiotic titles like Master, Mistress, Sir, Madame or anything else. Instead we insist you use our first name. We all have badges so you can address us properly. Be formal when answering however. You would say, 'Yes, Debbie. No, Debbie.' Please do not use the titles I mentioned earlier. To us they are insulting.
"Finally I'm going to talk about some rules of the International Pony-Girl Consortium that we are a member of. The consortium is comprised of several hundred millionaires and billionaires that run ranches around the world dedicated to the collection and enjoyment of Pony-Girls. The IPC has been in existence since 1983 when three doctors from San Francisco got together with some business types from Singapore at a Las Vegas bondage convention. Having discovered that they had a common interest in Pony-Girl bondage they came up with a plan to produce Pony-Girls on a vast scale. Within one year the operation was up and running. That facility, the current site of Boot-Camp Alpha, was an all inclusive training facility.
"The group had to come up with rules to protect the girls. The risk of abuse was great, especially in countries that had little or no respect for human rights such as the Asian, Indian, and Arab markets. Thus they came up with the Pony-Slaver Compact. In order to trade, train, and compete in the Pony-Girl competitions held every three months the facilities to be built would have to abide by the Compact. Thus the wheels were set in motion. Within a year twenty farms were established. Now the facilities are specialized. The Consortium set up layers of training facilities to avoid duplication of effort. In addition the training is uniform and structured so every pony gets the same chance to advance. As it stands there are now over 200 pony farms that house as many as fifty slaves each. The total stock at this time exceeds 8,000 girls. There are three training systems in place; one as I've described in North America, one spread across Europe, and one in Southeast Asia. Another system is planned for the African continent and an additional smaller system is being discussed for Australia. So as you see we're worldwide.
"Now, let me talk about some of the rules and how they affect you. First, let's talk about basic bondage philosophy as defined by the Consortium. In the simplest terms, Bondage is Art. You'll actually see plaques placed throughout our complex with this phrase to remind us of this fact. As such, you need not worry that we'll disfigure you, scar you, or do anything that makes you look anything less than beautiful. We consider each of you to be a canvas waiting for the artist's hand. Your trainers earn their prestige through making you look as beautiful and enticing as possible.
"Along with that note come the rules concerning hair. Under consortium rules hair will never be shortened while the pony is in service. Long hair is a huge asset to your worth. As an example, a girl with hair that's in excess of two feet long will go for twice the market value of a girl with shoulder length hair. Along those lines, if you leave then come back, you cannot come back with hair any shorter than you left with. If you do cut it and wish to return to get more money, you'll have to wait till your hair returns to its size when you were released."
Just then a girl raised her hand. It was one of the smaller girls in the middle. Debbie pointed to her asking, "Your name please?"
"Charlene Brown. Everyone calls me Charlie."
"What is your question, Charlie?"
"You said you kept coming back for many years. How many times can you return? Do we get a million every time we come back?"
Dusty stepped in at that point. "The current age limit is 30 years of age. Any girl who reaches her thirtieth birthday will serve out the year but not be allowed to reenlist. As for pay, the answer is yes. You get a million each year.
"You also get a share of the profits if you're sold. That kicks in when you reach Black Pony status. Black pays 5% commission. Silver pays 10% commission and Gold pays 25%. Prime ponies almost always go for a million dollars or more. So my advice is to be irresistible!"
"Debbie, are you finished?" Debbie indicated she was. The meeting had lasted twenty minutes and the girls were showing the signs of fatigue. "Okay, go back with your trainers and grab a light bite. We're on the opening day schedule so lunch will only be thirty minutes. You'll be getting your first blow job lessons afterwards then you'll be marching. So don't eat anything heavy. Keep that in mind. You're dismissed!"