A Ponies Tale

by Dusty Cook
- do not use without the author's permission.

Chapter One

Katryn felt the two short tugs from the chain that was looped snugly around her neck and locked there with a padlock. Each end of a separate short length of chain had been wrapped several times around each wrist, and locked there with additional padlocks allowing only about one foot of separation. The center of that short chain was, in turn locked at her neck, by the padlock there. Katryn knew from recent experience that the tugs were her command to rise from her knees and get ready to move off. Katryn had been knelling for a brief rest while being watered and fed some type of awful mealy stuff from a leather bag. Her eyes followed the chain to where her captor had grasped it to give her the commanding tugs. As she rose to her feet she could hear the clinking of chain behind her which she knew to be the six to eight feet connecting the loop around her neck to an identical loop around the neck of the girl behind her. Katryn also knew that the arrangement of chain and loops was repeated three times after hers, holding a total of four captives.

The other three ponies in order on the chain were Katryn’s friends, Madi and Lyra who were sisters about two years apart in age, and Cynda, who was unrelated to any of them. All four of the ponies had been captured by a small band of mounted riders as they had crossed an open field not far from their village. The four captives were all in their early twenties and, with a certain degree of recklessness, had decided to journey out today, to pick the early spring berries growing next to the forest. The day had seemed to the ponies to be entirely too beautiful for anything bad to happen so, ignoring the elder’s warning, embarked on their quest, alone, as none of the old males were willing to escort them.

The ponies did not realize that danger lay hidden in the forest next to the partially shaded fringe where the berries grew. The raiders had planned well and were hiding at the forest’s edge, waiting for the girls. The ponies approached and the raiders struck. Raiding parties like this one used lassos to capture their prey, throwing them with great accuracy while remaining mounted. Had the ponies been able to reach the forest, they might have avoided capture, as lassos are of little use in the woods. However, Randor, the raiders’ leader had planned well, and the ponies had been careless. Soon they were stripped naked and following after him on a chain.

The chain pulled again on Katryn’s neck, and she was forced to follow where it led her. After a few steps it pulled harder, yet, and she was forced to increase her pace from a walk to a light run. The leading end of the chain was not held by her captor but, rather, snapped to a ring at the back of his saddle, so it was really the rider’s strong mount, not the rider himself who was pulling Katryn and the ponies along.

When the raiders had first attempted to lead the ponies this way, Katryn had decided to resist. She decided to test her resolve against the strength of her captor’s mount by firmly planting her feet and refusing to move. When she did, however, she was simply pulled from her feet on to her knees on the forest floor. Also, the loop tightened painfully on her neck, and she received a series of stinging lashes across her back from the riding whip of the raider sitting his mount just to her left. Katryn quickly scrambled to her feet and the stinging rain from the whip stopped. Surprised at the strength of the mount of the raider leading her, Katryn resolved not to try that again right away.

The party of ten raiders and four captives continued to run along for what seemed to be hours and hours. Unlike little Katryn, the sisters, Madi and Lyra, and even Cynda, the tallest of the four, began finally to fade. When it became clear to Randor that the ponies were, indeed, playing out, he slowed them to a walk, but kept them moving. He also noticed that the little freckled red head at the front of the chain was the least tired. She had also been the hardest to catch, and was proving herself to be the feistiest. He rode along with a definite feeling of self satisfaction for having decided to keep her. Because of her short stature of little over five feet tall, he had almost left her behind.

Until they had really begun to tire, even the three ponies who lacked Katryn’s strength and stamina, had been able to keep pace fairly well with the raiders mounts even when running. These raiders were not humans mounted on horses as they might have been on Earth, but rather Elves less than half the size of the human ponies they had captured. Their mounts were not horses, either, or any other large quadruped, as none existed on this world. The ten Elves all rode on the backs of ponies or women. Each of the Elves mounts was completely naked except for a saddle and bridle, boots on their feet and cuffs on their wrists connected to collars on their necks with short lengths of chain.

The Elves’ mounts all appeared extremely fit and, given their pace, apparently carried their riders with ease, with little or no evident strain, showing only a light sheen of sweat on their muscular bodies. Most of them appeared to range in age from their late twenties through their early forties. However two, with beautiful short gray hair showing beneath their bridles, appeared to be exceptionally fit women, in their mid or later fifties. These two, like the younger girls, all had magnificent bodies, and evidenced no sagging whatever of breasts, stomachs or buttocks, their skin being quite supple and tight.

One very exceptional mount was the girl ridden by Prindor, the youngest Elf in the raiding party. Prindor’s mount was a beautiful nineteen year old named Lacie. With a tall slender body and delicate facial features, Lacie also had deep blue eyes, long platinum blond hair and deeply tanned perfect skin. On Earth, a girl like Lacie could easily have been a “supermodel,” and earned a fortune from her looks. On this world, too, Lacie was certainly of great value, but so were all ponies that had been trained by the Elves for riding. On Earth, Lacie surely would have owned houses, cars, jewelry, clothes, and all the trappings of wealth. Here she owned nothing, not the saddle on her beautiful young back, the bridle that encircled her lovely head or the bit between her perfect teeth. Here Lacie was, herself, owned.

In the eyes of her young owner and rider Prindor, Lacie, was indeed the equivalent of a thoroughbred. Prindor was extremely proud of Lacie, and treated her accordingly. Over several days, Katryn had noticed Prindor’s special treatment of Lacie, and wondered if he was perhaps intimidated by her sheer beauty. “Although he’s an Elf and not a human, he looks almost human, and he’s still a male,” Thought Katryn. However, in watching them carefully, Katryn realized that there no question which of the two was in total control. Prindor was clearly the rider, and Lacie was, without question the one being ridden. Prindor sat comfortably in the saddle on Lacie’s back controlling her with the reins, while Lacie wore the saddle and responded instantly to the bit in her mouth. She was ridden as hard, or harder, than any of the mounts in the raiding party. Prindor just seemed to enjoy keeping Lacie clean and groomed, and her long beautiful hair curried and brushed and fastened up in a long cascading ponytail.

Also in the Elves raiding party were two additional naked ponies with large powerful bodies that bore big heavy pack saddles on their backs containing the raiding party’s supplies. These girls, named Tana and Beth, had about ten feet of rope connecting the collars that each wore. A second length of rope ran from the lead girl, Tana’s, collar to a ring at the back of the saddle on one of the grey haired women who were ridden by the one apparently old Elf in the party.

The four new captive ponies had known from childhood the purpose of Elf raids on humans. They also knew why they had been taken and what was now to be their fate. Elves were small, short legged creatures, and their mobility on this world required they have animals to ride. The four ponies had been captured for exactly that purpose. They were to be broken and trained to become what in the Elves’ language, were known as “saddle girls”.

The Elf term for “girl” was used generally to refer to all female humans with their terms for “filly” and “mare” being used for age differentiation. When first acquired by Elves whether through trade or capture, new ponies were generally categorized according to their physical characteristics and builds. Therefore, terms such as “saddle girl,” “draft girl,” and “pack girl” were used to describe, not only how a girl appeared, but her likely eventual service to the elves, and the type of training she would probably receive. Although draft ponies were more likely to be used to draw vehicles or implements such as plows, they could, obviously, be ridden as well, and often were. Conversely, it was not uncommon for saddle ponies to be harnessed and hitched to draw vehicles, especially light buggies and the like. Pack ponies also served multiple purposes as well.

Chapter Two

It had taken over a week of hard riding for Randor’s raiding party to travel from their own village to the vicinity of the one where the humans lived in order to conduct their raid. After days of pushing, the Elves’ mounts except for Vixin and Lacie, were beginning to tire and attempted to slow down earlier each day. Randor kept setting the pace on the tall powerful Vixin, while Prindor on slender Lacie matched her stride for stride. The other Elves in the party were forced to push their ponies hard to keep up. There was good reason behind Randor’s haste. He had a schedule to keep with nature.

Randor had planned this raid the previous year when he had scouted the area. He had discovered the great patches of low growing berry bushes, and he knew well that these particular plants produced an abundance of sweet berries of which humans and especially human ponies were especially fond. He also knew when the berries would just begin to ripen, and that was very soon. Key to his plan was the fact that these plants would only grow in an open area immediately adjacent to the Eastern edge of a dense forest of tall trees to shield them from the strong afternoon sun. The Elves would be able to conceal themselves and their mounts in the forest to wait, but by timing their charge, be able to catch their prey in the open where they could be easily caught.

On this world, the human diet was bland, monotonous and lacked much in the way of sweets. Although they tried, humans had been unsuccessful in cultivating berries in their large, safely fenced but sun drenched agricultural plots. As such, they had to come out of their walled villages and farms to pick the berries which they did, en masse, when the full growth had ripened. Last year, though, Radnor had witnessed what was the key to his plan. On the first few days when the berries were just beginning to ripen, a small group of humans, including several girls, came out to try to get the very first berries of the new season. That is what Radnor and his band was counting on this year.

Last year’s small group of berry pickers had not been escorted by heavily armed old males, as the later mass would be. Only one or two of the old male humans with their long bows had accompanied a group of girls. The Elves would have a huge advantage as they were armed with crossbows which they could all fire with great accuracy even with their mounts at a dead run. Also, the old human males were as likely as not to flee back to the safety of their walled strongholds, leaving the ponies to distract the Elves to assure their own escape. Also, it had been years since the Elves had raided this particular village and Radnor had predicted that these humans would likely have become complacent. He knew, precisely when last this village had been raided some nineteen years ago. “It is high time, though, that I got back,” he mused to himself while giving Vixin a couple of soft proprietary slaps on the top her left shoulder followed by a good natured tousling of her beautiful dark red hair through the headstall of her bridle. How well he remembered that earlier raid, and especially its result.

In the Elves’ language, girls, whether saddle, draft or pack, were usually described first by the color of their hair in generally equine sounding terms. Randor’s mount, Vixin, with dark red, almost amber hair, was actually referred to as a “Dark Roan.” Most of the other Elves in his party rode “Browns” or “Blacks,” which were the most common colors for girls. Of the two older women one, was a “Grey” and one was actually “Silver.” If Prindor’s mount Lacie’s skin had been pale, with her platinum hair, she would have been considered a “White.” However, with her light hair and deeply bronzed skin, Lacie was a “Palomino.” Darker blonds were known as “Buckskins” or light or dark “Tans” depending on the shade of their hair. Although the Elves had the knowledge to bleach or dye a pony’s hair, they rarely did, so the hair on a pony’s head as well as that between her legs was almost always natural in its color.

Radnor and his party reached the area where he remembered the berries to be thickest late in the afternoon, and carefully circled to leave no tracks for the humans to find. Reining Vixin to a halt and placing his hand on her head, Randor signaled the girl to lower herself for dismounting. She did so immediately by dropping to one knee, lowering the seat of her saddle over a foot. Randor swung down and, dropping the reins, left her “ground hitched.” Vixin was so superbly trained that she froze to the spot. Radnor then removed his spurs and riding boots, and slipped in near the berries in his stocking feet, leaving no tracks. The condition of the berries was perfect for his plan, as they were just starting to ripen. If the humans were also aware of this fact, they would probably arrive the next morning or the morning after at the latest.

Like most elves, Randor always wore spurs when riding whether on Vixen or any other girl. The spurs, however, that Randor and most Elves used were designed to command a pony’s attention, not to cut or injure her. They were of rowel design with short curved shafts putting the rowel just over an inch behind the wearer’s boot heel, with the curve going toward the inside of the foot. The rowels themselves had multiple blunt points set close together and generally made from hard wood or bone. The skin of a pony’s flank is thin and sensitive, so a light touch there from her rider’s spurs is generally all that is needed to communicate a command. Actual injury to her skin there, or worse yet, the muscles below it, was never a desirable outcome either for the girl or her rider.

Randor returned from the patch of berries, put on his boots and spurs, and remounted the still kneeling Vixin. He signaled her to rise with a couple of gentle upward tugs on her bit which she instantly obeyed. The Elf party, then, circled the berries, and moved well into the forest and set up their typical cold camp. After feeding and watering them well, the Elves picketed their mounts to sleep. Before dawn, the Elves had their mounts awake and bridled. Before saddling them, the Elves all thoroughly massaged each pony’s powerful legs and hindquarters to loosen their muscles for the chase that might come later in the morning. The sudden stops and turns required when chasing, could too easily pull or injure cold muscles. A girl with a pulled muscle was to be avoided as that would affect her ability to keep up with the party on the return trip.

About mid morning, Randor knew that his plan had been a good one, and that luck was really with him, when he saw four ponies approaching from across the field carrying empty baskets to hold the berries. Luckier still, they had no male escorts, so a fight would not even be necessary. The raiders left their weapons at their campsite where Tana and Beth were tied with the old Elf to watch them, and shook out their lassos for the chase.

Each girl would first be lassoed around her neck by one Elf then, as she fought that loop, she would be dropped to the ground by another Elf by throwing his loop around one or both feet. Once a girl was down, the two Elves who had lassoed her would loop their lassos around horns on their saddles, and back their strong mounts until the girl was stretched out on the ground. At this point two more Elves would leap from their mounts to tie her wrists behind her. After her hands were tied the loop around her feet or foot would be loosened and removed. Then, the Elf whose lasso was around the pony’s neck would turn and spur his mount to begin pulling until she scrambled to her feet and followed. While each girl in turn was being roped and tied, the other riders kept circling those remaining, using their lassos or whips to keep the ponies from escaping into the forest, or running back across the field the way they had come.

Catching the ponies in the open field, as they did, the chase would have been over fairly quickly but for the feisty little freckled redhead. Her speed and agility cost them an extra twenty minutes of hard riding and chasing. Had it not been for Vixin, seemingly deciding on her own that “enough is enough” and running into the girl, literally knocking her from her feet, the chase would have taken even longer! However, finally little Katryn too, was roped and tied. It took, however, two mounted Elves with lassos to control Katryn and get her to the camp site. One Elf rode ahead and pulled her along while the other rode behind, with his lasso also tight on her neck to keep her from trying to dart around trees to tangle her lead.

Radnor had almost called off the chase when the little “Strawberry Roan,” as he thought of her, had proven so difficult to catch, and besides she was short. Radnor knew that tall and lanky ponies like the other three were the ones to command the highest prices, once they had been trained for riding. Most Elves tended to equate long legs with greater speed and a softer ride. However, there was just something about this one that told him to keep chasing her, which they did.

As quickly as the ponies were caught, they were dragged, stumbling along, to the Elves’ camp by the lassos on their necks. Once there, with all four girls, the Elves forced each to her knees, and worked quickly as a team to get them stripped and chained and ready to travel. In their fear and panicky efforts to escape the elves, all of the ponies had wet themselves to varying degrees. While stripping and preparing to chain them for travel, Randor’ keen sense of smell tipped him to the likelihood that this had happened. A quick hand check of the damp hair between their legs confirmed it. Rather than distaste, Randor’s response was one of relief. This would save him a lot of time, compared with pouring water down each pony’s throat and waiting for the inevitable result. There was something that was important to Radnor that he wanted to know.

After confirming what he had smelled, Randor went to his pack and returned with a small vial of powder. Pouring a small amount into the palm of his left hand, he approached each girl in turn to rub a bit of the powder into the wet area between her legs. As Randor had hoped, the powder made a slight grey stain and nothing more. No color appeared indicating what he had hoped, and that was that none of the ponies was pregnant. Randor smiled his relief as he quickly finished chaining the naked ponies for travel. When he had first stripped her, Randor noticed with some interest, that the little strawberry roan’s freckles covered, not just her face, but her entire small body. “Interesting,” he thought as Vixin’s skin was similarly colored.

As quickly as the four ponies were stripped and chained, the Elves got them to their feet and ready to travel. Pursuit by the old human males was unlikely, but Randor wanted to take no chances. He knew that once they crossed the range of low hills to the north, and forded the shallow river that wound through them, they would be safe. The humans never tried very hard to recover ponies taken by elves.

Randor had attached the captive’s lead chain to a ring at the back of Vixin’s saddle, mounted her, and with a quick touch from his spurs, sent his big mount lunging forward. Of course, that was the little strawberry roan’s first rebellion. She had dug in her heels in an attempt to hold fast. The little red’s resistance was short lived, however, against the shear strength of Vixin, and the momentum she already had built up in just a couple of her powerful strides. The strawberry was jerked from her feet, and was just beginning to be dragged along the ground. Prindor, who was riding just to the left of the girl, leaned down from Lacie’s back to give the little red several quick stripes from his whip encouraging her to scramble back to her feet to follow obediently. All the Elves then spurred their mounts to a brisk trot with Vixin pulling the ponies while Elf riders on both sides of the chain provided a bit of leather “encouragement” for any that might try to lag.

The Elves’ traveled only by day as they had no wish to risk injury to the captive’s feet or ankles that could come from a fall or stepping on uneven ground in the dark. They were, after all, wearing only the light shoes in which they had been captured, which were barely adequate for the fast traveling over sometimes rough ground that the ponies were being forced to do. The Elves’ mounts and pack string were all shod much more substantially in medium heeled light leather boots that laced up well above their ankles providing excellent traction, support and protection over rough terrain. These boots had clearly been specially made for each girl as Elves were always keenly aware of how important the condition of a pony’s feet was to her rider. Not only did the boots fit with perfection, in most cases they also matched the wearer’s saddles and bridles in color. Elves were, in general, most particular when it came to selecting tack for their mounts.

Nights on the long trip back to the Elves village followed a pattern. First, after being allowed to relieve themselves elsewhere, the captive ponies were secured by wrapping their lead chain around a handy tree and attaching it with the padlock at Cynda’s, throat. Then, as the four ponies watched, the Elves’ took light hobbles from one of the heavy pack saddles, and locked them around the ankles of their mounts and pack ponies before removing their saddles, bridles and boots. Depending on water availability, the Elves would then do their best to wash the day’s accumulated sweat and dust from their mount’s legs and bodies. They would then rub them down thoroughly, especially their legs and feet as they dried. The same attention was also given to the two pack girls, Tana and Beth who were quite obviously carrying much heavier burdens than were the saddle girls. All were then fed and watered after which they were allowed to roam freely about the camp restricted only by their hobbles.

The Elves then prepared and ate their own meals before relaxing until it was nearly dark. During this time, with the exception of Vixin who always remained close to Randor, the saddle and pack ponies would often wander out of sight of the camp in small groups of two or more. This never seemed to concern the elves, as none of the ponies could really get far in their hobbles. They all seemed to return shortly before dark, when they would be tethered together to a picket line strung between two trees, and allowed to bed down for the night.

The new captives were given the same feed as the Elves’ mounts and pack girls, but ate it with difficulty due to its taste. Initially, only severe hunger brought on by their nearly constant walking or running allowed the four captives to overcome the taste and eat at all. However, by the second week of travel the feed’s taste was becoming less objectionable, if not actually, quite tolerable.

Although they were still very tired by the end of each day’s travel, the captives began to notice that their pace was being increased day by day, and that they were able to handle the change. Madi, Lyra and Cynda all attributed this to their belief that they were becoming better conditioned due to the constant exercise. Although she knew this to certainly be a contributing factor, especially for the other girls, Katryn, who was already in excellent physical condition, knew that there had to be something else at work. She, also, noticed that the Elves’ mounts always maintained the same pace as the captives did, and didn’t appear to tire nearly as much even though each carried the additional weight of saddle and rider.

As dark began to fall at their camp, the Elves took their minimal shelters from one of the large pack saddles, and set them up. The Elves always slept in shifts with at least three on guard while the others slept. Katryn noticed that Radnor, who by now she had identified as the leader, slept far less than any of the others. She also noticed that there was something strangely familiar about Randor’s magnificent mount, Vixin. Perhaps she was imagining it, but Katryn had the strange feeling that Vixin rarely took her eyes off of her.

Other than Randor himself, the young elf, Prindor, was always the first to raise in the mornings, to groom his beautiful mount, Lacie. As she stood or knelt before him, he would again wash down her beautiful body and waist length hair with cold water as he had the night before. While still slick with water, he would thoroughly massage the pony’s legs, back and hindquarters before brushing out and tying up her almost white blond hair as it dried. Prindor always knew exactly where on Lacie’s head to locate the base or her ponytail so that it came out high in the back just above the top head strap of her bridle. He would then bridle, saddle and shoe her for the upcoming long day of riding.

Lacie clearly had affection for Prindor and definitely enjoyed all of the attention he paid her. She made her feelings clear, not only by nuzzling him with her head whenever she got the chance, but also by her obvious willingness for him to ride her. Katryn could not help but notice this relationship which seemed so very strange to her. “How can a girl like her accept being treated as an animal and ridden like that?” “Worse yet, she actually seems to enjoy it.” Katryn mused to herself. She also noticed a similar relationship seemed to exist between Randor and Vixin if not most all of the Elves and the ponies that they rode.

Due to the slower pace of their captives, it took the Elves about two weeks to get back to their village.

Chapter Three

Upon arriving at their village around mid day, the Elf party with their captives stopped in a sort of courtyard area that was located just inside the main gate. There the Elves dismounted, and gathered in a loose semi circle around Randor. There, Randor thanked all of them for their service, and told them to come to his compound the next day to receive payment for their past three week’s work. Randor never carried gold with him while on a raid, and he liked to make sure that everyone else was well aware of that fact. As the other Elves were leaving, Randor asked Prindor to remaining behind. Prindor nodded, and the other Elves all re-mounted to ride to their various homes, there to care for and stable their mounts before getting some much needed food and rest, themselves. Their real relaxation would have to wait until tomorrow after they were paid.

Turning to Prindor, Randor said to him, “You did a very good job this trip, my young friend, but I have one more task for you, and that is to take Tana and Beth back to the stable for me.” “Also, as soon as you get there, please tell Latkin and Rolf to meet me at Bothar’s place, as the day is still fairly young and we might as well get these four properly outfitted.” He added, gesturing toward the chain of ponies who, except for Katryn, had all dropped to their knees on the ground. “I think that I will keep these four here for a little while to let folks get their first looks at them.” Randor said as Prindor was mounting Lacie after clipping Tana and Beth’s chain to a ring at the back of her saddle. “Letting potential customers see how wild ponies look and act as opposed to how they will look and act following training, never hurts my reputation.” “It’s just one more trick of the trade you need to know,” he added quietly.

Prindor turned Lacie in the direction of Randor’s facility, and with a touch of his spurs, rode away leading Tana and Beth. “Do you need me to help at Bothar’s after I get these two cleaned up and put away?” Prindor called back. “No, but thanks for the offer” Randor answered. “You go on back and take care of Tana and Beth,” he said. “Oh, and don’t forget Lacie,” he added grinning. Randor knew that Prindor had received more than his share of ribbing from the other Elves over the past three weeks over his attentive care of Lacie. Randor was certain that young Lacie would be well cared for, indeed, before being put away in her stall for her much needed rest.

Randor had noticed that Prindor and Lacie had more than pulled their weight on this raid. “This youngster is one of the best I’ve got,” he mused to himself. “And that skinny little palomino of his can hang right in there with any of them as well.” Randor thought. “Well, almost any of them,” his thoughts continued as he considered Vixin. Randor, obviously, had great confidence in the magnificent dark roan that was standing, obediently ground hitched, where he had left her, the chain of captives still clipped to her saddle. After he had knelt, Vixin and dismounted, Randor had signaled her to stand. He wanted her on her feet in a position to control matters, should the captives attempt to bolt on their chain. Vixin clearly knew her job and kept a constant tension on the chain to Katryn’s neck.

Walking back to his captives, Randor shouted “up, up” to the girls, in his language, while abruptly raising his hands, palm upward, in several easily understandable gestures. Madi, Lyra and Cynda, who had all been kneeling, rose slowly to their feet. Little Katryn was still on hers, and now all four ponies stood facing Randor and the small crowd of Elves of both sexes who were gathering behind him. “Come on in and take a look, folks.” “They are all a little rough around the edges now, but wait until you see them again in about six months,” he said, clearly working the crowd.

The crowd of Elves all came closer, and examined the ponies carefully from distances outside of kicking range. These were, after all, wild ponies and, though securely neck chained were not hobbled. They could certainly try to kick. None of the spectators was bold enough to approach the ponies for the close inspection and careful feeling of muscles that would take place when they were sold following their training. Randor allowed the inspection process to continue while trading comments and observations with his potential customers for about a half hour or until the crowd begin to thin. When there were only a few Elves remaining, he thanked them for their interest, and took his leave. Randor returned to Vixin, who had been standing precisely where she had been left. He had her kneel for him, mounted her, and rode from the courtyard leading the four girls.

Randor still had plenty of work to do, so leading his chain of captives; he spurred Vixin up to a light trot quickly reaching Bothar’s facilities. Bothar, the best saddle maker in the village and far beyond, was also Randor’s preferred source for all types of girl tack. He needed Bothar to fit the new ponies with the restraint harnesses that they would wear almost constantly from now on. A restraint harness rather severely restricted a pony’s use of her hands or arms and made her easier to control. It also provided a definite measure of safety and protection for the elves. Ponies were much bigger and stronger than Elves and were, after all, considered little more than wild animals, tamed or otherwise. Having seen and been seen by Bothar through the window of his saddle shop as they were approaching, Randor led his charges straight through Bothar’s open gate and right into his fitting shed.

Randor knelt, Vixin and dismounted. Un-clipping the chain from the ring at the back of her saddle, he locked it, in turn, to a large steel ring on one of the several hitching posts that were set securely into the dirt floor of Bothar’s shed. Randor knew Bothar’s shed well, having brought many chains of new captives and purchases there. One wall of the shed contained a myriad of hooks and shelves that held all manner of girl tack. The other side of the long shed consisted of a series of stalls, of which four were currently occupied by ponies who had been left with Bothar for saddle fitting, and were now watching the new ponies with great curiosity . Once he had the chain of ponies secured, Randor left them, remounted Vixin, and rode her out of the shed to Bothar’s special hitching post in the cool shade of a tree with a large trough of fresh cold water beneath it. Leaving her tied loosely there by her reins, Randor gave her a couple of proprietary slaps on her rump, spoke to her softly and returned to the shed just in time to meet Bothar. Long ago, Randor knew, Vixin had learned to drink from a trough around her bit, so he left her bridle on.

“Four new ones this trip, huh?” “That’s not a bad catch for one raid,” said Bothar as he examined the girls. “Did anyone get hurt taking them”? He added. “Not so much as a scratch.” Randor replied. “We caught them all out in the open with none of their old males even watching them,” he said. After greeting Randor, Bothar, began to examine all of the new ponies with interest. “Just the usual restraint harnesses for now?” he asked, and Randor nodded. All the while the two were talking; Bothar had been visually measuring the necks, wrists and arms of the four girls, and making notes on a small pad he pulled from a shirt pocket. Bothar had been fitting ponies for so long that he could judge sizes by eye as well as most could by actually taking measurements.

Bothar had been carefully checking out Katryn, and had decided that it would probably be best to begin with her. She was decidedly the smallest of the four which, he thought, would make her the easiest to handle. Over many years Bothar had learned that things generally went easier with multiple ponies when the first one harnessed offered little resistance. Following a “good example” additional ponies were generally more likely to accept what was, of course, inevitable, without a fight. As he finished his inspection of Katryn, he commented to Randor, “Is this what they’re growing down there now?” “She’s not much bigger than my Wegins,” he said, referring to diminutive race of humans that dwelled on the Eastern Islands, and of which Bothar owned a pair. “I guess you can always sell her to some rich Elves for their children to ride,” he added, somewhat derisively. “Let’s get started with her.”

Randor laughed, and then replied to Bothar, “Let’s leave her for last, my old friend, or at least until Latkin and Rolf get here.” “I sent Prindor to ask them to meet us here while I stopped for a little preliminary show of the girls,” he added. Before Bothar could answer, Randor went on with a degree of pride, “That little strawberry was harder to catch, and gave us more trouble than the other three combined.” “She’s got real fire in her.” “Where are Latkin and Rolf, anyway, have you heard from either of them, today?” He asked. “I’ll take your word for it,” Bothar said somewhat skeptically first referring to Katryn, then went on, “I haven’t seen or heard from Latkin yet, he’s probably on his way, and Rolf has been helping me here today.” “He evidently finished his work at your place early, and rode over here to see if I had any work he could do.” “You know how he never turns down a chance to earn a little extra.” “Before I knew that you had gotten back, I sent him with the team and cart to pick up my order of leather at the tanner’s,” Bothar answered. “He should be back soon.”

“Which girl did he ride over here, did you recognize her?” asked Randor. “No, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her before,” Bothar answered. “Rolf said she was almost finished with her training and about ready for sale.” He went on. “She’s a good strong looking tall black with dark brown eyes and a big chest” Bothar replied describing the large breasted, black haired girl. “She’s in the stable now, if you want to check on her,” he concluded. “No, that’s okay, I think I know which one you mean, and I’m just glad to see him getting her out in public.” “When they are almost fully trained, we really need to get ponies out of the compound for people to see as often as we can.” “It’s good to start getting them used to it, they seem to like it and it is certainly good advertising,” Randor commented to Bothar.

Of course, none of the four captives could understand a word of what had been said, as the Elf language was not only complex, but the speaking speed and higher register of Elf voices made them extremely difficult for humans to understand. Also, elves, as a separate species, considered themselves vastly superior to humans, and very reluctant to teach them any more than basic verbal commands. After all, they considered humans as basically wild animals which they caught and domesticated for their purposes. Elves considered themselves to be highly civilized and sophisticated creatures, easily the most intelligent on the planet. The very idea of one intelligent being using another to ride, or to carry and haul things, might have created a sense of guilt which the Elves could ill afford. For thousands of years the Elf culture, lifestyle and economy had depended on the much greater mobility their human mounts and draft animals brought them. No Elf really wanted this to change. To the elves, riding saddle ponies was far preferable than walking themselves.

The wait for Latkin was short as, within a few minutes he arrived, riding through the gate, mounted on his striking grey, Berin. Latkin dismounted, and tied Berin at the post next to Vixin. The two nuzzled each other in greeting as they were, obviously, old friends. Latkin, slightly bowlegged from many years of riding, came walking into Bothar’s shed with a greeting, “Four new ones I see.” “Well, let’s get started.” To Latkin, his work was everything.

At almost four foot, Latkin was the tallest Elf that any of the four ponies had ever seen, and although much older than either Randor or Bothar, Latkin had muscles to match his height. Katryn was impressed, but certainly not intimidated. It had taken four of the more normal sized three and a half foot tall Elves to handle and chain her when she was captured. Whatever their intentions were for her, Katryn did not plan to make things easy for these elves.

As Latkin walked around inspecting the chain of girls, Bothar had been at his large inventory of tack selecting four thick leather collars and eight sets of leather cuffs, constantly referring to the notes that he had taken earlier. Both collars and cuffs closed, not with lumpy buckles but with locking metal latches. Collars and cuffs like these were completely smooth on the inside making them quite comfortable for the girl wearing them. They did require careful fitting to the individual girl, a task at which Bothar was a known expert. On his workbench, he then attached collars to cuffs and cuffs to cuffs with measured lengths of light, highly polished, welded link chain, making the connections permanent with special links that he riveted closed with a heavy hammer and riveting tool.

The looped chain and padlocks the ponies had been wearing since their capture was heavy, bulky and rather uncomfortable, but it had served its purpose. It also had provided the sort of “one size fits all” practicality that better met the requirements of a raider.

Since it seemed to Katryn that being first on the chain, she would also be the first to receive whatever it was that the Elves were planning to do, and she had been planning her response. However, she would have to wait her turn, as the Elves first went toward Cynda at the other end of the chain. Cynda was the most striking girl of the four, being nearly six feet tall with chestnut brown hair, dark brown eyes, a round and beautiful face and flawless deeply tanned skin. However, as Katryn knew, Cynda lacked the self confidence to offer much resistance.

Katryn noticed that the big Elf Latkin had equipped himself with a riding whip, very similar to those that the raiders had used occasionally on the trail to keep their captives moving along. Katryn had certainly felt their whips more often than the others during their travel and knew that, although she could take it, she didn’t like it. Cynda, on the other hand, Katryn knew to be terrified of it.

While the other two Elves stood back, each holding a pair of connected cuffs or a cuff and collar set in their hands, Latkin, walked up to Cynda, alone, grabbed the chain where it departed from her neck, and gave it a series of short gentle tugs in a downward direction. Cynda resisted Latkin’s fourth pull with one of her own. At six feet, Cynda towered over him by two feet, and was, obviously, much stronger than even the large elf. Latkin, however, offered no resistance to Cynda’s pull. He simply let the chain slip through his calloused hand. Next he calmly stepped behind Cynda and, before she realized what he was doing, gave her two hard lashes from his whip. The first landed across her rump, and the second across the tender backs of her knees. He then stepped back in front of Cynda, grasped the chain again and gave her another short series of tugs, hard this time. Gasping and with tears streaming from her eyes, Cynda quickly knelt obediently. Once she was on her knees, Bothar set down the collar and cuffs he was holding and, while Latkin held the chain tightly right at her neck, quickly crossed and tied Cynda’s ankles with a length of braided leather and removed the shoes she had worn for the past two weeks. She would remain on her knees until the Elves were ready for her to stand.

Before unlocking the padlock at Cynda’s throat, Latkin raised the chain loop that had been around her sweat and dirt stained neck for the past two weeks, and held it high under her chin while Latkin checked the fit then closed an almost two inch high leather collar snugly around her neck. The collar fit Cynda’s neck perfectly, and Latkin complimented Bother, “I see you haven’t lost your eye for necks” “Let’s see if you are still as good as always with wrists and arms,” he added. The collar’s lock clicked shut with a loud positive sound.

Descending from each side of the collar on about six inches of highly polished chain was a two inch wide fitted leather cuff with a lock just like the collar. The Elves let these cuffs simply hang across Cynda’s breasts for now. Then, standing behind Cynda, Latkin grabbed her elbows, and pulled them as close together behind her back as the chain in the front would allow. He held her elbows behind her while Bothar attached the set of cuffs joined by about a foot of chain to Cynda’s upper arms just above her elbows. These cuffs fit perfectly as well, and clicked positively as they were closed. Next, while both Latkin and Randor held Cynda’s wrists, Randor removed the padlocks and wraps of chain that she had been wearing and, one at a time, locked on the cuffs that were dangling from her collar. “Looks like you’ve still got your eye,” Latkin said smiling at Bothar Although Cynda was, at the moment too shattered to recognize it, her new collar and cuffs were all lined in suede leather and all were lightly padded for her comfort. The purpose of her harness being to control and limit her arm and hand movement, not to abrade and cause pain or, worse yet, injury. The Elves all stepped back satisfied that the “Big Chestnut” as they considered her, was secured, which she was.

In addition to the cuff chains, the collar had metal rings both front and back, obviously for leading or securing the wearer. While Bothar untied her ankles, Latkin took a ten foot rope lead from several that hung on his wall. These rope leads had a metal snap on one end and were plain on the other with the rope being whipped with cord to prevent unraveling. He snapped the clip to the front ring of Cynda’s collar, raised his whip for her to see, and tugged upward on the leash. Cynda, still crying, scrambled awkwardly to get to her feet as the Elves looked on and chuckled knowingly. “This one was going to be easier than most to break and train,” they all thought. Randor took the lead from Latkin and led the sobbing girl from the shed to a hitching rail in the yard, near where Vixin and Berin stood tied. Cynda followed obediently. At the rail, Randor simply looped the rope a few times around the rail, and left Cynda standing there while he went back into the shed to help with the next girl.

Although Cynda was unaware of it, her loose tying was not carelessness on Randor’s part. It was both a test, and the beginning of Cynda’s training. Randor wanted to see if Cynda would try to escape. If she did, he was not worried as there was really nowhere for her to go. She did not know where she was, and no Elf in the village would be likely to let a rider less girl just walk away. Even if she somehow did manage to get outside the village wall, there were open fields for miles in all directions, and he and Latkin could easily ride her down and catch her on Vixin and Berin. If Cynda did not try to escape, it would be an early indication that she was learning to accept her new condition, and was showing it by staying where he had left her and waiting for his return.

The Elves’ harnessing of the next two ponies proved to be remarkably easy. Growing up in their Village, the sisters, Madi and Lyra, both “Blacks” by Elf description, had always been somewhat intimidated by Cynda as the bigger and taller girl had been something of a bully to them when they were children. They had watched in dismay how easily the Elves had handled big Cynda, so offered no resistance when their turns came. All Latkin needed to do was to show them the whip, and they knelt in obedience. About fifteen minutes later they, too, were harnessed and tied at the rail in Bothar’s yard, leaving only little Katryn to be dealt with.

“Let’s take care of your little Wegin now, so that I can get back to some paying work” Bothar said to Randor with some impatience. “I’ve got saddles to finish fitting for these, and you know that’s where the real money comes from in this business,” he said indicating the four other ponies that stood watching from the stalls in the far wall of his shed. “I really think that it will be better if we wait until Rolf gets back,” Randor replied, firmly. “With no disrespect to you or to Latkin here, I believe that things will just go easier for, four of us instead of three.”

Latkin, who had, himself, noticed something in the little freckled red head’s bright green eyes, quietly nodded his agreement with the assessment of Randor. Latkin respected Randor and his considerable knowledge of girls, particularly wild ones. He knew that Bothar was the best in the business when it came to making saddles and all kinds of tack for girls, but had found his ability to judge the animals themselves, sometimes lacking.

The disagreement became quickly moot, however, as Rolf came flying through Bothar’s open gate driving the cart loaded with leather. Although the load of leather was not particularly heavy and Bothar’s cart was small and light, the ponies drawing it were quite dusty and sweating heavily as Rolf drove them past the shed’s open end at a dead run on his way to the main stable. They were also breathing very hard with their small, firm, perfectly formed breasts rising and falling, almost in unison. It was evident that Rolf had heard of Randor’s return, and had run the ponies hard all the way back from the tannery. Village tanneries were generally located on streams a few miles outside of the villages that they served, both for the water source and because of the bad smell of the tanning process. This one was no different, so the team pulling Bothar’s cart had had a good long run as a result.

The team that Rolf was driving was a beautiful pair of tiny Wegin “Blacks,” each barely four and a half feet tall. They were a pair of absolutely perfectly matched identical twins named Tei and Lei, with the long straight coal black hair, almond skin and beautiful slanted eyes of ponies from those far Eastern Islands. A few months after acquiring them, Bothar had become frustrated when he could never tell the two apart, so he had a small flower tattooed high on the inside of Tei’s left breast and the same tattoo on the right breast of Lei. The ponies both seemed immensely proud of their marks which were, indeed, quite lovely.

Though actually in their early thirties, these Wegin ponies looked much younger than they were, as was generally the case with ponies of their race. Also, by comparison with the vast majority of Elves’ saddle girls, this pair was quite petit, even considerably smaller than Katryn. Tei and Lei were so petit that in the ten or so years since they had been captured and trained, they had seldom been used for riding by adult elves. However, unless the ponies were being used to pull Bothar’s buggy or cart, as they were today, Bothar’s young sons, Lon, and Crendle were generally on their backs riding them somewhere with Lon, as a rule, riding Tei and Crendle on Lei.

On a typical morning, the young Elves would saddle and bridle the sisters and ride them to the village track for a series of races against each other. The races were often hard fought and close events, and the winning girl of each race was always rewarded with a fresh berry or some other sweet. These races always ended at one of the numerous water troughs located around the track where the Wegins were allowed to drink their fill before the winner received her treat. The young Elves had been taught very early the importance of always keeping their mounts well watered. The climate here was generally warm and when ridden hard as in a race, all ponies tended to sweat heavily, and that moisture had to be replaced on a regular basis.

Sometimes other young Elves would also be at the track with their mounts, and would challenge Lon and Crendle to races. Due to their small size and shorter legs, Tei and Lei were generally at something of a disadvantage against their longer legged competitors but what the two lacked in height, they more than made up for in heart, and often outran the taller girls. Before the twin sisters became too well known in the village, Lon and Crendle had won many more bets than they had lost.

After a morning of racing the little Wegins, the two young Elves would ride slowly back to Bothar’s stable, allowing the ponies to cool off on the way. Back at the stable, the ponies would be rubbed down, watered and fed and left to rest while Lon and Crendle were eating their own meals. After a couple of hours of rest, the two sisters were ready to go again, so the young Elves would generally spend the afternoon riding them around the village or surrounding fields. On lazy afternoons the ponies were often ridden bareback and without bridles. Lon and Crendle would braid their long black hair into single braids with which they guided the girls’ direction and slowed or stopped them. As spurs were really impractical when riding bareback, the young Elves just used light willow switches to start their mounts or to encourage them when they wanted greater speed.

In the summer months after several hours of riding, the girls’ little bodies would become so slick with sweat, that it became difficult for the young Elves to stay mounted riding bareback. When this happened, Tei and Lei knew it was time for a different game, and would give some sort of signal to each other that Lon and Crendle we never able to intercept. The sisters would then wait until they were crossing a soft grassy field, and suddenly begin to buck and throw their little bodies around until both of the young Elves slipped off and fell laughing to the ground. The Elves would quickly remount and the game would be repeated numerous times or until the young Elves ran out of sweet rewards for the winning girl who each time first dislodged her rider. It was understood between Lon and Crendle that each must ride his bucking mount holding on only with his legs. One hand could be used to hold the pony’s braid and try somewhat to guide her, but the other had to be held free and clear. Occasionally, when Lon and Crendle brought an extra supply of treats for the girls, Tei and Lei might begin to tire somewhat before the young Elves ran out of prizes for the winner. In these rare cases, a little encouragement from the willow switches would generally keep the sisters bucking with enthusiasm until the treats ran out. This also tended to serve as an occasional reminder to the ponies who were really in control.

Tei and Lei both knew that when their treats ran out, Lon and Crendle would both finally mount them again, and either wrap, both arms around their necks or reach around their shoulders and gently grasp their firm breasts in order to stay on their slippery backs. With the young Elves now holding on with their hands and arms, Tei and Lei knew that it was time to head back to Bothar’s stable. There, they would be washed down with soap and warm water then rinsed with several buckets of cold water which they dearly loved. They would then be thoroughly rubbed down, watered, fed and put into their stall for the night.

The young Elves were, obviously, very fond of the little Wegins, and loved their sports of racing them and trying to stay mounted on their sweaty little bare bodies while the ponies did their best to throw them. Tei and Lei also appeared quite fond of the young elves, and seemed to enjoy the games as much as the Elves did. They certainly enjoyed the treats that they received for winning. In these races and contests each girl seemed to win about as often as the other, although neither of the young Elves ever seemed to notice this coincidence.

The ponies did, however, make an absolutely striking matched team for drawing his cart, or buggy for which Bothar enjoyed using them whenever he had the time. They had been so thoroughly trained for this purpose that when in tandem harness, Tei and Lei moved virtually as one. Bothar knew that they would command a princely sum if he should find the right customer. He felt some concern that Tei and Lei really should be worked more in harness to maintain their skills as a team, but at least he knew that the ponies got plenty of exercise, being ridden often by his sons.

The Wegin ponies were so exquisite, and made such a perfectly matched team, that they really appeared far too expensive to be owned by a typical saddle maker like Bothar. Bothar, however, was anything but typical of members of his trade. He was known far and wide for the best saddles one could buy, and, was a very shrewd businessman to boot. As a result he could quite easily afford this beautiful team of little twin Wegins, but like everything else he owned he considered them always to be for sale. At the right time, he told himself, he would profit immensely as he had taken the ponies in settlement of a debt for far less than their real value. In the meantime, he rationalized to himself, “Being small they don’t eat so much, and they certainly earn their keep, pulling my cart or buggy, and entertaining Lon and Crendle.” Elves, on the whole, were most indulgent patents.

Bothar, also, had a great affection for Tei and Lei, and, although he would never admit it even to himself, selling the pair was quite unlikely. He always liked to think of himself as a businessman first and foremost, which in his mind meant that “everything was always for sale,” but that wasn’t really always the case. Besides, should he sell the pair, he would just have to replace then as Bothar, although a Master saddle maker, really preferred a buggy or cart to riding girl back as his own means of transportation. As a matter of fact he hadn’t owned a real saddle girl since acquiring the little Wegins, having sold, Tika, the girl that he had, shortly after getting the Wegins. Tika had only been properly trained to the saddle, and was never really been comfortable being harnessed and made to pull a buggy or cart. Bothar had, of course, ridden both Tei and Lei on occasion when he only had a short distance to go, and didn’t want to go to the trouble of getting out the cart or buggy. Although either could handle his weight well, Bothar never felt comfortable riding such small ponies for long distances.

Rolf, who of course had just arrived back at Bothar’s compound driving the twin sisters at a hard run, was a young and ambitious Elf who had been working for Randor as a handler for the past three years. Whenever Randor didn’t need him, as he thought was the case this morning, Rolf always sought out extra jobs. He was saving all that he could in order to buy a really exceptional saddle girl of his own. Rolf, though, could not seem to decide whether he wanted a magnificent powerful animal like Vixin, or a beautiful thoroughbred like Lacie, so kept dreaming of both. Rolf’s goal in life was to become a ponygirl raider and trainer like Randor, so Rolf always tried to be at Randor’s side whenever possible to learn everything that he could. It was no wonder that Rolf had run the little Wegins so hard getting back once he heard that Randor was to be at Bothar’s and needed him.

Back at Bothar’s stable, however, first things always came first. Rolf tied the team to one of the several hitching posts, used for the purpose, by their collar rings, unbridled and watered them well. Rolf then un-hitched the cart and rolled it, still loaded with leather, to its usual spot at the end of the stable. He next removed and hung to dry the pony’s sweaty draft harnesses which were, of course separate from the security harnesses which, like all girls, they almost constantly wore. Rolf cooled the team off by generously dousing each girl with several buckets of cold water which Lei and Tei, obviously loved as they practically giggled as they shook their little bodies.

Putting the ponies in the stall that they shared, Rolf then hurried to the feed room, and returned with a small bucket of girl feed, which he poured into clean wooden feeding bowls. Placing the bowls on the ground in front of the girls, Tei and Lei immediately dropped to their knees and began to eat hungrily. “That will hold them until I am finished helping with Randor’s new girls,” he thought to himself. “I’ll come back to rub them down and unload the cart later, after helping Randor,” Rolf thought as he hurried to the fitting shed to join the others.

Katryn was now standing alone in the fitting shed, watching the Elves that were obviously preparing to fit her with a permanent harness just like the ones that her three friends now wore. Katryn’s brain told her that resistance was futile, but her spirit told her to try. She was going to make these Elves pay for what they were planning on doing to her. Katryn knew that she had been much stronger than any of the Elves when they had captured her, and for some reason had begun to feel even stronger the past few days on the trail. Her wrists were still locked in chain and still attached to the loop of chain locked around her neck that she had worn continuously since her capture. The same chain now attached her to the stout hitching post set firmly in the floor of Bothar’s shed. Katryn stood a few feet from the hitching post which allowed slack in the chain connecting her to it. The other end of the chain had been coiled loosely, and left on the shed floor, also a few feet from where Katryn stood.

Randor picked up a loop of the coiled chain, and as had Latkin with the other three girls, began pulling out the slack between his left hand and Katryn’s neck with his right hand. However, unlike Latkin, Randor locked eyes with her, and began speaking to Katryn in a much slower and lower voice than she had ever heard from an elf. Katryn could not understand a word that was being said, but she knew that he was talking to her. Randor’s voice fascinated Katryn, but she had already made up her mind that she was not going to give up easily, and just allow these Elves to do with her as they wished. As she felt the pull on the back of her neck that told her that the chain was now tight, Katryn suddenly jerked backwards hoping to pull Randor off his feet in front of her, with the idea of then kicking or stomping on him. She did not succeed, but if she had, Katryn suddenly had doubts as to whether or not she would she would have tried to hurt this Elf if she had. There was something in his eyes and the sound of his voice.

Randor had simply let the chain slip through his left hand as had Latkin when Cynda had tried the same trick. Latkin, this time, was simply standing back holding his whip while Rolf stood by with the upper arm cuffs, and Bothar the collar set. Before Randor could stop him, the big Elf stepped up right behind Katryn, and drew back the whip. He was about to give Katryn the same two stripes, one across her bottom and the other across the tender backs of her knees, that had so quickly subdued the “Big Chestnut.” This was just what Katryn had been waiting for. She bent forward at the waist, and kicked straight back with the heel of her right foot, catching Latkin in the stomach, doubling him over and sending him flying back at least six feet where he fell in a heap with most of the wind knocked out of him.

Latkin recovered fairly quickly, grabbed his whip from the ground where it had fallen and, clearly angry, was making a bee line for Katryn’s rear end. She fully expected a severe whipping from the Elves that would eventually force her into submission. Other than kicking, naked and chained as she was, she was quite helpless to prevent it as she could only kick in one direction at a time. However, she had already decided that seeing the big Elf fly through the air and land in a heap as he had, was worth whatever they might do to her.

Some of her confidence was not without reason, as Katryn had carefully examined the mounts of the ten Elves in the raiding party during their two weeks of travel together. Although all of the Elves carried riding whips, and some used them more than others, none of the women ridden by the Elves bore any fresh whip cuts or permanent signs of past injuries. Katryn was also guessing that she and her friends had been captured to be trained and sold by these Elves and, hopefully, they wouldn’t want to damage the merchandise too much. However, as she looked over her shoulder, the look in Latkin’s eyes told Katryn that she was certainly in for it, so she braced herself

Just as Latkin was drawing back his whip to give Katryn the first of his planned many lashes, Randor said calmly but most forcefully, “Wait Latkin.” “I want to try this, another way.” Latkin literally froze in his tracks, and glared at Randor. “I’m not about to let a little thing like her get away with kicking me like that.” “I well know how to handle rebellious animals like her, I’ve been doing is since before you were born,” said Latkin at a near shout. “She’s got to be taught a lesson and right now, or she’ll get the idea that she can get away with stunts like that, and I’m going to start teaching her that lesson right now” Latkin yelled. Randor countered calmly, “My old teacher, please stop and listen to yourself.” “Wasn’t it you who taught me years ago that the rare ponies with her kind of spirit must be carefully tamed, but never broken?” “Isn’t she like nothing you or I have seen since I brought Vixin here, wild, almost twenty years ago?” Randor added. Upon hearing Vixin’s name, Latkin stopped in his tracks, and began regaining his composure. He was recalling that magnificent pony’s young wildness and how much trouble they had had with her. Finally, he smiled and nodded slowly, saying, “And nothing makes an old teacher more proud than one day to be taught by his student.” Rolf was hanging on every word that both had spoken.

Latkin re-hung the whip on the shed wall, and stepped around to stand behind Randor with the other two elves. Katryn had followed Latkin’s every movement until he had hung up his whip. She then turned back and locked eyes with Randor as if to say, “Well, now what are you going to do?” Randor again pulled down gently on Katryn’s neck chain while gently saying in his language, “Easy girl, easy girl, down girl, down girl.” Never breaking eye contact with Randor, Katryn stood for several minutes then slowly dropped to her knees before him.

Randor and Katryn stared at each other while Rolf immediately stepped up to cross and tie Katryn’s ankles and remove her battered shoes. Latkin and Bothar then moved in to exchange her new permanent harness for the travel chain. Katryn did not offer more resistance, allowing the Elves to do with her as they wished all the while with her eyes locked on Randor’s.

Suddenly, Katryn began trembling all over and breathing so hard that she was nearly hyperventilating. Still she did not fight this elf. She had not expected things to turn out this way, and now she was absolutely furious with herself. “Why did I let him do that to me?” “What was it in his voice and eyes that had such an effect on me?” These thoughts raced through Katryn’s head. “Well,” she thought finally, with some degree of consolation, “I am tired, and all I really did was kneel for him and let them put this harness thing on me.” “They were going to do it, anyway, one way or another, and he’s still a long way from putting a saddle on my back and riding me,” Katryn’s thoughts continued now directed toward Randor. “You may have won today, but this contest is anything but over.”

Chapter Four

After fitting Katryn’s harness, Radnor had clipped a lead rope to her new collar, and asked Rolf to untie here ankles. He then gave several gentle tugs on the lead signaling her to stand as had been done with the other girls. After nearly a minute of defiantly starring into his eyes, Katryn slowly got to her feet and allowed Randor to lead her out of the shed to the rail where her friends were tied and waiting. On the way out of the shed, he wanted to see if the little strawberry would continue showing her rebellious side given the opportunity. Randor was no novice, however, when it came to handling wild girls, so kept a whip handy just in case as he led Katryn along, holding her lead close to her collar. Being lead in this manner she was, of course, too close to him to be able to kick, effectively. Should Katryn attempt to raise a foot, Randor knew that could easily pull down toward the raised leg, and, force the girl to choose between lowering her foot or losing her balance and falling. In either case he would not get kicked. Especially when handling wild ponies like Katryn, Randor remained always cognizant of how much bigger and stronger humans, even female humans were than elves.

Katryn was still breathing fast and trembling with frustration over how easily Radnor had so recently Mastered her. Twice on the way to the yard, Katryn stopped in her tracks, and stared at Radnor. Twice, Radnor also stopped and waited, with patience, looking back at her over his shoulder until the girl would finally respond to his gentle tug on her lead rope. Both times Katryn stopped, her delays were minutes in length, but with each delay her breathing slowed, and she appeared to become more relaxed. Randor sensed her need to regain some pride, and allowed her these small rebellions.

As he approached the hitching rail with Katryn, Randor saw that Latkin was already there, and getting the other three ponies ready for the final short leg of their journey to Randor’s training compound. Latkin had all three ponies kneeling and waiting, each tied to the next by their lead ropes and the rings on their new collars. They were also in the same order as when he first saw them upon his arrival at Bothar’s shed, Madi then Lyra and Cynda at the rear. When Randor arrived with Katryn he signaled her to kneel at the front of the line by pulling downward on her lead rope. Katryn hesitated defiantly, only to jump with surprise when she received a single stroke of Randor’s whip which wrapped around the tender backs of her legs at the knee. Katryn knelt quickly, and Randor tied the end of Madi’s lead rope to the back ring of Katryn’s collar. She had learned that while Radnor could be tested, it was he who set the limits.

While Randor had been attaching Katryn to the other girls, Latkin had gone for their mounts, and returned leading Vixin and Berin. He held both girls’ reins as Radnor tied Katryn’s lead to Vixin’s saddle ring. Latkin then handed Berin’s reins to Randor while he took the extra lead rope that he had looped over his shoulder and attached the clip end to the ring at the back of Cynda’s neck. Taking the loose end, Latkin walked back to Randor, retrieved Berin’s reins and gave her his signal to lower her back for mounting. Berin was only of average height for a woman, while Latkin was abnormally tall for an elf, so he had not trained her to kneel, rather to bend her knees and drop to a half crouch. Placing his left foot into the stirrup, Latkin swung onto Berin’s back and tied his end of the rope to the horn of her saddle before signaling her to rise with a gentle pull on her reins. Randor mounted Vixin. And they started out of Bothar’s gate leading the string of ponies now secured both fore and aft.

Randor and Latkin had done this many times before so no signal was required for them both to give their mounts a light touch of spurs as soon as they cleared Bothar’s gate. Vixin and Berin almost simultaneously broke into a light trot which the ponies had not expected and had to stumble a bit to match. Radnor knew that ponies like these looked their best when trotting as it showed off their coordination and the firmness of their young bodies.

Randor also knew that professional buyers, to impress their customers, claimed that they could predict how smooth a ride a girl would provide after training by watching her movements when she was still wild. Randor had watched these ponies move for the past three weeks, and knew that three of them had just the characteristics that the buyers claimed to be important. As far as the fourth, well the little strawberry was another matter, entirely. He also had been informed by Bothar that several buyers were visiting the village, so they trotted the ponies along briskly, especially past the taverns where the buyers could usually be found.

As Katryn, Madi, Lyra and Cynda were trotting along, strung between Vixin and Berin, they all began testing the mobility of their hands, arms and shoulders that their new harnesses allowed them. They learned quickly that they would have little use of their hands, but that their arms and shoulders were held in comfortable positions, and were allowed a fair degree of fore and aft movement. They were free to swing their arms back and forth alternating with their legs as they walked or ran. Such counter movement is essential in bipedal creatures to be able to maintain their balance when in motion. Although the ponies didn’t yet realize its importance, the Elves were quite aware that the additional weight of a saddle and rider made a pony’s ability to balance her movements were most essential.

Two weeks earlier in a different life, Katryn would have been horribly humiliated by just the idea of being seen naked by anyone or anything, even elves. Growing up in her village, any form of nakedness was considered terribly improper, or so they had been taught by their nannies and the elders from an early age. These were the same elders who, on her twentieth birthday, had ordered Katryn to stand before them and to remove all of her clothing and display herself before their assembled council. That day burned in disgust in Katryn’s memory. That night was even worse when she was taken to the quarters of one of the lower ranked elders, again told to undress, then and made to perform acts that she had never before even imagined. As a result, nakedness had long brought feelings of revulsion to Katryn.

Following their capture, when the four ponies had first been stripped by the elves, their sheer humiliation had been physically oppressive, and they could focus on little else. The Elves knew from years of experience that the stripping of new captives made them much easier to handle and control, so they always employed the tactic with wild girls. Like those of her friends, Katryn’s body blushed all over instantly when her clothes had been cut away. It had taken all of the ponies several days to begin to accept the sight of each other’s exposed bodies without their intense negative feelings returning.

It had taken almost a week on the trail before Katryn’s really became aware that she, Madi, Lyra and Cynda were not the only naked ponies in the Elves’ raiding party. Except for the saddles on their backs, none of the ponies that the Elves rode were clothed in any way, and none seemed the least bothered by the fact. Even though there were four strangers in their midst, none of the Elves’ mounts nor the two pack ponies had shown the least concern.

During the second week, Katryn could not help noticing the magnificent naked hindquarters of the mounted woman directly in front of her, to who’s saddle she was chained, it was, after all, the sight that filled her eyes for almost twelve hours a day. “Unless you’re front girl, the view really doesn’t change much,” Katryn finally thought with somewhat whimsical resignation.

The next day Katryn suddenly realized that this woman, “Vixin” as she would later learn, had no concern whatever that her own body was completely exposed. Katryn noticed that Vixin’s saddle tended to cause her to bend forward somewhat at the waist fully exposing even her most private parts, especially to those behind her. Upon further observation, Katryn realized that, not only was Vixin totally unashamed of her naked body, it was a matter of intense personal pride for her. Katryn recalled the evenings in camp, and how after they had been cleaned up, fed and hobbled, the Elves’ mounts had all been permitted to roam about somewhat freely. During these times she also recalled that Vixin had always displayed a sense of quiet elegant confidence. Katryn also remembered that the slender blond that the young Elf rode appeared so in love with her beautiful young body that she practically pranced in her hobbles showing herself off. As the long tiring trip neared its end, Katryn began viewing all female nakedness, including her own, with somewhat less concern.

Katryn’s concern over her nakedness did return somewhat as they left Bothar’s and she realized that the village was filled with creatures that were fully clothed while she was not. She realized, quickly enough though, that none of the other ponies she saw in the village wore anything more than saddles or, in a few cases harnesses, by which they were hitched to draw wheeled conveyances of different types. Katryn was beginning to relax when Randor stopped at the corner of a large building before moving out into the village’s wide main street.

Although Katryn and the other ponies were hardly winded now from their trotting, what they saw next literally made them all gasp for breath. Going past them in one direction on the opposite side of the wide street was a small buggy, and immediately afterward a heavily loaded wagon passed close by them going the opposite way. However, the vehicles were not the cause of such surprise for the four girls, but the fact that they were drawn, not by girls, but by very powerful young human males.

The buggy, drawn by a single male was being driven smartly by an attractive and apparently well dressed female elf, holding his reins in one hand, and a long buggy whip in the other, both of which she was using. She was apparently controlling the male’s gait and posture with a combination of bit pressure and carefully applied flicks from her whip, as he fairly pranced in a high stepping trot with his neck arched and his head held high but his face looking downward. He appeared to Katryn and the others like a male version of the beautiful platinum blond girl that had been ridden by the young Elf in the raiding party. This male also had light blond hair and deeply tanned skin.

The male was tacked out in a silver trimmed dark brown bridle and matching harness consisting of a wide belt around his waist that was heavily padded and contoured over his hips, fastening in the back with several buckled straps. Additional straps crossed his back and chest going over his powerful shoulders where they widened and were also heavily padded. His wrists were connected to his collar and his upper arms cuffed and linked by chain just like Katryn, and the others, only his cuffs and collar were of rich dark brown leather trimmed in silver and matched his bridle and harness.

The heavily loaded wagon was being drawn by a team of four males abreast with two male Elves sitting on the wagon seat, one holding four sets of reins in his two hands, and the other cracking a long snake like whip over the heads of the team. All four males in the team resembled larger, and even more muscular, male versions of Lana and Beth, or so it appeared to the girls. Looking both up and down the street, the ponies saw at least four additional young males all tied to hitching rails in front of buildings, waiting. All were harnessed and hitched to vehicles of various types, but one was saddled.

The reason for the obvious shock to Katryn and her friends was that none of the ponies could even remember seeing young adult males of their own species. Life in virtually all human villages on this world was lived according to a very strict set of rules as administered by the Elder’s Council, under the absolute authority of a small Council of Lords.

At the age of five, children were separated from their mothers and sent to be raised by old nannies in literally separate communities, boys in one and ponies in another. They lived that way until the age of twenty, when the ponies were each presented to the elders. Although they had many speculations while growing up, none of the four ponies actually knew what had happened to the boys. The only males that Katryn and the others had ever seen had been Elders of whom there were many in a complex structure of varying ranks.

At twenty four, Katryn had lived in the compound of the elders for four years with one more ahead of her. She and other ponies of her age literally did all of the work to maintain the facilities and the lifestyle of the Elders. They cooked, cleaned, and worked in the many small shops making most of the products that the community required. They worked in the walled agricultural enclosures tending the crops and also the many fenced fields and pens where the community’s animals were raised. On this world there were only a few such species of animals that the humans had succeeded in domesticating. There were several species of birds, similar to chickens, guinea fowl and peacocks that were raised for food and eggs. There were sheep like creatures raised for their wool as well as their meat, and pig like animals that provided both meat and hides for the vast variety of applications for leather.

In addition to their hard work, all ponies were required to serve the Elder’s pleasures whenever they so desired which was often. However, the ponies received no pleasure on their part from these activities. Prior to being presented to the Elders, and monthly thereafter, all ponies living in the compound were given a drug that literally switched off their reproductive systems. Elders wanted neither pregnancy nor periods to interfere with their uses of the ponies for pleasure. The administration of this drug was halted when the ponies turned twenty five and were transferred to the breeders’ compound where, within a short time all of their reproductive functions returned. Unfortunately for the ponies during their years with the Elders, the drug that switched off their capacity to reproduce, also switched off their desire for sex which though, was of little concern to the Elders as sex for them centered on domination, not cooperation.

Beginning sometime near the end of the second week of her captivity, Katryn started noticing a mild stirring in her body that she had not felt for four years. She had wondered if it had to do with her acceptance of her own nakedness or the fact that other naked bodies were virtually never out of her sight. She remembered wondering then if Madi, Lyra and Cynda were feeling the same stirrings.

Now, there was absolutely no question in Katryn’s mind that there was something about seeing the naked males that caused what was going on inside her body. She turned to look at the other three to see if they might be having a similar response, and got her answer. None of the ponies could take their eyes off of the male humans in their view. Turning back to the front, Katryn could not fail to notice Vixin’s similar focus combined with her nervous shifting of her weight from one foot to the other while they waited for the street to clear. Looking more closely, Katryn could not fail to see the moistness that was beginning to show on the split mound between Vixin’s legs and the unmistakable scent beginning to emanate from it. As Katryn was wondering over what she was seeing, smelling and feeling, Randor’s spurs to Vixin’s flanks again set them all into motion.

Turning on to the wide street, Katryn marveled at all she saw. Although all the buildings were of a somewhat smaller scale than those in her village, all were of far more sophisticated design and construction. Also, unlike her village, there was bustling activity going on almost everywhere. Most of the Elves she saw seemed to be very purposefully going about some business or other which was very unlike anything that she ever seen at home. Beside the males that had so shocked Katryn and the others, they saw numerous ponies being ridden or hitched to the wheeled vehicles all moving somewhere, and most with some seeming sense of purpose if not urgency. What the ponies were witnessing was evidence of the commerce that drove the Elves’ society and economy.

After several blocks of staring in literal amazement, the ponies were turned right onto a somewhat narrower street. After a few blocks, the buildings became fewer and more widely spaced. Shortly after crossing a bridge over a small stream, they stopped at the gate of a large fenced compound. Without dismounting, Randor reached for the latch, unlocked it, and backing Vixen with light repeated pulls on her bit, swung the gate open. Once the gate swung clear, he touched the big roan very lightly on the flanks with his spurs while pulling very slightly on her reins. Vixin understood and obeyed by walking slowly into the open courtyard just beyond the gate. The line moved slowly enough to allow Latkin, from his seat on Berin’s back, to grab the gate and swing it closed behind them. They all heard the gate latch with a resounding click. The party had finally arrived at Randor’s training facility.

Chapter Five

The facility that Randor owned was large and successful. Its business was the taming and training of ponies for whatever purpose was determined they might be best suited for, be it pack, draft or saddle use. Most of that business came from training ponies that he had either captured or bought himself, then selling them to their eventual owners or, on occasion, to dealers. Such training increased a pony’s value and price many fold as she was converted from being a potentially dangerous wild animal into a useful domesticated one. In addition to his own girls, Randor also provided training services, at a substantial fee of course, for others including dealers, other raiders and owners themselves.

Randor did not train males, either geldings or stallions. He had learned from his father who had tried it, that the presence of numerous males in the compound caused too much tension among the females, and that it slowed the training progress of both sexes. Randor had never been one to repeat another’s mistake where it could be avoided.

Randor’s business and its facility had been in his family for five generations or over three hundred years. During most of that time thousands of human females had been broken and trained there, turning them into docile obedient beasts of burden. Randor, with the help of Latkin, was the first to try the idea of “taming rather than breaking” which took much longer and cost significantly more than the common “breaking and training” approach. So far it had proven very successful and his fame was spreading. Elves, who owned ponies trained by Randor, tended to be very satisfied with them, and told others about it. The growing demand for his ponies allowed Randor to sell them at significantly higher prices than his competitors yet his sales were always well attended.

The basis of Randor’s and Latkin’s approach to training ponies was a belief that they were far more intelligent animals than others gave them credit for being. They never confused the intellectual capacity of a pony with that of an elf, as some affected owners seemed to want to do, however, they had learned that most ponies, once tamed, could be induced into willing participation, if not outright help, in their own training. At least this was their theory, and from an examination of their profits, it was working for them.

Although no Elf would ever concur, humans were really fairly Elf like in their physical appearance. Or course, humans were grossly larger of stature and lacked the beautiful, delicate and sophisticated facial features and pointed ears of an elf. Elves, as this world’s dominant species, also considered themselves to be vastly superior to humans in intelligence with the latter being in their minds only animals. Elves, also, were much longer lived than typical humans with three hundred and fifty years being about average and many living in excess of four hundred years. This fact, also, contributed to the Elves belief in their superiority.

Elf longevity had not always been as it currently was. Originally, the lifespan of Elves had only been about half what it was now. Elves, though, were absolute Masters of herbal pharmacology and had succeeded in the discovery and development of a vast array of potions serving a wide range of purposes. Around fifteen hundred years prior, the Elf herbalists had developed a potion that resulted in a doubling of their life expectancy when consumed as part of their regular diet. Since its initial development, the potion had been perfected until it had virtually no negative side effects and had for all practical purposes eliminated disease in the Elf population.

After doubling their own lifespan and eliminating disease, the Elf herbalists turned their attention to their livestock on which their mobility and much of their economy depended. Potions were developed that produced similar results in humans that doubled lifespan and protected against disease. They also greatly enhanced certain other physical characteristics that the Elves found most desirable in their animals. Although Katryn and her friends had only noticed some minor things so far, major changes were beginning to take place in their bodies.

In addition to a number of fenced paddocks or corals, there were many buildings of various sizes and purposes enclosed within Randor’s compound. In addition to his home and office, there were numerous stables, barns, sheds, and shops and living quarters for many of his employees. Surrounding the entire compound just inside the five foot high fence, there was a track some twelve feet wide, of smooth earth with a loose, somewhat sandy, upper layer. The grounds and most of the paddocks had similar surfaces, although there were two where the surface consisted of smooth, hard packed clay. There was activity going on everywhere.

As Katryn, Madi, Lyra and Cynda were led into the open courtyard just inside the gate of Randor’s compound, they were amazed at what they saw. Everywhere they turned to look they saw some sort of activity all of which was focused on naked human females like themselves. There were at least thirty ponies that they could see in the various paddocks, the grounds or on the track. In addition to harnesses as worn by Katryn and her friends, most of the ponies that they could see wore some sort of tack and each appeared to be undergoing training of one type or another.

The new ponies were not allowed much time to view their surroundings, before being led into a large low building with big open doors at each end. This, of course, was one of the stables, and the one in particular that was used to house the newest or “wild” girls, which was what Elves called all untrained ponies whether captured or purchased. The inside of the stable was a little dim at first, the only sources of light being open doors and windows. All along both walls, lanterns hung from long hook brackets but, since the late afternoon sun still provided adequate illumination, none were lit.

It took more than a few seconds for the eyes of Katryn and the other ponies to become accustomed to the light and to begin to inspect their surroundings. They soon saw that they were standing in an open area some fifteen feet wide that ran the entire length of the building from door to door. Running down the center was a row of several heavy posts set into the dirt floor with metal rings hanging from them just like they had seen at Bothar’s.

At one end of the building there were what appeared to be rooms with closed doors on both sides. Although the ponies could not see inside them, one of these was a feed storage room, and the other a tack room. A similar sized section at the other end was open all the way to the outside walls with both sides being piled high with bales of straw. The main central section of the building was made up of two rows of individual stalls, some six on each side, facing the central open corridor with its row of posts. The doors or gates to these stalls, spaced approximately ten feet apart, were of solid wooden construction in their bottom half with their top halves consisting of vertical wooden bars each somewhat over an inch in diameter.

None of the stalls appeared occupied at present as all had their doors wide open and latched back to the adjacent wall. Each stall had its own window, barred as was the top half of the door. The windows all had shutters that could be closed and latched, but were all open letting in fresh air and outside light. The floors of the stalls were of hard packed dirt with the end of each stall toward the windows covered with a very thick layer of fresh straw. All were very clean and dry.

Randor reined Vixin to a stop a few feet past one of the hitching posts, and held her in place. While the ponies were watching Vixin, Latkin had untied the lead rope that ran from his saddle horn to the back ring on Cynda’s collar. Then, leaning over from Berin’s saddle, tied it quickly to the ring on the hitching post that was next to him. Randor then backed Vixin until she stood next to the post they had just passed. He then, with a quick series of moves, untied the rope from the back of Vixin’s saddle and tied it to the ring on his post. As easily as that the ponies were now tied between the two posts, yet could reach neither of them. Both Elves then wheeled their mounts, and without so much as a backward look, trotted them from the stable leaving the four ponies where they were tied.

Although Katryn and the others were certainly unaware of the details, their training had begun the moment they had been stripped and neck chained at the Elves’ camp in the forest. A very important aspect in the initial taming of a wild girl was to show her that she was truly an animal at least in the eyes of her Elf Masters. The first step in accomplishing this was to force her to accept the many purely animal aspects inherent in her nature.

By being chained together naked as they were, the four ponies were forced to see and accept the animal in themselves and each other on a daily and very intimate basis. For the past two weeks the ponies had all watched each other eat, drink, sleep and attend to all bodily functions from a distance of eight feet or less. The sight and smells of each other’s bodies was always present as they ran and sweated daily. Initially this was extremely traumatic for the four, but they soon came to realize that they had absolutely no choice in the matter. Katryn and the others did not receive the daily attention and clean up the Elves had given their mounts.

The ponies had become somewhat accustomed to each other’s close proximity during their two week journey. It actually had provided a certain degree of comfort especially at night when they would sleep huddled together to share each other’s body warmth. This was especially important the two nights on the trail when it had rained. Each Elf slept under a small individual cloth shelter that he set up in lean-to fashion. A single large cover was set up in a similar fashion to protect their mounts from the worst of the rain. A somewhat smaller one was provided for the four new captives but, like all of the shelters, only kept the worst of the rain off of them. The climate on this world was mild, but it was early spring and the nights were cool, especially when it rained. It had also rained twice during the days on the trail, but the running they were doing tended to keep the ponies warm and the Elves’ mounts barely seemed to notice it at all.

Katryn and her friends were now getting another lesson in their training to accept Elves as their Masters. Neither Randor nor Latkin had so much as looked back at the girls, as they rode from the stable. The ponies had been put where the Elves wanted them and that was where they were going to the stay until their Masters decided otherwise. The ponies did not yet comprehend the significance of this, but in time its impact would begin to sink in.

The method by which the ponies had been secured to the posts was both effective and instructive. Lengths of rope were either clipped with a device that the ponies had seen the Elves operate with a single hand, or tied with a simple knot. The Elves knew that left alone the girls, especially the little strawberry, would likely try to free themselves.

Indeed the ponies all tried, Katryn being the first. She learned quickly that her harness prevented her from reaching the ring at the back of her collar where the rope to Madi’s collar was tied. Although there was sufficient slack in the ropes to allow the ponies to kneel or lie down, there was not enough for any of them to reach another’s collar or the knot at a post ring. Katryn then directed her attention to the spring clip at the front of her collar only to learn that the release mechanism, though simple, required the small fingers of an Elf to operate. The ponies soon realized that, although the way in which they had been secured was simple, it was totally effective. They had all used a similar collar and leash like devices to secure domesticated animals in their village. The realization that they were now secured in just so simple a fashion had a decidedly humiliating effect on the four.

While the ponies were waiting, Randor rode Vixin over to the stable where she and the other personal saddle ponies like Lacie and Berin were kept. Then after unsaddling and unbridling her and removing her boots, spent the next hour cleaning her up, rubbing her down and thoroughly grooming her before putting her in her stall with plenty of feed and water. Vixin had earned a good feed and a long rest. She would receive the other reward that Randor knew she needed so badly, the next day.

Latkin knew that Randor would be occupied for the next hour or so with Vixin, as the older Elf was well aware of his employer’s affection for the powerful roan, and the attention she was likely to receive. Knowing that, Latkin decided to take the opportunity to give Berin a good run. Latkin, as number two in Randor’s operation, had not had Berin out much the past three weeks. He took this time to give her a nice run around the track that encircled the compound. Berin clearly enjoyed the exercise, and worked up a good sweat after several laps. Although at her age, Berin could no longer outrun most of the younger ponies as she once could, she still enjoyed trying to whenever Latkin would give her, her head.

After about ten or so laps around the roughly half mile track, which included several hard sprints chasing other mounted girls, Latkin reined Berin back to a light trot for a while, followed by a good slow walk to allow her to cool down. He was still walking her when he saw Randor, who had now been joined by Prindor and Rolf, walking to the stable where they had left the new girls. Latkin turned Berin off of the track in the direction the other three were heading and sped her up slightly to catch them.

“I think I’ll bring Berin along with us,” Latkin said as he reached the group. “She often has a calming influence on new wild girls,” he added.

“Good idea.” “If the little strawberry gives us trouble getting her into her stall, we might just have to let Berin drag her in for us,” Randor joked. Then considering the possibility, wondered if he had, perhaps, put Vixin away too soon.

The four Elves entered the stable, and Latkin dismounted. After swinging from the saddle, Latkin allowed Berin to kneel so that she could rest more comfortably following her exercise. Although she had cooled down from her run, Berin was wet with sweat and still blowing a little causing saliva to drip from her bit. She was grateful to Latkin for the hard run he had given her after spending so much of the last three weeks cooped up in her stall. Each day while Latkin was in charge of the operation, he would send one of the handlers to take Berin out and just let her run free around the track for a while. Berin was very particular as to just who she would allow to ride her, and very few made the grade. Besides Randor and Prindor, she would tolerate only one or two of the other trainers and never a handler.

Although she enjoyed her free runs, it was just not the same for Berin as a good hard ride with Latkin on her back. She showed her appreciation by nuzzling him thoroughly as he slipped the reins over her lovely grey head and dropped them, “ground hitching” her. Of course, Latkin received a big stain on the front of his shirt from Berin’s sweat and saliva, but that didn’t trouble the old Elf in the least. He gave her sweaty head a good rub and scratched her under the straps of her headstall. Berin had been owned and ridden by Latkin for longer than any of the other three Elves had been alive, and their relationship was, obviously a very close and deep one. This, too, did not escape the notice of Katryn who was again fascinated.

The four ponies were just where Randor and Latkin had left them almost two hours earlier. The sisters, Madi and Lyra were now kneeling sitting back on their heels on the dirt floor of the stable. Cynda was seated with her legs folded back to one side. Katryn, though wide awake now and scrambling to her feet, had obviously been lying on her side sleeping as dirt and straw was still clinging to her naked shoulder, hip and hair. Randor and Latkin both nodded their approval. They both knew that a girl that took the opportunity to rest when she had the chance, was a girl whose endurance could then be counted on should the need arise.

As the Elves approached the four girls, “fillies” as they now thought of them, they could tell that at least three of them were really ready to rest, and would probably give them little trouble. The little strawberry, on the other hand, appeared to have something else in mind. They commented on this among themselves and, again, decided to leave her for last.

While the other three were discussing the fillies’ assets and weaknesses, Rolf had walked over to the reclining Cynda, and began carefully appraising the big chestnut. He had, of course, spotted her tied to the rail at Bothar’s when he had driven past with the cart. He liked what he saw, but hadn’t had time to inspect her well after they had finished with the little strawberry, as he needed to get back and rub down Tei and Lei, and put away Bothar’s leather. He definitely liked what he now saw.

In her semi reclining position, Cynda’s head was about even with Rolf’s chest, and with her legs tucked under her the way that they were, the Elf knew that there was no way for the filly to try to kick or harm him. He walked right up and stood right before her looking into her eyes as he had seen Randor do with the little strawberry the day before at Bothar’s. Cynda responded, by holding Rolf’s gaze for a few seconds then lowering her eyes submissively. This initially disappointed Rolf as he viewed it as an indication of lack of spirit in the girl. He was just starting to step back when Cynda raised her eyes and seeing the disapproval in his eyes again locked gazes with the elf. “This is very interesting,” Rolf thought to himself. “She’s looking for my approval.”

Without taking his eyes off those of Cynda, Rolf reached his hand out and stroked her head and long brown hair which was, at this point, a filthy tangled mess. Cynda responded by actually nuzzling her head against his small hand as he stroked her. Rolf then stepped behind the filly and began to massage her dirty shoulders and her neck above her collar while Cynda nuzzled his arms with her head in satisfaction. The Elf talked to the girl all the while, and although she could not understand a word, his tone was very soothing to her ears.

Rolf stepped away for a moment to untie the rope from the post that lead to the back of Cynda’s collar. Her beautiful large brown eyes followed him longingly as he did this. He quickly stepped back and resumed rubbing her neck and shoulders with one hand while he unsnapped the lead from the back of her collar and re-snapped it to the ring in front. Next, he un-snapped the lead going to the back of Lyra’s neck and handed it to Latkin who was standing nearby and watching, Then grasping the rope right next to Cynda’s collar, he pulled up signaling her to stand. Cynda got to her feet obediently, and waited for Rolf’s next move. He pulled on her lead gently and she allowed the Elf to lead her to a small section at the end of the stable.

There was a raised stone floor in this area of the stable that was slightly sloped to its center then to a stone lined drain trough leading outside beneath the stable wall. Two barrels of fresh water stood on the sides of the stone floor that were kept full from pipes leading up and out of the building. There he tied the girl to another hitching post set into the center of the stone area then pulling down on her lead rope, commanding the girl to kneel.

Rolf next raised Cynda’s leather collar high on her neck and held it as he looped the center of a three foot chain around her neck below her collar, and secured it in the front with a small lock. Then he took the free ends of the chain and looped each one twice around a wrist locking each as well just below her leather cuffs. Next he took a two foot chain and repeated the process behind her securing her upper arms. Her wrists and arms were now held with two sets of restraints. Before removing the leather set, Rolf unsnapped her lead from the front ring of her collar and snapped it on to a link of the chain. Then taking a key from around his neck he unlocked collar and cuffs and set them aside. He stepped away for a moment only to return with soap, rags, brushes, a comb and course towel like cloths. He laid the items on the floor next to Cynda and fetched a bucket of the water from one of the barrels.

For the next fifteen or twenty minutes, first with her on her knees then on her feet, Rolf washed Cynda thoroughly all over, gently removing two week’s accumulation of dried sweat and dirt. Cynda literally luxuriated in the feeling as her body was so thoroughly cleaned. While it was still wet and slick with soap, he combed the tangles out of her long brown hair. He then rinsed her thoroughly and dried her body with coarse towels from the tack room. He then brushed and combed out her hair allowing it to dry, untangled.

As Cynda’s hair was drying, Rolf cleaned and lightly oiled the leather collar and cuffs of her security harness and replaced the set on the girl before removing the chains that had secured her in its absence. He switched her lead back to her collar, then went to the feed room and returned with a wooden bucket of the feed that the ponies were actually starting to enjoy. He let her see him place that bucket along with one of fresh water in the stall that was intended for her. Last, the young Elf untied the pony’s lead from the post and led her to her stall.

Cynda hesitated momentarily at the door to the stall but the sight of the food, water and clean straw overcame any resistance she might have had to being stabled, and she allowed Rolf to lead her in. Once inside the stall, Rolf tied the loose end of Cynda’s lead rope to a ring set in one of the side walls of the stall. The rope was long enough for her to be able to reach any part of her stall, but would make it easier for the Elves to handle her in the morning when they came to get her to begin her training. With a pair of rather possessive slaps on the big filly’s rump, Rolf left her in her stall, walked out and closed and latched the door.

All the time that Rolf had been working to clean up and groom Cynda, Latkin and Prindor were beginning the same process with Madi and Lyra. They had both ponies on their knees sitting back on their heels as they stroked their heads and massaged their necks, shoulders and upper backs. The sisters responded as had Cynda, and as soon as the wash station was free, they were led there together to be cleaned and groomed. Madi and Lyra wanted to be cleaned up so badly that they fairly dragged the Elves to the wash station and knelt on their own to await the process.

Randor had, of course, chosen to take care of Katryn himself. Ever since her capture two weeks ago, and especially today at Bothar’s there had been a contest of wills going on between the two of them that had become a personal challenge to him. In his observation of Katryn, Randor had begun to wonder if there might be any relation between this feisty young filly and his magnificent mare, Vixin. There were, certainly, definite similarities in coloration of both hair and skin, but the difference in their physical sizes caused him to question. However, both possessed a level of spirit very seldom seen. Randor knew first hand that when ponies like this could be tamed and trained without being broken, the result was a saddle girl on which an Elf could literally bet his life on her. Randor was already thinking of someone who might be the perfect owner for this little strawberry filly.

Katryn had decided that she was not going to kneel for this Elf again when he had pulled down gently on the one remaining rope on her collar. Her cooperation was not going to be bought with something as simple as a good rub down followed by a bath, a grooming, food and a comfortable place to sleep. Katryn had been filthy for the better part of two weeks, now, and had grown to accept the condition. Still, the water looked awfully good to her right now. As the first part of their being trained, the four ponies had not been cleaned and groomed as had the Elves’mounts during the two weeks on the trail. The ponies were being sent the unspoken message that cleaning and grooming was something that a girl earned from her rider, not something that just came at the end of the day.

After a while of standing and staring at each other, Randor made the first move. He turned and walked to the tack room returning with a length of chain and two padlocks. Reaching up, he padlocked one end of the chain to Katryn’s collar, and walking over, attached the other end to the ring in the post. He then went back and unsnapped the lead rope from her collar and turning, walked away coiling the lead rope which he held as he watched and talked with the others as they were attending to Madi and Lyra.

Katryn quickly realized that now chained as she was there was no way that she might be able to free herself as she might have from the lead rope. It next dawned on her that this was where she was going to spend the night, hungry, filthy and chained to a post on the hard ground of the stable rather than fed clean and sleeping in soft straw like the others. She mulled this over in her mind as she watched Madi and Lyra who were so obviously enjoying their baths.

Finally, Katryn could no longer take what she was seeing so called to him. Randor totally ignored her verbal pleas. Although he understood more of the pony’s language than he would ever allow them to know, or admit too for that matter, he was totally unresponsive to her voice. Finally she attracted his attention by stamping her foot on the hard ground and tossing her head to shake her chain causing the links to jingle.

Randor heard Katryn’s chain jingling and waited a bit before turning to look at her. As soon as they again locked eyes, Katryn dropped to her knees and tossed her head at him as if to say “get busy.” Randor watched the filly’s antics, and his initial reaction was to “show her who was boss” and not give her the attention that she wanted. However, he did walk back to stand in front of her and when he saw what appeared to be a twinkle in her eyes; he decided that it was time to let the little filly “win one.” He replaced the chain at her collar with the lead rope again then dropping the coils to the floor, stepped behind her to rub her neck and shoulders. Katryn never nuzzled Randor, as Cynda had Rolf, when he stroked her head and rubbed down her shoulders and back. However, the longer Randor massaged Katryn’s neck and shoulders, the more he could feel the tension leaving her muscles.

As soon as Katryn saw that Prindor and Latkin had finished with the grooming of Madi and Lyra, and that the wash station was clear, she again tossed her head stopping Randor’s rubbing of her back, and got to her feet. She looked back at him over her right shoulder, again tossing her dirty head clearly telling him to “get on with the program.” Randor laughed, and picking up the coil of rope gave her rump a playful swat with it. Instead of being almost dragged as had Prindor and Latkin, Randor just dropped the rope to the floor of the stable as Katryn ran to the wash station and knelt waiting for him.

Randor gave Katryn an especially thorough washing including her bare breasts and the area between her legs that she had always considered to be most private. The first time that he touched her there with the soapy rag, Katryn jumped back and stood staring at the elf. Randor simply ignored the filly’s startled response and, stepping forward, continued to wash her both front and back. Katryn knew how badly she wanted to be clean there so did not resist again. Then she was surprised when her body seemed to exert an involuntary pressure against Randor’s hand and the wet soapy rag he held. Randor looked at Katryn’s face only to see that her eyes were closed. Katryn’s body was, indeed, reawakening from the deadness she had felt ever since being taken to the hall of the elders. So far the sensations were only mild, but they held promise that the feelings she had known earlier in her life might actually return.

Randor finished washing and grooming Katryn then replaced her leather harness and untied her from the post. She was most docile as she followed him back toward the stalls. It was only as he was leading her in to a stall that Katryn’s defiant nature suddenly returned. The filly froze in her tracks several feet outside the stall door and refused to move any farther. Both Rolf and Prindor stepped up behind Katryn and together tried to push her by the hindquarters through the doorway, but without success. Even at this stage of her training and development, Katryn was much stronger than several elves.

The sudden resistance by Katryn came as something of a surprise to Randor. Following the cleaning and grooming which she so obviously had enjoyed he really expected the young filly to be more cooperative. The long day was almost over, and he was certain that all of the new ponies had to be very tired. At least he knew that he was. His first inclination was to get behind her and tan her rump with a riding whip until she went into her stall. However, he recalled what Latkin had said almost jokingly about using Berin to drag the ponies into their stalls if necessary. Right now that seemed like a better idea than the whip or another contest of wills between himself and this filly that seemed to delight in testing him.

“Latkin,” Randor called to the older elf. “I think that your earlier idea was a good one, so why don’t you get up on Berin and bring her over here to help us to haul this ornery filly in to her stall so that we can all finally go eat and get some rest,” he said. “She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s going to have needed all the rest she can get, come tomorrow,” he added.

As Randor finished talking Latkin, mounted and rode over on Berin. Allowing several feet of slack, Randor tied Katryn’s lead rope to Berin’s saddle ring. “Prindor, and Rolf,” Randor called. “As soon as Berin gets a good pull going on the strawberry’s collar, I think you two can help by trying to push her again.” “Just keep her going straight toward the door, and watch out if she tries to kick,” Randor said to the two younger elves. The idea worked beautifully, and even though Katryn tried her hardest, she could not resist the strong pull from the larger mare. Even though Berin was much older than Katryn, she quickly showed the filly which of them was the stronger. The Elves tied Katryn’s lead off as they had the other girls, gave her food and water, closed and latched the stall door and left the stable. Latkin still had to take care of Berin, but all four agreed to meet over dinner to discuss plans for the girls’ training. If all went well the four would net Randor’s operation a sizable profit when they were fully trained and sold.

Katryn did not feel too badly over being forced into her stall. “Look at the effort it took them,” she thought to herself. “If they hadn’t used the older woman to pull me in, we would probably still be at it,” she mused with pleasure. “She certainly was strong, especially for her age,” Katryn thought of Berin. “Many of the ponies and women that these Elves ride seem abnormally strong,” she continued. “And those two really big ponies with the pack saddles must have been carrying over two hundred pounds each, easily.”

Katryn had learned many times on the trail the strength of Vixin, who was an absolutely remarkable creature, fully six feet tall and seemingly made entirely of rippling muscle. “That woman that the leader rides,” Katryn still did not know Vixin’s or Randor’s names either in her language or his, “she might well be the strongest of them all,” Katryn thought of Vixin. “I really believe that she could carry that fat old elder that I had to serve so often back in the village,” Her thoughts continued. “That is, if he could fit his fat big rear end in her saddle,” she chuckled to herself as she fell asleep.

Chapter Six

Katryn, Madi, Lyra and Cynda were roused just as it was becoming light by two male and two female Elves they had never seen before, but who were four of the many handlers employed by Randor. In a heavy morning mist, the four ponies were lead from their stalls and taken outside of the stable somewhat away from all of the buildings to a shallow stone lined trench about ten feet wide and a foot deep at the center. They were led to the center of the trench and the Elves stepped back and waited. Unsure of just what to do, the four looked around themselves and saw a large number of other girls, each also led by an elf, all quietly relieving themselves and emptying their bowels. The ponies had become somewhat familiar with this morning ritual during their two weeks on the trail so did as the others were doing.

Suddenly, two striking blonde ponies with riders on their backs appeared. Each girl was saddled and bridled with matching tack and was immaculately groomed. The pony’s riders, both female elves, rode them right to the center of the trench, reined them to a stop and allowed them to relieve both bladders and bowels without dismounting. The two mounts simply stood with their feet apart and dropped into a medium crouch to take care of matters. As soon as they had both finished, their riders turned the ponies slowly about so as not to step where they had just been and rode them from the shallow trench.

Once back on the ground next to the stone lined trench, the two female Elves turned their mounts again in order to look at the four new girls. Katryn and her friends, by this time, had all come out of the trench to stand next to their handlers. “Are those the four that Randor just brought back from the last raid?” One of the mounted Elves asked. “Yes, Miss Lani,” one of the handlers replied. “At least we think so. They were the only ones in the new girl stable this morning when Mr. Randor sent us to bring them here.”

“I thought they probably were since I’ve never seen any of them before, and I don’t think we’ve acquired any other new ones this week,” the Elf named Lani replied.

“That must be the little strawberry that Randor kept talking about last night over dinner,” Lani said to the female Elf holding Katryn’s lead. “Has she given you any trouble this morning?” Lani asked.

“Not so far, Miss Lani, but they were all sound asleep when we got to the stable this morning, and they are really just waking up now,” the handler replied.

“Well, except for being short, she is put together well just like he said, and except for her lighter color, she does look a lot like a compact version of Vixin,” Lani said.

Turning to look at Cynda, Lani said, “That big chestnut is a beauty. She should bring a really great price if she trains out well. She has as good a “saddle seat” as I’ve seen on any of our ponies lately.” In talking to the male Elf holding Cynda’s lead, Lani was referring to Cynda’s narrow waist and broad well rounded hips or “hindquarters” as Elves called that part of a pony’s anatomy. Cynda also had a beautiful sway to her lower back as do most girls, only hers was more pronounced. A girl with a figure like Cynda’s was to be preferred for riding as compared with a slender hipped girl. Cynda, of course, was not yet aware of this fact, but a saddle would rest more comfortably on her broad hips without needing to be tightly cinched. On her, a well fitted saddle would keep its weight and that of a rider supported by her pelvic bones which provided for greater comfort for her and less fatigue on long or hard rides. It would also allow Cynda to be ridden bareback with great comfort for both her and her rider.

“Those two blacks are really exquisite,” Lani commented looking now at Madi and Lyra. “They must be sisters they look so much alike. After saddle breaking them, we really should train them as a matched buggy or light carriage team and sell them as such. We almost always make more selling a well trained team than we do selling the same two ponies separately,” Lani said to the handlers in general. “All in all, it seems that the last raid was certainly worthwhile,” she concluded.

“Miss Lani,” the male Elf holding Madi’s lead called. “Would you and Miss Rena mind putting on a bit of a show as you leave so these wild ponies can see what will be expected of them once they have been trained?” he asked.

“Good idea,” answered Lani. “These two are going up for sale next week, and both of them have gotten to the point that they love showing off. As a matter of fact, we are just leaving to ride them around the village all morning to give folks a good look at them. After lunch, we’ll take them out for a good long run around the village track and let them work up a really good sweat. When fillies are as good looking as both of these are, people tend to think that they are more for show, but this pair can really run, and I want folks to see that.”

At that Lani and Rena, two of Randor’s top trainers, wheeled the two blondes, or light buckskins in Elf terminology, that they were riding, and while pulling back gently on the reins gave each, two quick prods with their spurs and a simultaneous light tap on the rump with the flat bladed riding crop that each trainer carried in her right hand. This put both ponies into an arched neck, high stepping, prancing gait just like Katryn and the others had seen the young male doing the day before while he was drawing the buggy of the well dressed female elf. The most noticeable difference between the gait of these two ponies and that of the male was the way the girls’ firm high breasts bounced beautifully with each step. Of course the portion of the male’s anatomy, which had so interested Katryn and the others, had bounced as well when he pranced for his Mistress and driver. At this quickened pace the pair were soon out of sight as they passed behind the closest building.

Although Katryn and the others were still anything but comfortable performing their bodily functions with an audience, they were beginning to notice that no one had really paid them any attention. While their handlers had been talking to the two mounted trainers, all of the other ponies had also completed their morning ritual, and were being led away by their handlers. After Lani and Rena had ridden away on the two prancing buckskins, Katryn, Madi, Lyra and Cynda were led back toward their stable. Looking back, Katryn noticed an Elf raising a sort of sluice gate at one end of the trench allowing a strong flow of water to wash the stones clean. The other end of the stone lined trench flowed into some sort of barred grate and from there underground and out of sight. In a matter of minutes, the shallow trench was as clean as it had been before any of the ponies had arrived.

When their handlers got the four back to their stable rather than returning them to their stalls, they tied the ponies to individual hitching posts. Each was then given a wooden bowl of feed and a bucket of water. The ponies had learned the night before that they could reach their mouths with their fingers as their new harnesses permitted them that degree of freedom of arm movement. As such, they were quite able to feed themselves with their hands rather than being forced to lower their faces into their feed bowls. This was actually more of a convenience to the Elves than to the girls, as it eliminated the need to clean up their faces after every feeding. The water buckets, though, required that the ponies submerge their faces somewhat and draw the water into their mouths. This was, of course, training them to be able to drink from a stream or pond when on the road.

The ponies finished eating all of their feed which, by now, was beginning to taste quite good to them, and drank their fill of cold clear water. As each girl finished drinking she tossed her head back and forth to shake the excess water from her face. Now for the first time in two weeks, Katryn, Madi, Lyra and Cynda were well rested, well fed, clean and comfortable. They looked at each other and began to talk quietly about what had happened to them and what they thought to be in store. This was the first opportunity that they had to be alone together and able to talk since their capture. When they were moving on the trail the Elves had discouraged them from talking with light stripes from their whips, and at night they were always too tired as they had been last night in the stable.

Big Cynda, with her lack of self confidence was the first to whisper to the others, “What do you think is going to happen to us next? Do you think that they are going to hurt us?” She asked of no one in particular. “I really don’t think that I can take this,” she added. “However, that young Elf really did seem to like me last night. He was so nice and gentle the way he washed me all over and combed all of the dirt and tangles out of my hair, just look at how it shines,” she rambled on. “Maybe if I can keep him liking me, he won’t let the others hurt me. I just can’t stand it when they use their whips on me. I’ve just got to keep them happy with me,” she concluded.

Lyra, the older of the two sisters was the next to speak in a quiet, somewhat husky voice. “I don’t think the Elves really want to hurt us as long as we do what they want. I’ve lost track of the days spent coming here, but I think it must have been around two weeks. In that time they did whip us a little to hurry us along on occasion, but I noticed that they very rarely used their whips on the ponies or women they were riding. They did use their spurs on them, but never hard enough to hurt or leave much of a mark,” she said. “Those ponies all seemed to know what their riders wanted of them, and just did it. I only remember one time that that young Elf used his whip on that beautiful blonde he was riding, and that was when she didn’t want to enter the water when we were fording that stream the second day after we were captured,” she added.

“That’s right,” said the younger sister Madi. “She seemed scared to death of the water and he had to force her to carry him into it. Of course the water turned out to be just over knee deep on her at the deepest part, once he got her moving. I couldn’t believe the look on her face when he gave her those three stripes on her rump after the third time she balked at entering the water,” she went on. “I think that she cried all the way across, and didn’t stop until he patted her and rubbed her sore rear when we all stopped on the other side of the stream. She sure learned her lesson, though. Did you see how she kept trying to nuzzle him every time he dismounted for the rest of the day and the next? She seemed to be trying to beg him to forgive her for not obeying him. After that there was certainly no question which one was in charge with that pair.”

“Remember, though, how they took the shoes off of all of us including the ponies they were riding and those two big ponies that were carrying those big heavy packs, before we crossed the stream?” Madi asked. “Then they dried everyone’s feet before putting all those shoes back on after the crossing. They certainly took a lot of care to see that everyone’s feet stayed in good condition, including ours’,” she observed. “Of course they did seem to be in a hurry, and I guess any of us or especially any of the ponies they were riding coming up lame would have slowed everyone down,” she concluded.

“That’s just what I mean, everything they do seems have a distinct purpose,” Lyra observed. “They quite obviously have plans for us as they went a great distance and to a good bit of trouble to capture us and bring us here. Also, it certainly doesn’t look like we’re the only ponies they’ve done this to,” she continued. “I think that I counted over thirty others like us in the compound when they brought us in, yesterday. I believe that it is pretty obvious what they do with ponies here. They train them for riding and pulling things for them,” she said.

At this point Katryn interjected, “You mean that they are going to train us for riding and pulling things. I think that Lyra is right though, they don’t seem to want to harm us. I think that they are in the business of taming and selling girls, and we are their business. They don’t seem to want to damage their merchandise. They only use pain to make us do what they want, and I know that I can take pain. I don’t plan to be tamed and turned into something for them to ride without a fight,” she said.

“I don’t think that you can stop them,” said Cynda. “Didn’t you look closely at that incredible woman that their leader rides? I never saw such pure strength in any woman, and I don’t mean just physical strength. It was pretty clear that all the rest of the Elves’ ponies deferred to her, even those two grey haired women. If they tamed her, they can sure tame all of us.”

“Katryn,” asked Lyra, “didn’t you notice how much you look like her? I mean the woman the leader rode. If you were a foot taller and your hair was a bit darker, you could be her younger sister or something.” “I don’t know,” replied Katryn. “I do know that I saw her staring at me whenever we stopped at night while on the trail.”

“What I want to know, though” Katryn went on, “is what is happening to our bodies? Since about a week after they captured us, I have felt stronger and stronger every day. Also, I noticed that you three all seemed to do the same even though they kept making us to go faster and farther every day. Also, I have begun to have feelings that I hadn’t felt since before I was being taken to live with the elders. At first, I thought nothing about it, but yesterday, when I saw that young male, well you all know what I mean. I saw all three of you staring just like me. I can also tell you there’s no question but that the woman the leader was riding noticed him too. After seeing him, she couldn’t even stand still.”

With that, the ponies all suddenly stopped talking as they saw the four Elves from the previous evening entering the stable. The ponies had been left waiting, tied to the posts, for over an hour as they were being taught that it was the Elves’ convenience, not theirs, that was important. They were learning to get used to staying where they were left and waiting until the Elves were ready for them.

Chapter Seven

The Elves had stopped in the tack room as they entered the stable and selected bridles for the new fillies. As the Elves approached them the four ponies knew what was coming. They had spent the past two weeks surrounded by other ponies and women, all of which had been bridled most of the time. The four ponies certainly knew what bridles looked like and that the Elves were carrying bridles, and that these bridles were meant for them to wear.

Each Elf had selected one of the ponies to bridle. Rolf, obviously after his success of the previous afternoon headed for big Cynda, and Prindor and Latkin had selected the sisters Madi and Lyra respectively. Randor had already locked eyes with Katryn and was smiling as he approached her with the bridle that she was to wear. Katryn stared back at the elf, and he could see the muscles in her body tighten with anticipation. “Oh you little devil, you’re not going to make this easy on either one of us, I see,” he said quietly while observing her demeanor.

The Elves were preparing to put bridles on the ponies which currently had no reins attached. They first just wanted the ponies to become accustomed to having something strapped around their heads and in their mouths that they could not, themselves, remove. After a few hours, reins of appropriate length would be clipped to these bridles in order to begin the actual training of the girls.

The bridle used by most Elves consisted of a curb style bit with two sets of rings. The headstall is attached to the upper set of rings, one located on each side of the pony’s face, which were offset from the mouth bar by shanks just under about a half inch long. The headstall consisted of half inch wide leather straps with one loop that went vertically from the ring on one side up and over the pony’s head just in front of her ears and down to the ring on the other side of her face. Another leather strap went across her forehead and completely around her head at that level buckling in the back. Where the two straps cross each other on both sides of the head they were sewn securely together. A third half inch strap went from the same bit rings directly behind her head also buckling in the back. The tightness of the bit in the pony’s mouth was adjusted by this strap. A fourth strap was often fitted and adjusted snugly under her chin. Reins are attached to the lower set of rings which are located at the ends of inch long control shanks which hang down from the mouth bar providing a mechanical advantage to pull the mouth bar down and back when the reins were pulled back. When a bridle was fitted with a chin strap, pulling back on the reins pulled the chin strap tight. With particularly wild or difficult girls, a light chain could be substituted for the chin strap which would really command her attention when tightened.

The mouth bar itself was only an eighth of an inch in diameter making it really fairly comfortable for a girl to wear for long periods of time once she had become accustomed to it. The bits that Randor preferred had mouth bars that curved to the rear of the pony’s mouth so that it contacted her teeth in the region of her molars and was flattened slightly both top and bottom to protect her teeth. As compared with a straight mouth bar this design could be fitted more loosely for even greater comfort and still be impossible for the girl to spit out.

With wild girls, many trainers used straight mouth bars and adjusted them rather tightly pulling the sides of a pony’s mouth back constantly into an almost smile like expression. They believed that the discomfort of the added tension made their ponies more responsive to the bit. Unlike some girl trainers who tended to employ tactics of pain, force and intimidation to break a wild girl, Randor used a much softer approach. To him a bit was not a device with which to apply pain to a girl to force her to her rider’s will. To him a bit was a tool through which a rider communicated with his or her mount. Just as he saw spurs as devices through which a girl was instructed to start or to increase her speed, the bit told her which direction to go, and when to slow down or stop.

As far as guiding a pony’s direction with the bridle, there are two distinctly different methods, mouth reining and neck reining. Of the two, mouth reining was far simpler to teach to a wild girl as her rider simply pulls back and out on one rein in the direction that he or she wants the girl to turn. This simply pulls the pony’s head in that direction. However, this requires that the rider use both hands on the reins, holding one and releasing tension while pulling back and out on the other.

Neck reining is more subtle and can require additional time and patience to teach a girl, but has the advantage that the reins are held in one hand. As the reins pass from the bit to the rider’s hand, they contact the sides of the pony’s neck just above her collar. To turn a neck rein trained girl her rider simply moves the reins in the direction that he or she wants the girl to turn. This puts pressure on the opposite side of her neck gently pushing her head in that direction. The girl responds by turning away from that pressure and in the direction her rider wishes. What makes neck reining more difficult for a wild girl to learn is that the rider’s movement of the reins to put pressure on her neck also tends to pull the bit in the opposite direction. Training a girl to neck rein requires teaching her to respond to the gentle pressure on her neck rather than the pull on her bit.

All wild ponies that were trained at Randor’s learned neck reining. Whenever he took in already trained ponies for their owners, he always tried to teach them to neck rein if they did not already know how as he believed it to be a mark of a well trained saddle girl. Ponies trained to neck rein when being ridden also had to be trained to mouth rein when hitched to draw a vehicle. However, most saddle ponies that had been trained to neck rein seemed to be able to handle the change to mouth reining when being driven instead of ridden with little or no difficulty. Those that mouth reined were already accustomed to taking their direction from the bit, whether hitched or mounted.

It was not too uncommon when a mouth rein trained girl was sold or traded for her new owner to want her re-trained for neck reining. Once a girl had been ridden for a few years the signals from her bridle and bit tended to bypass her consciousness, and her responses became automatic without any real thinking on her part. Teaching such a girl to now respond to light pressure on her neck when her bit was giving her an opposite command required a complete re-learning on her part.

However, with great patience Randor and Latkin both had remarkable success in accomplishing such re-training. This produced a small but not insignificant source of income for the business.

For an elf, bridling a trained girl was an easy task. With the girl on her knees, the Elf simply stands directly in front of her and, as the bit is presented, the girl promptly opens her mouth to accept it. With the bit in her mouth, the girl bows her head forward to give the Elf access to the back of her head. After lifting her hair clear of the back of her neck, the Elf would then buckle the bit strap adjusting the tension to keep the bit securely in place in her mouth. After further placement of her hair, if necessary, the Elf would then buckle the head strap adjusting it for a snug but comfortable fit. Over time, the sweat from her head tended to stretch and form the leather straps of a particular bridle for a perfect fit on the girl wearing it, increasing her comfort. Ponies were only animals to elves, so they had no concern over hygiene in swapping bridles between ponies if that was convenient for them. However, since ponies often wore their bridles for many hours at a stretch, comfort was a factor that the Elves did consider, so preferred to use a single bridle on a specific girl.

For some reason unknown to the elves, being bridled for the first time was quite traumatic to most wild girls. Being bridled certainly forced a girl to accept the fact that things in her life had changed and would never be the same again. Starting with their capture they had been forced to accept chains, collars and devices that limited their movement. Up until this point, however, most ponies continued to think of themselves as captives, and accepted that their captors would use such devices to secure them and prevent their escape. A bridle, though, with its bit that went in their mouths was for the purpose of controlling them. This forced them to realize that as far as the Elves were concerned they were animals and their training as such was about to begin. As a result most had a strong urge, conscious or otherwise to resist being bridled for the first time.

Rolf was very eager to get Cynda out of the stable so that he could see how she moved in her various natural gaits to see if his early evaluation of this big chestnut filly had been correct. Still confident from his success with her of the previous evening, he walked right up to her as she knelt on the stable floor next to the post where she was tied. As he reached out to stroke her head and brush some straw out of her beautiful brown hair, Cynda took a good look at the bridle he was carrying and leapt to her feet almost knocking Rolf to the ground. Without taking her eyes off of the bridle in Rolf’s hand, Cynda pulled away from him as far as the rope between her collar and the post would allow, and stood there breathing hard and shifting her weight nervously from one foot to the other. As weight shifting was a necessity for kicking, Rolf kept his distance as he thought about what to do next.

Rolf was not in great danger from Cynda’s feet as they were bare and had been since leaving Bothar’s, yesterday. The same was also true for the other three girls. Shoes for ponies were not needed anywhere in the Elves’ village as all rocks or anything that might injure a bare foot had been removed long ago. This economy of this village had been based on training ponies and some males for saddle and draft use for over a thousand years, so virtually all the Elf citizens showed concern for the safety of these animals. The Elves considered it a necessity to toughen the feet of all wild ponies or males. Training them barefoot on soft or smooth ground certainly accomplished this, especially during the first few months. However, great care was taken to avoid stone bruises which often took time to heal, delaying the process.

Even barefoot, though, a big girl like Cynda could still deliver a painful kick to an Elf given the difference in their size and strength. Rolf had not been present at Bothar’s to witness just how intimidated Cynda was by a whip, and had left his in the tack room. Also, he really wanted to follow Randor’s example and try taming this big chestnut rather than breaking her. Latkin, though, saw Rolf’s hesitation and knew that it was necessary for the young Elf to establish his position of control early on if he was to be successful with this filly. Latkin tossed his whip to Rolf and said, “Here, you may need this to get her attention. Let her see it as you approach her. She has to learn right away who is in charge.”

“Thanks, I’d rather not use it if I don’t have to, but …” Rolf said with some reluctance although he knew that hesitation was not what he wanted to show this big filly right now.

“She showed me that she is very whip shy at Bothar’s, yesterday,” replied Latkin. “I only gave her two light stripes and you would have thought I had beaten her the way she carried on. However, if I were you, I think I would go ahead and let her feel it at least once. She has to learn that you will use it if she doesn’t obey.”

“You’re the expert,” replied Rolf as he walked boldly up to Cynda and holding the whip in his right hand, grabbed the big filly’s lead rope with his left about a foot from her collar, and pulled down forcefully. Cynda’s attention had been focused on the whip, so she did not attempt to kick Rolf, but still refused to kneel for him. With that, Rolf gave her one good cut with Latkin’s whip, leaving a wide pink stripe on her right hip that wrapped around her right buttock. Cynda initially jumped from the pain, but then almost immediately fell to her knees with her head down, sobbing uncontrollably.

“Give her a little time,” whispered Latkin. “You need to let it sink in that you are the boss, no matter what. Once she starts to relax a little, go show her that you’re still her friend, and I think she’ll let you bridle her.”

“Okay, thanks again,” Rolf answered, and just stood where he was for several minutes.

When Cynda’s sobbing finally began to slow, Rolf hung Latkin’s whip on his belt and began stroking Cynda’s head with his right hand while holding her lead with his left now right at her collar. In response, Cynda began nuzzling Rolf’s chest with her head then, bending her neck even farther down, began kissing and licking Rolf’s hand where he held her rope. At that point it was obvious that Cynda had a Master and both of them knew it.

While allowing Cynda to continue licking his left hand Rolf stopped stroking her head and reached down with his right to pick up the bridle from where he had dropped it. He then used his left hand to lift Cynda’s face to look at him and presented her with the bit. Cynda starred into Rolf’s eyes for nearly a minute before reluctantly opening her mouth to accept the bit. Rolf eased it into her mouth gently, working the bend in the mouth bar between her back teeth, and then buckled the bit strap snugly behind her head. He then tilted her head forward to buckle the head strap. There was no chin strap on this bridle as that could always be added if additional control was found to be necessary. Cynda was now bridled, and given the limited movement allowed her hands by her harness could not reach either of the buckles behind her head. She was well aware that she would wear this bridle until it was taken off of her.

Randor, Latkin and Prindor had all stood back and watched to see how Rolf was going to do handling the big chestnut filly. All of them, especially Latkin, smiled with approval.

“I think she’d let you ride her right now, if she was ready,” said Randor. “We probably should wait, though, until she has strengthened more from her diet and physical training. We don’t want to risk having her pull a muscle by rushing things.”

“No, I sure don’t,” replied Rolf. “I even hated having to hurt her a little like that with the whip. I sure wouldn’t want to hurt her worse by trying to ride her now. I’ll get plenty of chances to ride her after she is stronger.”

“Well,” said Randor. “On second thought, you are fairly light and she is big and pretty strong already. I noticed bringing her here that she was second only to my little strawberry here in being able to take the pace as we kept speeding them up every day.”

“Why don’t you go get some reins and take her outside and see if she will let you ride her bareback? I think she wants your approval so badly that as long as you don’t seem to force her, you can do it. Don’t let these others see you try in case she decides not to let you on her back but, if you can, ride her around outside long enough for her to get used to it, then ride back in here. If the other three see you on their big friend, here, it may go a long way towards taking some of the resistance out of them,” Randor instructed Rolf. “Also, as long as you keep her to an easy walk, you’re not going to hurt her any.”

“As long as you think it will be alright, I would sure like to try,” Rolf said to Randor.

“Here Latkin, thanks for the help and the use of this,” Rolf said to the old Elf as he tossed him his whip. “If she’ll let me get on her I don’t think I want to use the whip again, today, she hates it so.” If she needs a little encouragement, I’ll just use the ends of the reins.”

Rolf started toward the tack room only to have Cynda try to follow him. Of course she was still tied to the hitching post and could only move a few feet. When stopped by the rope, Cynda again began to cry. “Take her with you,” said Latkin, so Rolf untied her lead and led her away. She even tried to go into the tack room with the elf, but he held out his hand with his palm toward her and she stopped and waited. Rolf came out of the tack room with a pair of four foot reins which he clipped to the control rings of Cynda’s bridle and untying the lead rope from her collar led her out of the stable by the reins.

“Don’t try having her lift you from her knees, though,” called Randor. “Her legs might not be quite ready for that yet. Try taking her over to the sales platform and see if you can get her to stand there while you get up on it and see if she will let you just slip on to her back from there.” Randor was starting to have second thoughts about his idea, but decided to go ahead and let Rolf try. “Don’t worry, I won’t” called Rolf from the yard outside the stable.

“She’ll probably just toss him off and he will just come back leading her,” he said to Latkin and Prindor under his breath. “That’s probably Okay as Rolf is a tough kid and won’t get hurt and, besides, these others won’t know what happened out there. If he does succeed it should have a real calming effect on these three. Anyway, let’s all go to the door and see if we can watch without his seeing us. I want to see how he handles her.”

Once outside, Rolf led Cynda toward the sales area. In front of some bleacher-like seats for prospective buyers was a flat wooden platform a little over a foot high and ten feet on a side where ponies being sold were displayed. Rolf led Cynda to this platform then turned her to face away from it. While stroking her flanks and lower back, he lifted himself onto the platform behind her. At this point, Cynda tried to turn to face Rolf as she didn’t really want to let him out of her sight. He slipped the reins over her head and held them from behind her stopping her from turning farther. Cynda was standing right next to the platform, but facing away from it at a shallow angle. Rolf gripped the reins with his teeth and proceeded to reach over to gently stroke her head and shoulders with both hands.

After several minutes of gentle stroking, Rolf could feel the tension drain from Cynda’s muscles. At this point, still holding the reins in his teeth he placed one hand firmly on each of the big filly’s shoulders and stepped off the platform to sit on her back just above her wide hips. Cynda did not seem very surprised over what Rolf had just done to her. Although she was not quite ready to admit it to herself, this was really what she had hoped would happen. For the first time in her life she had a rider on her back, and decided that it really wasn’t so bad. She shifted her feet back and forth a bit then hollowed her back even more than normal to take the Elves’ weight more comfortably. Rolf had resumed the stroking of Cynda’s head, shoulders and her neck above her collar. For several minutes Cynda just stood still with Rolf sitting comfortably on her bare back. Both were actually waiting to see what the other was going to do.

After allowing Cynda several minutes to accept the situation, Rolf switched the reins from his teeth to his left hand, still stroking her head with his right. He then stopped stroking Cynda’s head with his right hand and, instead, reached beneath him to give her a couple of good friendly slaps on her right buttock. Cynda shook slightly with each slap, but continued to stand where she was. Rolf then took the ends of the reins in his right hand and using them like a crop, gave Cynda a single light stroke with them in the same place. This time Cynda got the message and began walking straight ahead carrying Rolf on her back.

Rolf allowed Cynda to carry him almost to the fence surrounding one of Randor’s many paddocks. At this point he knew he should turn or stop her rather than allowing her to make that decision, as he needed to maintain control. He knew that the easiest way to turn her would be by mouth reining her in either direction. However, not wanting to start her out with what he considered poor training and bad habits, Rolf decided to try neck reining her. Holding both reins in his left hand, he moved that hand out to the left. At the same time, he took his right hand and while stroking her right cheek gently pushed her face to the left. Surprising Rolf, Cynda turned to the left.

As far as she was concerned there was nothing for Rolf to have been surprised about. Although lacking somewhat in basic self confidence, Cynda was a very bright girl. She saw the fence coming up and knew that she only had three options. She could turn right, turn left or stop. She had been waiting for her Elf rider to give her some sign of which option he wanted. She had felt the pressure of the reins on the right side of her neck, but the bit was pulling her to the right which confused her. “Thank goodness,” she thought to herself, “he finally decided which way he wanted me to turn. He sure waited ‘til the last minute. I thought he was just going walk me right into that fence.” Cynda wanted so desperately to please this young Elf that she would probably have tried to jump the fence with him on her back if he had wanted her to.

For the next ten minutes or so Rolf rode Cynda back and forth and around the stable yard. Then he tried pulling back on the reins, and Cynda obediently came to a halt. To start her again Rolf only had to give her a single gentle slap on the rump with his hand, and off she went. After another ten minutes of gentle riding, Rolf turned Cynda back toward the stable. However, when they approached the open door, Cynda stopped, and refused to go any farther. Even a couple of smacks with the ends of the reins would not budge her, so flipping the reins back over her head, Rolf just slipped from her back. Without hesitation, Cynda allowed Rolf to lead her back in to the stable. “Well, that was outstanding for her first day. I’m not going to push my luck, now. I wonder, though, why she didn’t want me to ride her back into the stable,” thought Rolf to himself. Cynda, of course knew the answer. She desperately needed this elf’s approval, but there were still limits. She just wasn’t ready to have her friends see that she was already allowing him to ride her.

As Rolf led Cynda back into the stable, Latkin called out jokingly, “Well it looks like she wasn’t as ready as we thought. Wouldn’t she let you mount her, or did she let you get on and then pitch you off?

“It was the strangest thing.” Rolf answered. “She let me get on her back with no problem and ride her all around the yard out there. She was even responding to the bridle almost like a neck rein trained girl. It was just when we started to come back in here that she balked. She planted her feet, and refused to go any farther. I even tried whipping her several times with the reins, but she wouldn’t budge. However, once I dismounted she let me lead her right in as if nothing was wrong.”

“We know, we watched you almost the entire time,” said Latkin. “You did a great job with her.”

“Anyway,” said Randor, “There’s no way of knowing what goes through an animal’s mind at times like this. It’s got to be very traumatic for them. Anyway, congratulations, Latkin is right. You did an absolutely outstanding job with her. We were all impressed.” Latkin and Prindor both nodded their agreement. Randor went on, “Actually getting a wild girl to let you ride her the first day here is almost unheard of. I want you to take personal charge of this one from now on out. You will be responsible for all of her training. She’ll be your first if I recall correctly.”

Turning to Latkin and Prindor, Randor added, “I hope that both of you will help our new trainer here with his training plan and schedule for the big chestnut. Don’t do it for him, just see that he gets started correctly. I expect to get a top price for her when she is ready for sale this Fall,” he grinned as did Latkin and Prindor.

Rolf had just been promoted to the position of full trainer, and could barely contain himself. He turned to Cynda who was standing behind him, and gave her reins a gentle downward pull. The big filly dropped to her knees, and Rolf began stroking her head and shoulders. Cynda responded by nuzzling his chest leaving a big stain from the spittle that had dripped-out around her bit and of which she was completely unaware. A bond was obviously forming between the two.

As they had gathered earlier to come to the stable to bridle the four new girls, Randor, Latkin and Prindor had been discussing the four fillies as Rolf listened attentively. Prindor was saying, “I was out giving Lacie an early morning run when I ran across Lani and Rena taking the two buckskins to town to show them off. Lani mentioned how well the two new blacks are matched, and that we might make more selling them as a buggy and light carriage team. I really hadn’t thought of that as I’m always more of a saddle girl type myself, but she may well have something. Those two are both rather slim hipped you know.”

“There are lots of slim hipped ponies that make very good mounts,” Randor replied. “Just look at your little palomino, Lacie.”

“Lacie’s special,” Prindor replied. “She gives her all in everything I want from her, other than water crossing,” he added, smiling and shaking his head. “Also, her custom Bothar saddle sure set me back a bunch. However, before I got it for her she would start to play out after about six hours of hard riding. Now she can go all day just like your Vixin.”

Prindor went on, “The problem is that a lot of our customers won’t spend the extra for a custom made saddle, and then they come back and complain to us when the ponies we sell them don’t seem to have the stamina they expected. It’s always with slim hipped ponies like those two blacks that we get those problems.”

“I think that you may have a good point,” Randor answered. “Latkin, what do you think? After saddle breaking them should we spend the extra time to train those two as a carriage team? Most importantly, do you think we can make more money on them that way? Remember there are a lot fewer customers who can afford to buy a matched pair than can buy individual girls.”

Latkin replied, “The two blacks do look a lot alike. Their coloring, their faces, and body types are quite similar. They appear to be the same height, but that doesn’t mean that their legs and their strides are the same length, and that’s what really matters in a good team. Just look at Bothar’s little identical twin Wegins if you want to see a perfectly matched team. In harness the two of them move like one girl. I think we need to measure them before we go down that road. If they have the same stride length, I think that Lani’s idea is a good one.”

The other two nodded their agreement. Latkin’s many years of experience with ponies was a great value to the organization. Randor, Lani and Prindor had so far only considered Lyra and Madi’s heights which were identical. However, for a team to be able to really work together with perfection, length of stride was what counted. Length of stride was a function not just of overall leg length, but also any differences in thigh and calf lengths between a pair. The Elves had decided that careful measurements would be the first order for the two blacks before deciding whether or not to spend the time required to train them as a team.

While Rolf was out riding Cynda, Latkin and Prindor while watching also turned their attention to Lyra and Madi and began discussing them as a potential team. “I can just see some rich Elf sitting in his buggy all puffed up with pride and those two prancing down some street in a wealthy neighborhood in some big city,” said Prindor.

“I can just see the pile of money we could make if we find that right customer,” replied Latkin. “That is if they really match up like we are hoping.”

On his way into the stable, Latkin had picked up a measuring tape along with the bridle he had for Lyra but said to Prindor, “Let’s get them bridled and calmed down first before I try to measure their legs. I got kicked by Randor’s little strawberry, yesterday, and my chest still hurts. I don’t have any intention of getting kicked again, today.”

As they finished watching Rolf, the two began walking to where the two sisters were tied. Latkin then decided he would try bridling the older filly first before proceeding with measuring her. He had noticed that she appeared a bit too nervous about the bridle for him to want to get down on his knees in front of her to measure legs right now, and made that suggestion to Prindor who was currently in something of a staring contest with Madi.

“If we can’t get them calmed down after they learn that their bridles don’t hurt, we can always hobble them while you take your measurements,” Prindor commented.

“That’s probably not a bad idea, but let’s see how the bridling goes,” replied Latkin.

Latkin laid the bridle he was carrying for Lyra on the ground where she could see it, and walked slowly up to the nervous filly. He reached his right hand out slowly to stroke her head, and she shied away, so Latkin tried again with the same result. However, the old Elf was patient and after several more tries. Lyra allowed him to stroke her head and neck. Then Latkin gave the girl a real surprise. With his left hand he drew a berry, of the same variety that had cost the ponies their freedom, from his pocket and held it out to the girl in the palm of his hand. Lyra looked back and forth between the berry and Latkin’s face several times before her hunger for sweets won out and she accepted the berry from his hand, quickly devouring it.

Latkin began stroking Lyra’s head with both hands now, and rubbing the back of her neck above her collar, then moved down to her shoulders. He could still feel tightness in her muscles, so began to massage her shoulders first gently and then more vigorously, as Lyra began to relax a little. As Latkin continued to work on Lyra’s shoulders, he looked the filly over carefully, and glanced briefly at her sister. They were both truly beautiful animals with coal black hair, deep blue eyes, fairly large breasts and long strong looking legs. Both were about five foot eight or nine which was an excellent height for saddle girls, but they both did have slim hips. Using regular saddles on them was going to require cinching them rather tightly or relying too much on support from their shoulder straps. Putting more of a rider’s weight on these girls’ shoulders would cause them to adopt a more upright position rather than bending slightly forward and hollowing their backs to put the weight over their pelvic bones where it belonged. Neither option would be very comfortable for the ponies for extended riding.

As Lyra began to relax, Latkin gave her another berry, then a third. Finally he stopped rubbing her shoulders and neck, and stepping back, picked up the bridle from where he had laid it on the floor. He saw the filly tense and start to stand up. Latkin hung the bridle over his shoulder, and again offered her a berry. Lyra locked her eyes on the bridle, but couldn’t help but see that berry in the elf’s open hand, so she decided to remain on her knees for now or, she thought to herself, “at least until I get that berry.” The attraction that sweets held for humans, and especially young female humans, on this world was very strong due to their rarity. Lyra accepted the berry from Latkin’s hand, and again allowed him to stroke her head with his other hand as she ate it. As she was eating the berry, Latkin slowly took the bridle off his shoulder, and held the bit out to Lyra. She started to open her mouth to accept it, but changed her mind and shook her head from side to side.

“Holding out for more, I see,” said Latkin which, of course Lyra could not understand. “I had you figured for the smart one,” he chuckled.

Latkin took the last of the berries from his pocket, and held them out to the filly. She looked first at the berries, and then at the bit he was holding in his other hand and finally right in Latkin’s eyes.

“Go ahead and take them, girl, but then you are going to let me bridle you with no more nonsense,” he said in a firm tone. Again, Lyra could not understand the elf’s words, but his tone was unmistakable. She stared at him for almost a minute then lowered her head to gobble up the berries. After chewing them briefly, Lyra swallowed then, after a brief hesitation, opened her mouth for the bit. After buckling the bridle on her lovely head, Latkin resumed stroking Lyra and rubbing her neck and shoulders. After a minute or two, the filly relaxed and began nuzzling Latkin’s chest.

Lyra’s acceptance of the bridle took her younger sister Madi by surprise. It also took the fight right out of her, and as Prindor presented the bit she opened her mouth for him, but began to cry. Prindor deftly bridled the sobbing Madi, and when finished, began to rub her neck and shoulders then her upper chest including her large breasts. Madi was at first startled by the young elf’s touch there, but as a warm feeling began to enter her body, she just leaned her head back and closed her eyes. When in the village the Elders had touched her breasts it had never been to sooth and relax her. Quite the contrary, when the Elder that she had served most often grabbed her breasts it was generally just to hold on while he pleasured himself by entering her from behind in either of her orifices, bringing her either pain or nothingness. What she was feeling now was totally different, and she hated it when he stopped.

“Here, girl, you certainly earned these this morning,” said Prindor as he held out a handful of berries to the newly bridled filly.

Madi did not understand the elf’s words any more than her sister had understood Latkin, but she knew that she, too, wanted those berries. The problem for her, however, was that she now had a bit in her mouth that she could not remove, and she was frustrated. Prindor understood and took a single berry and held it in front of Madi’s mouth. When she opened it, he pushed it behind her front teeth. Madi quickly learned that, although she could not bring her teeth together to chew due to the bit, she could close them well enough to pop the berry open, get the sweet juice and swallow the thin skin whole. One at a time, Prindor fed Madi his entire pocketful of berries.

“Now would be a good time to measure the legs of these two,” Latkin said as he got Lyra to her feet.

He began by stroking her belly then moved one hand between the filly’s legs gently stroking here there. She was startled at first at the contact of his hand there, but soon relaxed as a pleasant sensation began to flow through her body. She stood still with her eyes closed as the Elf took the tape and carefully measured her calf and thigh lengths separately. Madi had watched her sister’s obvious pleasure and was already on her feet when Latkin walked over to her. The old Elf went through the exact procedure with the younger sister with similar results.

“Randor” he said, “it looks like you caught yourself a really well matched team in these two. I still want to confirm it with actual running stride measurements on the ground, but I think that they’ll step together perfectly.”

“I thought that might be the case just looking at them, but I’m glad to get your expert opinion. I always prefer a team that matches naturally. I just don’t like having to use ankle or shoe weights to force stride lengths when it isn’t absolutely necessary,” Randor replied.

Only Katryn was left to bridle and Randor had been working on her almost since the four Elves had entered the stable without her knowing it. After their initial exchange of stares, Randor had been completely ignoring the little strawberry filly while he had watched the other Elves’ progress with the other three girls. He had talked quietly with them as they worked never once even glancing in Katryn’s direction. By this time Katryn’s jealousy was beginning to boil. She knew that this was the Elves’ leader and up until now he had seemed to have taken a special interest in her, but now it seemed as though she did not even exist. She had risen to her feet several times only to return to her knees expecting that her movement might warrant at least a glance in her direction, but to no avail.

After bridling Lyra, Latkin waited stroking the filly as he watched Prindor’s progress with Madi. About the time that Prindor had completed his task with the girl, Rolf had returned leading Cynda.

Randor looked at the three bridled ponies and said to Latkin, Prindor and Rolf, “Take these three for now and put them on the training carousels. I want them to get in a good run to loosen them up good before noon. I asked the handlers to leave places open with the more experienced girls. That will keep them up to speed.

“What about your strawberry” Latkin asked?

“I’m going to try bridling her now when she is alone and doesn’t have the others to show off for,” he answered.

“Good idea. That might work better with her. I watched her out of the corner of my eye while I was bridling this one,” Latkin said, referring to Lyra whose lead rope he was holding, “Your little red has sure been tense this morning. Watch out for her, though, she does behave a lot like Vixin did when she was still wild.”

The other three Elves walked from the stable each leading one of the fillies. They were being taken to the training carousels. These were exercise devices to which the ponies would be connected, overhead by a light chain and clip to their collars. The ponies would be made to run round and round turning the carousel. Of course, there would only be one new girl attached to a carousel with generally five ponies much farther along in their training, so the carousel would force the new ponies to keep up. The experienced ponies would, of course, all be wearing weighted training saddles, but would still set a pretty quick pace for the new girls. A pair of young helpers with long willow switches worked each carousel to make sure that the prescribed pace was kept by all the girls.

Finally, Randor turned to look at Katryn who was now kneeling at her hitching post. He grabbed the bridle from where he had hung it on a hook, and approached the little filly. Katryn took one look at the leather straps and metal in his hand, and jumped to her feet, backing away as far as her rope would allow. Randor slung the bridle over his shoulder and unhooked his whip from his belt. He did not want to have to use it, but he did not plan to get kicked, either. He grabbed the now taught rope and pulled down gently at first, but then harder. Katryn’s first response was to pull back, but remembering the stinging welt across the backs of her knees from yesterday, decided that kneeling was probably the better choice. She slowly dropped to her knees and sat back on her heels. In this position, Katryn’s eyes were almost level with Randor’s and they locked gazes.

Randor took one of the berries he was carrying out of his pocket and offered it to Katryn in the open palm of his hand. Defiantly, Katryn turned her head to the side and refused the berry. Randor held it there for several seconds then put it in his own mouth and ate it. Katryn turned her head back to again stare at Randor who proceeded to take all of the berries out of his pocket and eat them one by one while the filly watched. When he got to the last one, he again offered it to Katryn who slowly lowered her head without breaking her stare into Randor’s eyes, and took the berry into her mouth and ate it.

Randor laughed, and reaching out with his hand tousled Katryn’s beautiful light red hair. She allowed him to do this, but never broke her stare with him. “You little devil, you’re going to resist me at every single step, aren’t you,” he said, but of course she could not understand a word. “I wonder if you might be somehow, kin to Vixin. You both came from the same human village, and she was just like this when I started with her. What a pain she was! Worth every long hour, though,” he mused.

After running the fingers of his left hand through Katryn’s short hair for a few minutes, he gently took hold of a handful and while holding it slipped the bridle off of his shoulder with his right. Taking hold of the bit, he held it in front of Katryn’s mouth. She looked briefly at it then back into Randor’s eyes then even though it pulled her hair she turned her head to the side as she had when he had offered her the first berry. Randor let Katryn feel the pull in her hair just enough to know he was still holding on but not enough to cause her any real pain. As soon as Randor would take the bit away Katryn would turn her head back to again stare into Randor’s eyes.

They repeated their series of actions several times with Randor increasing the tension on Katryn’s hair each time, and Katryn determined not to give in to what was now beginning to hurt. She knew that she could always stand up and, although the pull would hurt even more, he would be forced to release her hair or be lifted off his feet. However, she did not want to do this, but not because of the pain it would cause her. She wanted to defeat this Elf at his own game.

Randor elected to change the game. He put the bridle back on his shoulder and began rubbing Katryn’s neck and shoulders. After several minutes of this he shifted his attention to her breasts then ran one hand down her flat belly and then reached between her legs. When the Elf first touched her there Katryn was startled, but then as he gently rubbed her, the feeling she had yesterday when she saw the young male drawing the buggy began to flood back into her body. Her breathing deepened but she never took her eyes off of Randor. After a minute he removed his hand and stood up. Once more he presented the bit to Katryn, and this time she slowly opened her mouth and accepted it. She even lowered her head to allow him to buckle both of the straps of her bridle. Randor untied Katryn’s rope from the post and led her outside to join the others at the carousels.

As she was being led from the stable Katryn thought, “I don’t know what it is but he always just seems to know how to get to me. Maybe Cynda is right, if he tamed that woman he rides, what chance do I have?”

“Well,” her mind went on, “living with the Elders was truly awful. So far this has not been as bad, but I still don’t like the idea of being ridden by someone, so he’s still going to have to work for it. I’m not giving in without fighting him all the way.”

Chapter Eight

Randor led Katryn to a carousel that had five ponies all with at least four months of training that were already running briskly in continuous circles. Only occasionally did the handlers need use their switches to encourage these ponies to keep up the pace.

“Okay, let’s stop them for moment so I can add this one,” Randor called to the two handlers.

At that, one of the handlers dropped her switch and darted between two of the running ponies to the center of the carousel where all the poles were mounted. Grabbing a lever, she began to apply the brakes to the carousel while both helpers called out “whoa” which was one of the few words that Elves taught to girls. As they all felt the increased resistance on the leads clipped to their collars, the ponies all slowed to a stop.

The ponies already on the carousel had just begun to warm up and break a sweat, and now they were being stopped. To keep from losing their tone, all five pranced in place while waiting as Katryn was added to the carousel. The five all noticed that a new girl that they had never seen before was being added to their number. The five all glanced at each other and nodded slyly. They were going to give this new wild girl a real introduction to running.

With the call of the Elf version of “giddy up,” from the helper as she returned to the outside of the circle, the carousel began to turn and pick up speed.

“Keep them running for a good two hours, but stop and water them at least every half hour,” Randor told the two handlers. After that, give them a good cool down walk then take them back to their stalls and feed them. Whoever takes care of the little strawberry please let me know how she did.”

“I’m going to Glynda’s now, but will be back around noon if anyone is looking for me.” Randor said. “I plan to leave Vixin there overnight and pick her up tomorrow,”

“Do either of you know where that big chested black that Rolf rode over to Bothar’s yesterday is? I think I’ll take her along to ride back,” he asked the handlers.

“One of the trainers has her out on the track working her on pacing,” the female handler replied, referring to a very smooth fast walking gait that riders favored, but some saddle ponies found hard to master.

“Well, then that’s out. She needs all the training she can get on pacing. I’d really like to put her up for sale next week along with the two buckskins that Lani and Rena are out showing off this morning. Pacing is the only thing the black seems to be having trouble with at this point,” Randor said to the other two.

“I can always borrow a buggy from Glynda and drive that young brown stallion, Buc, back here, the one that Berin seems so fond of. I think I’ll do that for her. It would be a real treat for her to have him all night. She’ll probably wear him right out,” Randor told the handlers as he began walking toward Vixin’s stable.

Randor had always been very fond of Berin, and she, like Vixin, constantly proved to be a great asset to his operation due to the calming influence both mares had on new ponies as they went through their training.

Randor planned to use a buggy as Elves seldom rode males, stallions especially. They were extremely strong and fast, but could also be aggressive and dangerous on occasion. They were much safer when harnessed and driven. The biggest drawback, though, in riding males came from the general shape of their bodies. Very few males had the narrow waist and broad hips of a good female mount. They also lacked the females’ ability to push out their rumps and bend slightly forward at the hips, hollowing their backs into a good “saddle seat.” Yes, although certainly not afraid to ride him, Randor would prefer to drive the brown stallion back from Glynda’s.

When he took Vixin out of her large stall, he patted her rump affectionately. He also slipped his hand between her muscled thighs and stroked her there gently. Vixin understood immediately where they were going, and had her hands been free to do so, would have quickly put on her own saddle and bridle.

As soon as Randor swung in to the saddle, Vixin did not wait for the rein command to rise, nor the spurs to tell her to start. She took off quickly, immediately assuming the quick pacing gait Randor preferred, and headed out of the stable and towards the front gate. Slightly miffed at her for not waiting for his commands, Randor said to his mount with some sarcasm, “I see that three weeks is a long time for you.” Vixin nodded her head several times, but Randor pretended not to consider her action as a response to his comment. He preferred to think that she was just shaking some spittle off her chin or moving her bit to a more comfortable position in her mouth. As always, Vixin allowed Randor to believe as he wanted.

Riding to Glynda’s stable, Randor never had to touch his spurs to Vixin’s flanks. He rather had to hold her back to keep her from breaking into a run, but she did manage to hold her gait down to a very fast pace. As he rode into Glynda’s stable yard, Randor saw that she had her palomino stallion, Tor, hitched to a two wheel sulky and was exercising him by driving around her large paddock. She drove the stallion through the paddock gate and reined him to a stop right next to where Randor sat waiting on Vixin.

“When I was in town, yesterday, I saw you coming from Bothar’s and thought you’d be over with her last night,” she said inclining her head toward Vixin and smiling.

“I started to, but figured she would enjoy herself more if she was rested. I figured we’d all enjoy ourselves more if we were all rested,” he smiled slyly.

“As usual this one was setting the pace for everyone going and coming,” he said as he patted the big roan’s shoulder. “I think I’ll leave her overnight with Tor, there,” he added. “That is if you don’t have him already booked.”

“I did have plans for him, but no commitments, so I can re-arrange his schedule,” Glynda replied. “I heard that you had a pretty successful trip.”

“It was a fast three weeks, but I think the four we caught will prove worth it,” he said. “We got a really big strong chestnut, two good blacks and a little strawberry roan that is a real bundle of energy. She reminds me of Vixin here when I first caught her.”

“Well, good,” she said laughing. “You’re going to need it to keep paying my fees. I do believe that you are my best customer. I don’t think another trainer in the village spends what you do on my services. They sure don’t bring any of their wild ones here like you do on occasion.”

“Now you know I never bring you a wild girl until I have had her for at least three months, and even then she has to have really earned it,” he chided. “Besides, the first two to three months of their training are mostly physical. They’re usually too tired to enjoy your stallions that much and besides, the stimulation effect of their diet hasn’t yet reached its full level.”

“It’s the last couple of months when we’re developing proper behavior in them, and teaching them their gaits and such that I find that rewards can work wonders. I also find that pony’s learn a lot faster if they are more relaxed, and by that time, most of them really need relaxing,” Randor said, grinning at Glynda.

“I can’t argue with your success. You always get top price for every girl you sell” she replied. “Besides, I wouldn’t want to. I need the business.”

“Speaking of relaxing a girl, I think we’d better stop talking and get Vixin and Tor into his stall,” she laughed.

“She hasn’t been able to stand still since you arrived, and he’s sure more than ready,” Glynda referred to Vixin’s nervous shifting of her weight back and forth from one foot to the other, and to Tor’s massive erection. Stallions like Tor were often fitted with a leather pouch to provide support for their testicles to prevent injury whenever they were being worked in harness or carrying a rider. Such pouches, though, had an opening through which the stallion’s penis was allowed to protrude so that he could relieve himself as necessary.

Since Tor had been halted to stand next to her, Vixin’s eyes had not left his erection. She had not had relief for three weeks, and was really tired of waiting. “When are these Elves going to stop talking and let Tor and me get started doing what we came here for?” she thought to herself, impatiently.

Just like all ponies and older women on a steady diet of the Elves’ pony feed, Vixin’s sexual needs were substantially enhanced. This fact had been discovered centuries ago and efforts had initially been made to eliminate this side effect to their feed. However, it did not take long for trainers to realize the great power this gave them over their ponies so the formula was changed back to not only restore the effect, but to enhance it. Owners, too, soon learned from the trainers and followed suit in demanding feed that had this effect on their girls.

The intense sexual desire that built up in a pony’s body, allowed her owner to reward or punish her at will, depending on her performance. It was both a carrot and stick at the same time which most trainers and owners employed quite effectively. It also provided a profitable livelihood for operations like that of Glynda who maintained an entire stable of stallions for the express purpose of servicing mares and fillies.

Stallions also received a special formula feed that enhanced their sexual prowess to the point that most could service at least half a dozen females per day. Tor was exceptional in that he literally held the record at Glynda’s of having serviced twelve ponies in a single day. Glynda only allowed him to do that one time as she had no intention of having a bunch of overly heated fillies wear out her favorite young stallion.

Pregnancy among the Elves’ ponies was avoided with food additives in addition to those that enhanced their sexual needs. The herb and mineral combination that the Elves used was similar to that which the Elders in the human villages employed to keep their twenty to twenty five year olds from conceiving. It virtually turned off the pony’s reproductive system so that she neither had periods nor could conceive while consuming it in her food. On those very rare occasions where a saddle girl did have a period, riding her during that time was considered very bad taste in Elf culture. The big difference between the two formulas was that the Elf formula enhanced a pony’s sexual needs and pleasures where the Elder’s formula eliminated them.

Only very seldom were ponies bred. The available supply of wild ponies that could be captured or purchased was generally sufficient to meet the Elves’ demand for mounts and draft animals. The Elves generally preferred to let the humans raise their own offspring until they reached the age and size, usually in their early twenties, where they were ready for training.

A few special Elf farms did specialize in the selective breeding of girls. Most of the offspring of these breeding farms were special ponies and stallions that were trained and used for racing which was a very popular spectator sport among the elves. Prindor’s Lacie was the product of just such selective breeding and, although very strong and fast, was not really quite competitive on the racing circuit. After finishing poorly in her last race, Lacie had known that she was likely to become a brood mare at the farm. Although she would be well cared for, this would not have been the most exciting life she could imagine. When Prindor had bought her to use as his personal mount, she was eternally grateful, and always did everything she could to please her young owner.

“Let’s let them have their fun, then,” Randor said to Glynda as he turned Vixin toward the barn containing Tor’s stall and was surprised that he had to give her a light touch of his spurs. Although Vixin knew that Tor would be following right behind her pulling his Mistress’s sulky, she was still reluctant to take her eyes off of the stallion’s huge member. She forced herself to break her stare and headed to the barn with Tor right behind her.

In the barn as Randor unsaddled Vixin, Glynda backed Tor and the sulky into its usual spot and got down from its seat to unhitch the stallion from between the shafts. She left the wide padded belt and padded shoulder strap harness on him as it secured his wrists to the harness rather than to his neck like the one Vixin wore. She did remove his support pouch allowing the stallion’s large testicles to settle to their natural position before leading him into his stall. There she had him kneel so that she could remove his bridle and turning, left him there. Randor had finished unsaddling Vixin and, with her kneeling beside him was waiting next to the stall door holding her reins.

As soon as Tor was in his stall, Randor removed Vixin’s bridle. Then he totally surprised the big mare by unlocking and removing her collar, wrist and upper arm cuffs completely freeing her hands and arms. When he did this she stared into his eyes for over a minute before rising slowly to her feet and walking slowly into the stall looking over her shoulder at her Master. Randor gave her a playful smack with the reins from her bridle hurrying her along, then he closed and latched the barred stall door.

Vixin’s surprise came from the fact that, except for one particular period of time in her life, she had worn a collar and restraining harness of some kind for the almost twenty years since she had been captured by Randor. Even when she was being washed, a chain was always looped around her neck and wrists and locked before the leather collar and cuffs were removed. Elves were always very cautious with ponies and rarely allowed them freedom to move their arms and hands at will. Any girl with her arms free could easily harm an Elf severely, so it was almost never allowed.

“What did you do that for?” asked Glynda as Randor joined her outside the stall. “Aren’t you afraid that she won’t let you put her collar and harness back on when you come to get her?”

“You know, I’m not exactly sure,” he answered. “For some reason, I just felt like doing it.”

“Well, you’re the one who is going to have to go in the stall and bring her out tomorrow,” Glynda said. “I just hope you will be able to do it without any problem.”

“Somehow, I think that by tomorrow, both of them will be very docile,” Randor said grinning at Glynda.

“You’re probably right. I never see Tor get as excited over any other female as he does over Vixin.”

“Let’s stay and watch them awhile,” Glynda said to Randor rather throatily as he stood next to her. “They enjoy it so much it rather gets me in the same mood.” Elves were very sexual beings and most had very active sex lives prior to selecting their mates and becoming thereafter monogamous. Randor had expected such an invitation, and said, “Why don’t we go up into the loft? You still keep lots of fresh straw there I recall, and we can watch from above.”

“Now why didn’t I think of that,” she grinned as she started up the ladder to the loft. Of course, Randor and Glynda had repeated this or a similar ritual almost every time he brought Vixin over, but still enjoyed the banter. They lay face down on the sweet smelling straw and watched over the edge of the loft at the scene unfolding below. Randor slid his hand beneath Glynda’s skirt and began caressing her small, shapely bottom.

As she entered his stall, Tor immediately noticed that Vixin’s hands were free as his were not, so he remained on his knees in the center of the stall staring at her as she walked right up to him. Grasping Tor’s longish hair at the back of his head, she pulled his face between her legs and held it there as he began to caress her with his tongue. For several minutes he worked over her slit with ever increasing fervor. Vixin closed her eyes and let the waves of pleasure wash over her emanating from what was for now the absolute center of her being. Suddenly she released the stallion’s hair and, stepping back, fell to her own knees and took as much of Tor’s rigid member into her mouth as she could handle without choking. When he began to thrust slightly, she suddenly pulled her head back and placing her now free hands on both of his shoulders, pushed the young stallion on to his back in the straw and stood back. Tor stayed on his back and straightened his legs while starring up at the powerful mare.

Although about twenty years Tor’s senior, Vixin did not look it. The Elf diet that both were on and the strenuous exercise both received, in addition to doubling their expected lifespan, also greatly slowed their physical ageing process. However, as she had nearly twice his life experience, Tor was somewhat intimidated by Vixin and it was clear that both enjoyed the fact.

Vixin then stepped astride Tor’s body as he lay on his back and slowly lowered herself to her knees while impaling herself on his rigid member. With all of him inside of her and her ass sitting on his upper thighs, Vixin rode Tor’s massive maleness until both stiffened into simultaneous climaxes of shattering intensity.

Up in the loft things were no less heated as the two Elves basically copied the actions that they had been watching. Once they too had finished, Glynda slowly lifted herself off of Randor and collapsed on the straw with her head on his stomach and both rested for a while. Both were feeling the warm glow that was typical following sex especially since they had been separated for three weeks. Although the pair had not announced a mate selection officially, they had been monogamous for the past year more out of lack of attraction for other partners than from any formal commitment.

Randor and Glynda were in no great hurry to settle down to mate. After all, they were only in their eighties and seventies respectively and still had not reached the usual Elf mating age of around one hundred. Both traveled a few times a year, and were usually away for several weeks when they did. Randor traveled for raiding to capture wild girls, and also visited several of the numerous markets spread out across the land where the Society of Traders sold a wide variety of goods including humans. Among these markets some dealt exclusively in females and others exclusively in males, both stallions and geldings. It was to these latter sites that Glynda went regularly to add to her stable.

Randor and Glynda often wondered why the traders did not sell both males and females at the same markets, which would have allowed the two of them to travel on their buying trips together. However, the ways of the Traders were set and rarely if ever changed. Traders were accepted by and dealt regularly with both Elves and humans. In a way, Traders provided a kind of glue that held Elf and human societies in the separate balance that had existed on this world for thousands of years.

Glynda stood up, and brushing the loose straw from her shapely body, said to Randor, “I guess you will need me to drive you back to your place. I noticed you didn’t bring a spare girl along to ride back.”

“I thought I’d take Buc back with me for Berin, if you could loan me a buggy. You know how I am about spoiling our girls,” he said, smiling.

“I’m afraid that Buc will be filling in for Tor for the rest of the day,” Glynda said referring to the big brown stallion. “However, I have a new young Ebony that I bought while you were gone that you could take. I’m sure that Berin will be impressed by him, and will certainly enjoy the variety.”

“Where ever did you find and Ebony?” Randor asked referring to the black skinned stallion Glynda had just mentioned. Ebonies were quite rare in this part of the Elves’ world in that they came from a separate continent far to the south.

“You know that trader, Hrema?” Glynda asked.

“Isn’t he the one that comes through occasionally with the large wagon and the matched team of eight big tan draft ponies drawing it?” Randor responded. “Doesn’t he usually travel alone or occasionally with one or two other traders?”

“That’s the one,” she said “Well, he was here a couple of days after you left, and it seems that he has taken on a mate and partner, a really nice young trader woman named Elle.”

“Good for them,” Randor said sincerely. “I’ve always gotten fair dealing from him in the past. I hope things work out well for both of them. You know we ought to start thinking about something like that one of these days, ourselves. I can’t think of a better way for me to save money since your fees are about to break me,” he said laughingly. “But what does that have to do with you getting an Ebony stallion. What did you have to pay for him?”

“I’m getting to that if you will ever stop rambling on,” she said smiling at him. “It seems that Elle is a dealer and specializes in exotics and matched teams. I think that is where Hrema got that magnificent team of his in the first place. That’s probably how they first met, now that I think about it.”

“I also think that may be where Randric got those two beautiful Wegin twins that he had to sell to Bothar to pay his bills,” she went on, referring to an acquaintance of theirs who constantly tried to live over his head financially.

“I wonder what Bothar gave him for that pair. You know how he never pays full price for anything,” she continued. “I wonder what he’d sell them for.”

“Too much, I’m sure, you know Bothar,” Randor chuckled. “However, you would look magnificent all dressed up and at the reins of a team like that. I’d love to see that. It’s too bad you couldn’t use them in your business to help repay their cost.

“That would be great if I could,” she replied. “However, those two little Wegins like the stallions themselves so much to be of much good. Bothar has them over here about twice a month as it is.”

“Good for him. I’m surprised to hear that. I always thought he’d be too cheap to take proper care of them like that,” commented Randor.

“Anyway, speaking of rambling, weren’t you trying to tell me about your new Ebony?” He asked.

“That’s right,” she said. “When Hrema and his new mate, Elle, came into the village, she was driving the wagon with this gorgeous ebony stallion tied on behind.”

“She was driving, where was Hrema?” asked Randor.

“Oh, he was out front riding bareback on an absolutely incredible Ebony filly. She really drew a lot of attention which, I’m sure, didn’t hurt their business any,” she replied.

“Riding her!” he exclaimed. “He’s a Trader and not a small one at that. She must have been incredible.”

Traders were actually a third race of beings on this world. Their physical appearance was quite similar to that of humans, but with the ears and delicate facial features of an elf. They were approximately the same height and weight as average young humans, although very few ever got disgustingly fat as most all of the Elders did.

All Elf trained saddle girls, due to the very significant increase in strength they received from their special diet and continuous exercise could, actually, handle the weight of a Trader with relative ease. However, when ridden by Traders, ponies did not really provide the great improvement in travel speed and distance that they did for the much smaller and shorter legged elves. Also, by the nature of their business, Traders had their wares to consider which made wagons and draft teams a much more practical form of transportation for them. Still, there were some Traders that simply enjoyed riding and those generally owned large ponies for just that purpose.

“I’ll tell you more about her in a minute. Right now I’m bragging about my new stallion who I haven’t even named yet,” Glynda injected. “When I saw him I knew right then that I had to have him. Randor, he’s so big, if you know what I mean, that he tends to frighten some of the younger fillies. Mares, on the other hand, take one look and drop to their knees literally begging for him to mount them. I’ve only had him for a couple of weeks and already get special requests for him. At this rate I will have recovered what I paid for him in six months!” she exclaimed.

“That’s great, just don’t let some of those older mares wear him out, you know how they can be,” he chided only part jokingly.

“Don’t worry,” she said. “I’m pacing him carefully. So far both his interest and endurance have never flagged, but that’s one of the reasons why I’m offering him to you for Berin this afternoon. She’s usually real gentle with her stallions, especially young ones like him.”

“Speaking of getting back, I’ve got to go,” Randor said suddenly. “I’ve had the handlers running my four wild ponies on the carousels this morning, and they should have be feeding and resting them about now. I want to get them started on some real muscle building work this afternoon. I also want to see how my little strawberry fared on the carousel. I purposefully hooked her up along with five ponies that have been in training for at least four months now.”

“What are you trying to do to her, run her into the ground on her first day?” Glynda asked with actual concern.

“You haven’t seen her in action. It’s the other five that I’m worried about” he said somewhat defensively. “Besides, my handlers are all well trained to be very careful not to overdo it with a girl, especially a new one.”

“Anyway, let’s get your new ebony hitched up so I can get going. I’ll bring him back tomorrow when I come for Vixin,” he said.

Randor followed Glynda to a different stable from the one they had recently left. She went into the third stall on the right and came out leading the incredible Ebony stallion. Randor was impressed with his overall size and his apparent strength. The stallion was at least six and a half feet tall. Even more impressive was his size where it counted most given the nature of Glynda’s business.

“Why don’t you just ride him to your place? It’s not that far, and it would be a lot quicker than harnessing him and getting out a buggy?” she asked. “I’ve ridden him a number of times myself already,” she went on. “He’s spirited, but very gentle and superbly trained. You will have to ride him bareback, though, just as I have been doing. I don’t have a saddle that will fit him, he’s so big. I ordered a new one from Bothar, but it won’t be ready for a few weeks. You can see that he has a really good saddle seat for a male with both a narrow waist and wide hips,” she commented.

“I had noticed that. Most Ebony’s I have seen are built that way. What did Hrema’s Ebony filly look like?” he asked. “You said he rode her bareback, too.”

“It had to be like sitting in a cushioned chair, just one with a ton of muscles,” she answered. “However, while they were here, they did order a saddle from Bothar for her, too. When they come back through here to pick it up, you should try to see her. She is really something.”

“Why don’t you bring my Ebony back tonight, and I can tell you all about her?” She said with a wink. “You can do that and still ride Vixin home tomorrow. Besides, I have work for him here so he can help me make back all that money I paid for him. Also, if you want you can help me name him.”

“That’s the best offer I have had in three weeks,” Randor said smiling.

The Elves smiled at each other. They spent most nights together either at her place or his whenever both were in the village.

During the time they had been talking, Glynda had knelt and bridled the Ebony. She put her hand on top of his head and pushed down gently until his back was almost horizontal.

“Please take it easy on him as I didn’t put a pouch on him,” she cautioned referring to a support device like she had recently removed from Tor.

“Don’t worry. I never push a mount when I’m riding bareback. I’m always afraid that if I do I might fall off in public, and in my business, that would be just too embarrassing,” he joked.

Randor stepped astride the Ebony’s back and sat just above his hips. He tugged gently upward on the reins, and the Ebony rose carefully to his feet effortlessly lifting the Elf with him.

As he turned the Ebony around to face the stable door, and started him with a light flick of the ends of the reins against his right flank, Randor called back over his shoulder, “What about dinner? Do you want to go to Naron’s?”

Naron owned a favorite tavern frequented by the two Elves and a number of their friends and business associates.

“I’ll fix something here. That’ll give us more time to check up on Tor and Vixin,” Glynda said as she flashed a truly wicked smile at Randor.

Chapter Nine

Randor’s ride back to his facilities was quick and easy. The Ebony stallion was everything that Glynda had promised and more. Randor enjoyed riding bareback and being able to feel a mount’s muscles working beneath him knowing that he was in control of all that strength. Somehow, though, he always seemed to enjoy it more when his mount was female rather than male. Riding Vixin bareback was most pleasant for him, and he wondered if Glynda had similar feelings when she rode one of her stallions bareback.

Since it was just after lunch, he guessed that Latkin would probably be in the office going over the books. Randor tied the Ebony to the hitching rail at the main building and went in to find that he had been correct.

“If my guess is right, you probably didn’t have time to take Berin over to Glynda’s while I was gone. Is that right?” Randor asked the older elf.

“No I didn’t and it’s time that I did. Do you want to take over here so I can do that right now?” Latkin asked.

Randor told Latkin in great detail where he had been for the past couple of hours leaving out, of course, the details of what went on in Glynda’s loft. While Elves were very sexual creatures, Elves tended to be rather modest when it came to talking about the subject. There was no doubt in Latkin’s mind, though, why Randor’s visit had taken almost three hours.

“Anyway, I rode her new Ebony stallion back here,” Randor said. “Do you think that Berin might like a visit from him?”

“I had heard that she bought that Ebony from Hrema and Elle, although I haven’t seen him yet. If he’s really anything like you are saying, she would probably kick down her stall door to get to him. She hasn’t had a “friend” for three weeks just like Vixin,” Latkin said with a knowing grin. “Let’s go see.”

“He’s right outside, but why don’t you take him in to her? I think both you and she are going to be impressed” Randor said jovially. “Besides, I’m already late getting back to work with our four new ones.”

As Randor and Latkin stepped out on the porch of the building, and Latkin saw the Ebony for the first time, all he could manage was the Elf equivalent of “wow.”

Latkin had untied the big stallion from the hitching rail, and was starting to lead him in the direction of the stable where Berin was kept when Randor called over his shoulder, “Why don’t you try riding him over? He’s very gentle and beautifully trained and will kneel very low for you so that you can easily mount him bareback. When you signal him to rise, he just comes to his feet and picks you up as though you weigh nothing which, to him, you probably don’t. I’m going to teach Vixin how to kneel low like that for bareback mounting the next time I ride her without a saddle.”

“It’s been a long time since you and I have had time to take Berin and Vixin out riding just for fun,” said Latkin. “We really need to make time to do that. Those two mares enjoy it even more than we do. Remember the time when we rode them bareback and didn’t even put bridles on them.”

“You’re right, I had almost forgotten that,” replied Randor. “We just braided their manes and just used the braids like reins to guide them. I’ve seen Bothar’s boys do the same thing with Tei and Lei.”

“All ponies really seem to like being ridden without bridles,” Randor observed. “I’ve never had any real trouble controlling one by her mane, but I still like to have the positive control of a bit and bridle for anything but casual riding. Still, it’s fun to do on occasion.”

“Well, I’d better get this big boy over to see Berin,” said Latkin as he tapped the big stallion’s left calf with his foot causing the Ebony to immediately drop to his knees. “When do you plan to take him back to Glynda’s?”

“I’m going there for dinner tonight, so will come by Berin’s stall and get him early this evening. That is if she’ll let me take him,” Randor grinned. “I asked Glynda if we couldn’t keep him overnight, but she has other customers waiting for him.”

“Oh well, maybe next time,” said Latkin as he turned the Ebony toward stable five where Berin was kept and gave him a light slap on the rump with the reins starting him at a brisk walk.

Before going to the stable to check on the new girls, Randor asked around looking for Prindor and Rolf. Before he could find anyone who knew, he saw Rolf coming toward him driving Tana and Beth hitched to a wagon. Although neither girl appeared to be straining, both had worked up a good sweat, so the wagon was obviously well loaded. Rolf had been to the feed dealer, and was now making the rounds of the five stables unloading sacks of pony feed into each stable’s feed room.

“Rolf, get one of the handlers to do that,” called Randor. “You’re a trainer now, remember?”

“Okay boss,” he said. “It’s just that I told Latkin yesterday when I was still a handler that I’d take care of it, so figured to just get it done.”

“That’s fine, but now turn the job over to someone else at your next stop, and join me at the stable with the new ones,” Randor said. “Everybody knows you’re a trainer now, but you’ve still got to learn how to give orders. Have you seen Prindor or Lani?”

“I know that Lani came back with Rena from showing off the two buckskins that you plan to sell next week. According to Lani those two “bucks” raised quite a stir when she and Rena ran them at the village track. It’s unusual for fillies that are that good looking to also be able to really run, but those two can do it. They’re probably not quite as fast as Vixin or Lacie, but they’re pretty close,” said Rolf.

“Anyway,” he went on. “Lani and Prindor got together, and the last time I saw them they were both over at our track riding a pair of four month browns.”

“Is one of the browns that mare that I bought from the traders; the one that’s in her thirties?” Randor asked.

“That’s the one. Prindor is riding her and Lani is on one of the young fillies,” Rolf said.

“Well, let’s leave them to it,” he said. “Four months can be a real critical time in a pony’s training. You and I can take care of the next step with the new four which is to start strengthening their legs and backs.”

“What’s so special about four months that I need to learn?” Rolf asked.

“I’ll start going over all the details with you as you start picking up your new duties as a trainer. You already know all the basics, obviously, or you wouldn’t have gotten the job.” Randor said.

“As you know, most ponies train out in about six months,” he continued. “The first three are almost all physical to build strength and endurance and to enhance the effect of their diet. Usually, toward the end of the third month, a pony gets ridden for the first time. For a couple of weeks, that doesn’t seem to bother most ponies because they just want to please their trainers.”

“Was that what happened with me and the big chestnut last night, she just wanted to please me?” Rolf asked. “She seemed to want me to get on her back.”

“Exactly,” Randor replied. “But what she did last night was out of her fear over what has happened to her. These past three weeks have to have been pretty frightening for an animal like her. Her whole world has changed. You had been very gentle with her right from the beginning, so she sort of sees you as a source of protection from her fear.”

“Anyway, at four months after a couple of weeks of riding, many ponies generally start to resent the fact that the little creatures, as they must see us, sitting on their backs are in control of everything they do. That’s when some rebellion normally sets in that must be dealt with correctly,” he went on.

“Do you think that will happen with the chestnut?” Rolf asked.

“At some point in her training she’ll probably start to resent being ridden, even by you, and how you handle her then will make a big difference. But don’t worry, when and if that happens we will all be here to help guide you through it,” Randor concluded. “Now let’s get over there and get started with them. Get rid of that wagon and meet me back at stable one.”

“I’ll drop it with the handlers I saw at stable two, and be right with you,” he said flipping the reins across the backs of Lana and Beth to start them pulling the wagon again. He then guided the big ponies into a wide left turn towards the stable he had mentioned.

Ponies in training were segregated according to the number of months of training they had received, and were moved from stable to stable as their experience increased. Stable one, for new or wild girls, had twelve stalls. Stable two for ponies with two to three months of training had sixteen stalls, as did stable three for four and five month girls. Stable four with its thirty stalls housed six month or “graduated” ponies that were being readied for sale. It was also used for the ponies that Randor took in for re-training.

Stable five, by far the largest, contained thirty six stalls, and was where Randor and all of the employees who either lived on the premises or close by kept their personal mounts. Ten of the stalls in stable five were much larger than the others and that was where Randor, Latkin and the trainers kept their mounts. Vixin, Berin and Lacie all had their stalls in stable five along with Lani’s spirited young black, Topi, and Rena’s older brown, Jengi. Tana and Beth, the two huge pack and draft ponies also had large stalls in stable five. The pole barn was primarily used by visitors and for the large number of prospective buyers and the many onlookers who generally attended Randor’s sales auctions.

Back at stable one, Katryn, Madi, Lyra and Cynda had all been returned to their stalls. They had been fed and watered and rested for over an hour. The female handler to whom Randor had spoken when he had dropped Katryn off for exercise had waited to talk with him.

“Mr. Randor,” she said. “You wanted me to wait and tell you about the new pony you hitched to the carousel I was working this morning.”

“Well, tell me, what did she do, try to turn the whole thing over?” He laughed.

“At one point it almost seemed that was what she was trying to do Sir,” she said with a touch of trepidation. “She ran just fine until just after you had left, then she suddenly dug her heels in and stopped, dragging everything to a halt. She stood there and kept the whole carousel from turning. Of course the pull was in the back of her collar where for the others it was in the front, but still, five against one, I could hardly believe it, Sir.”

“Is that all, what happened next?” he asked.

“I knew you wanted them to be run, Sir, so I got after her with my switch, and let her have it. It took about a half dozen good stripes, but finally she started off again. The others were all five month girls, and recognized her right off as a new wild one. They were all pretty upset at having been dragged to a stop, so they all took off and tried to give the new one a run she wouldn’t soon forget,” the trainer reported.

“We ran them just like you said for half hour intervals with water breaks, and the little strawberry kept pace with those five month ponies right up until the last interval when she finally began to fade. When she finally started slowing the others quit trying to hurry her and just seemed to match her pace for the last ten minutes or so. In five years of working here, I’ve never seen anything quite like it. A wild girl keeping pace with five month girls, it’s unheard of,” she said.

“But it gets even more unusual,” she added. “You know, Sir, how experienced ponies usually treat the new ones. They really look down on them and treat them something awful.”

“I know, that’s why we keep them in separate stables as they progress,” Randor injected. “What happened?”

“Well, when we unhitched them all from the carousel all five of the experienced ponies came up to the little strawberry and nuzzled and rubbed against her. It was like they were telling her what a good job she had done,” the young trainer commented.

“What did the little red do then?” he asked.

“At first she didn’t like it, but once she seemed to understand that they were being nice to her, she nuzzled them right back like they were old friends,” the young Elf said.

“After that I brought her back here and the handlers that had been running your other three new ponies showed up about the same time. We unbridled, fed and watered them and left them to rest to be ready for you when you got here,” she added.

“Well thank you. Ani, isn’t it? You did a good job this morning. Mr. Rolf and I will take over from here.”

“Oh, were you able to get their bridles back on them after you fed them?” He asked and she turned as she was leaving.

“Yes Sir, except for the red.” Ani answered. “She just wasn’t about to let me do it. I kept trying up until just a few minutes ago. The other three all just opened up when we presented the bits to them and let us bridle them right up, but not the red. I figured that I’d better wait for you. And, yes Sir, Ani is my name, I’m just surprised that you remember it. I’ve only worked here for a few months,” she said with obvious appreciation.

“Well, good job, Ani,” Randor replied. “You were right not to try to force her. She and I have been having a contest of wills ever since we first caught her, and it doesn’t look like it is going to end soon.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Ani said as she turned and left the stable to return to her duties elsewhere.

“Okay, Rolf, let’s get these four harnessed and out pulling the sleds,” Randor said to the young elf. “They’ve been on pony feed for over three weeks, now, and we need to start giving them some real heavy exercise.”

The feed that Randor spoke about was, of course the sole diet that all of the Elves’ ponies received. Bad tasting as it had been for them at first, all of the four had grown to actually enjoy it. In addition to being extremely nourishing, the feed also contained a number of herbal and mineral additives that, along with very rigorous exercise, produced a variety of physical changes in the girls’ bodies that the Elves desired in their mounts and draft animals. One of the most significant of these changes came in the form of greatly extended life expectancy, and significantly delayed ageing. On average, Elves’ ponies lived around one hundred and thirty years while maintaining much of their youthful strength and appearance until well over one hundred.

Although this diet and exercise program greatly increased the expected lifespan of their livestock, of even greater importance to the Elves was the very significant increase it brought about in physical strength and endurance. A human’s muscles, bones and connective tissue underwent a major change resulting in a near tripling of strength. The change began so quickly and was so significant that it likely took place on a molecular level.

The muscles of most animals are several times stronger pound for pound than those of humans. A deer or even a house cat can jump over an obstacle several times its own height. This was the nature of the physical changes that the Elves’ animal feed brought about in the humans that consumed it. When combined with exercise of increasing intensity over several months, the results of the regimen were quite remarkable. Katryn’s musing that Vixin might be capable of carrying the overweight Elder on her back was not a bit farfetched as she had thought. Even with her smaller stature, by the time she finished her training and conditioning, Katryn herself would be capable of carrying a normal sized adult male for some distance provided she wore a well fitted saddle to properly distribute his weight.

After inspecting the four ponies in their stalls, Randor and Rolf went to the stable’s tack room together to get training harnesses for them. Rolf knew what type of harnesses was required for the afternoon’s exercises, but Randor accompanied him just to make sure he selected the right sizes. Shortly, they were back at the girls’ stalls.

“Rolf,” said Randor. “This time I’m going to take the little red first. She will expect to be last and going first may catch her off guard before she has figured out how she wants to be ornery this time. If she does behave, the two blacks may do the same. Do you think you’re going to have trouble with your big chestnut?”

Until that point, Rolf had never thought of Cynda as his big chestnut. The idea began to take root. After all she was big and powerful like Vixin, and although not a thoroughbred like Lacie, was certainly a beautiful animal. She was also a dream to ride, or so he thought from last night’s brief experience.

The exercise that the ponies were going to get this afternoon, they were probably not going to like much. They were going to be harnessed and made to draw heavy wooden sleds around on the soft earth of one of the paddocks. Elves would be riding on the sleds controlling the ponies with reins and whip. The sleds would be weighted with bags of sand at the rear. The real load would be controlled by how far forward each Elf driver stood on the sled. The farther forward the driver stood on the sled, the more his or her weight would bear down on the front of the sled’s skids increasing the load. This allowed a driver to keep the effort required of a girl near her physical limit which greatly accelerated the development of her strength.

For buggies and the like, speed was what drivers was generally seeking, so whether hitched individually or in teams, ponies and males could run faster in a more upright position providing that the load was light enough. These “buggy harnesses” as they were called, placed the load on the hips and lower abdomen of the animal. They did include light lined and padded shoulder straps that crossed the chest and back connecting to the hip belt at the sides where the animal was hitched to his or her load. These shoulder straps helped to distribute the load whenever it might become heavier such as when climbing hills or handling rough terrain.

For drawing really heavy loads such as wagons or plows or training sleds, quite different types of harnesses, generally called “wagon harnesses,” were used. For a two legged animal to pull a really heavy load they must be able to lean forward and really “put their backs into it.” The wagon harness was designed for just such service.

Wagon harnesses had a rigid lined and heavily padded so called “draft collar” which was not a collar in the usual sense but more of a yoke-like device. It was made of a very light but strong hard wood contoured to fit the shoulders then heavily padded and leather covered with the underside where it rested on the animal’s shoulders lined in soft suede. The opening in the center of a draft collar was large enough that it was put on simply by lowering it over the head until it rested on the shoulders. Heavy straps, each with a buckle for adjustment, brought the load being drawn to the draft collar from a wide padded “hip belt”. These straps crossed the body both in the front and back and joined the hip belt at the sides where heavy metal rings were attached. The traces, usually chains, attached to these rings and then to the load generally through a singletree for a single animal or a doubletree for a pair or team.

On harnesses for males, the heavy straps between the draft collar and the hip belt simply crossed the body in the front as well as in the back. Harnesses for females were made somewhat differently due to her breasts. In most cases, a pony’s breasts would interfere with the crossing of the heavy straps between the draft collar and hip belt. Therefore instead of having a horizontal front bar like one made for males, the front bar of a draft collar for females came to a point in its center pointing downward between her breasts. From that point, a short length of thick leather or polished chain drooped between the breasts to a point just below them where it terminated in a metal ring about two inches in diameter. Two heavy adjustable straps then connected this ring with the sides of the hip belt where the trace rings were attached.

As a result of their carefully controlled diet and almost constant exercise, most of the ponies used by Elves had firm but small to medium sized breasts. However, even medium sized breasts rarely have sufficient space between them for the straps of a male’s harness to cross in comfort. Some small breasted ponies could wear harnesses made for smaller males, but these ponies were an exception, not the rule. Also, even with diet and exercise, some ponies were just “big chested” as Bothar had described the black that Rolf had ridden to his place two days earlier. Ponies like her definitely did not have much space between their large breasts, and definitely required harnesses made for females.

Large breasted ponies also required breast support to prevent the discomfort and possible injury that could come from excessive bouncing when ridden or driven at a fast pace. Leather half cup brassiere-like support halters were often used on such ponies to protect their breasts. However, when he rode her to Bothar’s, Rolf had not used such a device on the black. Instead he held her back and only allowed her to pace rather than run as she would have preferred.

The black, like all humans on the Elves’ diet and exercise regimen had developed a real desire to run. Running or any strenuous exercise produces an endorphin “rush” in a human body in good physical condition producing feelings of pleasure and well being. The Elves’ training regimen also increased endorphin production, so that such feelings were significantly enhanced. This, of course, fit the Elves’ purposes perfectly as traveling faster was a primary reason for their use of ponies for riding or drawing their conveyances.

Selecting a wagon harness and set of reins from the tack room, Randor carried them out and laid them on the stable floor next to the hitching post just outside of Katryn’s stall. The young filly had been standing in her stall watching him through the bars. When in the tack room, Randor had also picked up a riding whip which now hung from his belt, which she had not failed to notice. Walking into her stall, he untied her lead rope from the wall ring and grasping it right below her collar, led her out and tied her rather closely to the post.

Katryn was surprisingly fully recovered from her morning run, and was still feeling the endorphin induced pleasure from the workout. That combined with the elf’s sense of purpose and the presence of the whip caused her to think, “This may not be the best time to test this elf. Besides, I’m just a bit curious as to what they are going to try next with us.”

Katryn knelt quickly for Randor and offered no resistance as he put her bridle back on. Randor was totally surprised when he presented the bit and the filly promptly opened her mouth to accept it. She then lowered her head allowing him to easily fasten the buckles. As he presented the bit and prior to lowering her head, she had locked eyes with him as if to say, “Okay, I won’t fight you this time, but it is my choice, not yours.” Randor smiled, and tousled her hair after buckling on her bridle.

Stepping behind her, he began to massage her shoulders to loosen them up for the hard pulling she was soon going to be doing. Once he felt her muscles relaxing he picked up the harness and lowered the draft collar on to her shoulders, letting the opened hip belt, as it hung from the straps and chain, drop to her waist in front of her. Hip belts all buckle in the back out of the reach of the wearer’s hands which are, of course, connected to their security collars. The filly immediately turned her head to look at him, but still offered no resistance.

All the while that he was working with her Randor was constantly talking to Katryn in a soothing voice. “Good girl, good girl, relax girl, I’m not going to hurt you, girl.” She could not understand what he was saying, but was beginning to recognize certain repeated sounds, and she did like the soothing tone of his voice.

“I wonder what that one sound means that he keeps saying over and over,” Katryn thought to herself. They all certainly speak differently to us than they do to each other.” In working with their animals, Elves had learned long ago to speak to them slowly and in a lower register as the normal high pitch and very rapid delivery of Elf speech had a tendency to make them jittery.

Since arriving at the Elves’ village she had seen other ponies wearing similar devices and also remembered the four males she had seen drawing the heavy wagon. “This thing is a harness,” Katryn thought to herself suddenly. “I don’t want to be hitched up and made to pull something for him.”

As she started to move her left foot to get it beneath her to rise from her knees, Randor, still standing behind her, placed his left foot on top of the back of Katryn’s calf, and pressed down gently which caused her to hesitate. At the same time he put his left hand on the draft collar on her left shoulder pressing down gently while saying in his softest voice, “Hold girl, easy girl easy girl.” He also began stroking her head with his right hand.

This response from the Elf rather than a forceful yank on her lead rope or a cut with his whip caught Katryn off her guard. She had really wanted a fight with him over whether or not she was going to be harnessed. Her plan had been to get to her feet so that she could bend over and shake the thing off of her shoulders as it was only resting there and had not as yet been fastened on her. She again turned her head to look back at Randor over her shoulder and stared at him. Katryn well knew that she was certainly strong enough to overcome the pressure on the back of her calf and shoulder and could easily have forced the Elf back and rise to her feet. However, he had not attempted to force her leg back down with his foot. He had only placed it there to show her that he did not want her to stand, and the pressure on her shoulder was gentle as well. Realizing that she was not going to get the fight that she wanted right now, Katryn hesitated.

Randor seemed to completely ignore the filly’s attempt to rise to her feet and proceeded with her harnessing. While Katryn was trying to decide whether or not to resist him at this point, he quickly buckled the harness on her body. In the tack room earlier, he had selected a harness and adjusted it to where he felt that it would fit her short stature. His estimation proved to be correct, and only minor final adjustments were required which Katryn allowed him to make.

In the tack room Randor had unbuckled and removed the center strap that normally ran between the legs to keep the hip belt settled on a filly’s hips. This was because he knew that new ponies often wet themselves under the strain of pulling a training sled for the first time. Also the pressure of that strap when precisely adjusted provided a pleasant stimulus for the girl wearing one, and he preferred to save it to use as a reward for good performance.

Clipping a set of ten foot reins to Katryn’s bit, Randor tied them to the post ring then removed the lead rope from her collar. At this point she was on her feet standing near the post and Randor simply turned from her and walked to the next post where Rolf was finishing harnessing Cynda. She had not resisted his harnessing her. While he was working on her she had continuously tried to nuzzle and rub her body against the elf. Cynda had received several stripes from the handler’s switch this morning when she had tried to slow down on the carousel which had brought her to tears as usual. Since it had been the handler who had switched her, not Rolf, Cynda was trying court his affection as usual.

“He has never hurt me where some of the others have. If I can only keep him interested in me maybe he will keep the others from switching me like they did this morning,” she thought to herself.

“I know I didn’t want the others to see him riding me last night, but maybe I shouldn’t have stopped there outside the door. Maybe he wanted to show me off to the other elves, and I didn’t let him do that. I should have just carried him right back inside,” her thoughts continued. “I do so want him to take care of me and protect me.”

In trying to curry Rolf’s favor, Cynda offered no resistance whatever to his harnessing her. She knelt when he pulled down on her lead, and stood when he pulled up. As a result, he was quickly finished and had her tied to her post by the long reins just like Katryn.

Randor and Rolf actually had more trouble with Madi and Lyra than they had had with the other two. The sisters had become somewhat accustomed to the attentions of Latkin and Prindor and having two new trainers caused a little resentment. However, in fairly short order the two young blacks were also harnessed.

The four ponies were about to begin their training in earnest.