The ponycart thundered through the forest, urged on by Madam Chou and her buggy whip.
Bethany couldn't understand how quickly their situation had changed. Before today, these excursions to Madam Chou's had been a fun thing; with them gently trotting around her private estate pulling a little sulky in bikinis and a soft leather harness...
Then today she and Lisa had been shown a new ponycart. This one looked like a rickshaw; but where the crossbar at the end of the shafts should have been was an intricate metal framework...
"First, I want you to put these on." said Madam Chou as she handed them each a pair of leather mittens which ended in faux pony hooves.
It took a help from the Madam to get them on but before they could realize that their hands had been rendered useless, she had them standing between the shafts.
"Place your hips against the waist ring and bend over."
They did and their necks slipped into the bottom arc of the metal collar at the front. A moment later and their waists and necks were locked into place and Madam Chou was securing their wrists into the irons mounted under each collar.
"Now try to stand upright." she commanded.
The action was impossible. All their effort in trying to rise from their bent over posture was to bend the springs of the carts suspension slightly as they tried to lever the wheels further into the ground.
The mistress dressed them in their head harnesses - new ones with a rubber pony's muzzle attached to the bit that obscured their faces and then she pulled out a knife and began to slice off their swimsuits.
"Well my sweet white bitches, you wanted to become ponygirls and now you are. All it needs now is for me to stick a couple of ponytail buttplugs into you and get you immured in your new racing posture and then you'll be ready for your new owner to take you away. there's another set of woods far away on an island in the middle of a lake that has a stable with your names on it's stalls. there you'll be running around the island providing rides for rich folk who like a bit of kink on their holidays and who knows? With the money I'll get from selling you two, I might be able to take a holiday there some time soon.